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Welcome to The Rhode Island Paranormal Research Group's Message and Discussion Forum.
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Attacted by mind

Hey there,

Aright I am not sure if this paranormal are not. I keep on hearing voices in my head like in a form of psychic attack but I thinking it mind being attack.

There saying stuff like evil demons around and or in me. I was wander what can I do to protect and what objects can I wear other then my cross and Irish knot?

Re: Attacted by mind

I'm not qualified to determine whether what you are experiencing is paranormal or not. All I can suggest is that you eliminate the non-paranormal first. Do you drink alot of coffee or caffiene drinks (like Red Bull)? A British study just confirmed that people who drink alot of caffiene tend to hallucinate, including hearing voices. There could be a physical cause for what is happening to you. I would suggest a checkup with a physician to eliminate any physiological causes like a chemical imbalance.