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Welcome to The Rhode Island Paranormal Research Group's Message and Discussion Forum.
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RI Werewolf Legend

While researching New England folklore, I came across a 1600s tract referencing a Jesuit Priest in Portsmouth, RI who was suspected of being a werewolf. Further effrots to learn more about this until-now unknown episode in RI history has only brought more frustration than results. Do your researchers or archives contain any information on this subject? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. - Bill

Re: RI Werewolf Legend

I've heard about this story through a few dependable resources, actually. I even became interested in researching it myself a while ago but became stonewalled due to there being no real documentation on the case. However, all the versions I've heard seem to agree on the "fact" that a Portsmouth (RI,USA) priest was accused and jailed for his attacks on several people and livestock.

My resources at the time included several senior citizens who spoke to me about the urban legend after a lecture visit. Your best resource sometimes for a lot of research!


Re: RI Werewolf Legend

As a child, I'd heard this story quite often in school as well as from both my parents and my grandmother. As far as I know the werewolf case really did happen in the late 1600s. The thing I remember the most was at Halloween, there would always be the one kid picked out from the others who would be dared to howl and see if his ghost replied in kind.

Lillie Weaver
Newport, RI

Re: RI Werewolf Legend

Thanks, Lillie.

Re: RI Werewolf Legend

I heard about this stroy in history class last year (Classical High, RI). There must be some truth to it.

Re: RI Werewolf Legend

I'm john c. I need to see real werewolves and not fake stories about them we need to find real werewolves

Re: RI Werewolf Legend

We need to see real werewolves not in movies but in real life