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Some Non Greek Orgs have Demonic Rituals too

Some Non Greek Orgs have Demonic Rituals too

I pledged two Non Greek Orgs a lot of these orgs have members from GLOs. You have different types of Non Greek Orgs such as professional orgs for different majors (business, technology, nursing, medical, etc), military, band, etc. Some of these orgs have different Rituals to them that might not be of God. The orgs that I dealt with were professional orgs in one of them I had to be blinded folded. In Free Masonary it is called a Hood Wink in which the candidate is blinded and is in spiritual darkness. I had to carry a candle around with me in my pocket I guess searching for some type of light. When you pledge any org it seems cool because you are on this journey and you re trying to make it to the other side but you don't really know what is going on. A lot of these orgs have members in them that are a part of different GLOs so they incorporate different aspects of their org into different Non Greek Orgs. Yes I pledged on line for both of these organizations so I was hazed well as least for the one. The other because I wasn’t able to see my Dean face to face I wasn’t able to go through the real hard process. Non Greek Orgs don’t pledge as hard as Greek Orgs but believe you me they can prepare you for pledging a GLO. Matter a fact on line I was punched in my chest and the blood vessels were broken in my chest so I had that black and blue mark I prayed to God because I figured he would heal me because he had the power to he did. But God only looks out for someone on line because he cares for that person not because he wans them going through hazing. I think if people knew that it wasn't right and goes again the body they wouldn't even think about pledging because they know God would not protect them. The only reason why he protects Christians on line is because they are ignorant of the fact that it goes against God once God knows you know you on your own. One thing about Non-Greeks is that in some cases GLOs want people to join Non Greek Frats and Sorors so that they can get a sense of what it will be like to be in a Greek Org as well as know what the pledge process will be like. A lot of things that are incorporated in these orgs are done in peoples pledge processes. In my process I had to deal with being reborn or rebirth. Seeking Light and being in spiritual Darkness. I had to deal with the Death March and Cross the Burning Sands just like a GLO. I went up a few Degrees just like in Free Masonary in my process. Some GLOs go up Degrees I guess that is why they are attracted to Free Masonary and the Eastern Stars. I had to do dfferent things which I wasn’t even to sure what the implications mean when it comes to this org. The other org because of the fact that things were going on in the org as a whole I couldn’t cross I know that they had Rituals and they also had a lot of members who are in GLOs. I know that when I looked at their crest they had a diamond with four symbols on it one was a Bible, a Text Book, A Cap and Diploma but the other symbol was the Ying and Yang which I didn't know is a Demonic Symbol. I think sometimes we don't even know the nature of these things until we really study them.

"Yin-Yang In Chinese philosophy, two great opposite principles or forces on whose interplay everything depends. Yang is male, light and positive, Yin is female , dark and negative."

There is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc who started a Non Greek Org called Rho Phi Rho so a lot of people incorporate different aspects from Free Masonary, East Stars, GLOs into these Non Greek Orgs because they have understanding of Rituals. Which can go against God not saying all of them are Un-Godly not saying they are either just saying that. Some people join these orgs before they join GLOs or because they might be majoring in something and a Non Greek Org might be good for Brotherhood or Sisterhood with those in their majors. It could be someone interested in joining the Band at College and it might have stuff that goes against God and not even realize these things. Also now you have a lot of Orders in different Non Greek Orgs they incorporate Free Masonary in it because different people were Masons and put different information in these Rituals. I know that most of them thinking they are doing a good thing by this but a lot of these things can bring about depending on what they put it can create spiritual darkness for those joining these Non Greek Orgs going through different Rituals. We can have the best intentions but doesn't mean that the devil has good intention at all.