Welcome to The Rhode Island Paranormal Research Group's Message and Discussion Forum.

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Welcome to The Rhode Island Paranormal Research Group's Message and Discussion Forum.
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Hi I am the founder of LiPD long island paranormal detectives. we are a small group at the moment but our members have come from other groups with a lot of experience in the paranormal. I just wanted to touch base with our neighbors in new england. I think all groups should try to work together toward a common goal that being the public and scientific community take us serious about what we do, I think if more groups would work together rather than be rivals we could achieve this goal, what are your thoughts about this. thank you for reading my rant lol

Re: hello

Hi Gabe and welcome to the paranormal community.

I totally agree. We all benefit so much more when groups collaborate and share what information they can. Beside that, it makes what we do all that more fun!

If there's anything I/we can do to help, by all means please let us know.


Andy Laird

Re: hello

thanks for the response, well if you have any suggestions on how to get groups to work together that would be great, sadly here on long island everyone seems to be a rival, which is why its so hard to get cases here. I dont understand why groups feel the need to be "better" than others when what we should be concerned about is being better overall. any ideas on how to unite would be greatly appreciated. hats off to your group, you set the example of how all groups should be, love your site, its so informative, bravo!

Re: hello

Believe me, if I had those answers I'd run for president.LOL We simply offer our hand and sometimes others take it. But you're right, competition is fierce, you even see it at conferences. Sadly, as long as people want to be the stars on the next (non)reality TV. We call it trading flashlights for spotlights.