Icelandic Horse Message Board

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Regaining trust after bad spook


I own a 15 yr old Icelandic gelding I bought 2 years ago. He had been abused (I don't know the history) and had a huge trust issue with people. Over time I gained his trust and respect. Last year I started working him with Pat Parelli's Level 1 program and was quite successful with it. Not long ago I took him for an in hand walk and while out we came across a parked, motor running, lights flashing NSTAR truck. Galsi's immediate reaction was to flee from such a monster and off he went at a full gallop. With the help of my barn owner we got Galsi home safely and I've not been able to halter him since!! I have been causing him to run every time he runs off when I approach him with the halter. He will turn into to me and walk up but when I approach with the halter the immediately flees. I can do liberty work with my hands, body and voice but the minute that halter is in sight he is off and away. The vet is due in in two weeks for Spring shots. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Regaining trust after bad spook

Hi Diana, you might ask on the IceHorses email list:

There are a lot of members there and you would probably get a lot of responses.

Some Icelandic Horses are similar to yours just by birth. Some are born calm and some are nervous.

If it was my horse, I would start by checking his feed. Nothing hot, no alfalfa, no supplements without knowing what's in them.

I would give a low sugar grass (I use bermuda for my horses), and supplement with something like TracGuard, or B vitamins, or magnesium. These are all supposed to be calming things.

Then I would start working with him with clicker training. Touch the target, click, treat. It usually helps with these types of Icelandics.

Check the Icelandic Horse Connection website

and the IceHorses list archives (address above) for more information, and also check the ClickRyder blog

and my youtube videos:

If you need help, please let me know. We're here to provide assistance.

