Welcome to The Rhode Island Paranormal Research Group's Message and Discussion Forum.

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Welcome to The Rhode Island Paranormal Research Group's Message and Discussion Forum.
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Attending a meeting

Ever since your visiting my class last week I and my friends have been going through old photos and finding things we think might be ghosts. Pretty scary, actually!

Is it possible for the public to attend the meetings where you review such things?

BTW, your presentation was fascinating! It was great to get an understanding of what you people really do as compared to what we see on TV. I'm not sure if I could do what you people do. The voice recordings you played are still creeping me out! LOL

Sandy Marcotte

Re: Attending a meeting

What we usually do is ask people to send us their photos and we will review them at an evidence meeting. Then we let them know whether their photo is paranormal, non-paranormal or inconclusive. Due to the confidential nature of most of our cases, our meetings are closed to the public. We would love to see your photos, so please feel free to either mail or e-mail them to us with a brief description of what we should be looking at (or for). Some EVP can be very disturbing. Even after years of working with EVP and reviewing hundreds of sound files, there are still some that"creep me out"! Keep the faith.

Re: Attending a meeting

That's what we thought, but we had to try---right?lol

The investigator who spoke to us explained tripg was pretty big on confidentiality and we admire that. We'll send in our photos in as soon as we get the chance.

Where are you guys speaking next???
