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GLO's Exposed Discussion Forum
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I have two questions:

1. Was Jesus a Christian?
2. Who establish the Christian Church and Rituals by
which you follow?

You never address either of those questions in my previous posts.


This is absolutely amazing. I was just on this site
several hours ago and this post wasn't even here then.
Now it has been viewed 26 times already. That tells me that people are very inquisitive, but are reluctant to say too much. I would suffice to say that in your spirits, you know that you're searching for the Truth of the ONE TRUE GOD who so "fearfully and wonderfully made" you. Guess what, that same God is not pleased with actions and feelings of devotion to any other god/entity, or so-called "higher power." Exodus 34:14 tells us that God's very name is JEALOUS. Be on the lookout for the National Conference regarding why Christians shouldn't practice Freemasonry and its offspring organizations-
Gail Gray--Author, 'Offspring of Abomination'


Remember Gail that outsiders cannot respond. But i have not received any e-mails yet. I did get a phone call from a non-greek.


I like that---"outsiders."


Thanks for reminding me of that as well. It's a great idea because only where there is unity will GOD command His blessings. In terms of the conference, I'll be referring to it as the Midwest Christian Leaders Conference. Although you won't necessarily have to be on the leadership team in your church, I'd like for those who are looking to THE CHRISTIAN VIEW----NOT THE "CHRISTIAN WORLD VIEW--to resolve this whole lie that's infecting the Body of Christ. In GOD's sight and His alone, there are no Christian Greeks and cglos. The devil is a lying wonder!!!
More info. will be forthcoming. Email me at:

Gail Gray


I received a message from someone who was "blocked out" and he expressed his discontenment with this new set up. There are enough sites that support so-called Christians who are straddling the fence. One feet in God's Kingdom and one in Greekdom. They are NOT one in the same. One causes you to totally compromise what should be an undaunting Faith in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He said that this site has become watered down due to the lack of debate and was a "punk move"--that we are just cheering one another on and giving spiritual high fives--so to speak of course. Anyway, "let GOD be true, but every man be a liar." Search the scriptures for that one-if you really believe what the Holy Bible says it truth.
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is death"(spiritual and natural). What's really being watered down and weakened here is God's Word.


Then I will just have to be a punk to this person. This is the whole problem with greekdom. This is why people get beat downs. They do not have the strength and moral character to stand up to people like this. If this person wants to debate, they can e-mail me or anyone else who makes their e-mail addresses public.

Let's get back to Kappa! Now if this guy is a Kappa, he can refute this info with me. 919/278-8911


I have been talking with the Kappas as well. I will give you feedback later.


It has now been viewed over 500 times. I have received only a few e-mails about Kappa. This says, if not proves something; that all most people wanted to do was GRANDSTAND. They wanted to offer no facts or proof for their comments, and certainly no biblical reasoning for their comments. I found it easier to do it this way than to monitor every post.


Check This link out. Click the links on the page about broken canes. And there are people who justify this. Ones who call themselves Christians.


A man pulls out of Kappa 1 hour before the meeting is supposed to start. Praise God!


I will place an initial portion of this to the guestbook. The rest will be posted in the Kappa Alpha Exposed section of the Forum.

I can only speak as a member of KAPsi when saying that my organization has a Christian founding based upon Christian principles. Now, over many years, many of these principles have been perverted by members of the organization. That does not eliminate the Christianity within the foundation of the establishment.
Min. H
Wrong- They were corrupted from the very beginning. There are origins that go beyond your founding fathers. What are those Christian foundations? How does APOLLO fit in to these Christian Principles?

When I was in middle school, the Kappas mentored me through our Guide Right program and I mostly remember how they instilled the passion for service to others, and listening to Commissioned on the stereo. being in a school setting, I don't think that they could just come out and tell me, "hey kid, choose Jesus," but that's what I and many of the others got, some of my friends were turned off by it, however I was not.
Min. H
Are you paper? A simple yes or no will do.

As a Christian it is my job to deliver the good news of Jesus to Christ to the world. My allegiance is to Him, I am affiliated with my fraternity. We are called as Christians to develop relationships with others through the love of Jesus. I try to always relate to my fraternity brothers and people in general in this fashion to show that Christ is Real and that He has bigger plans for the fraternity than just trying to be a pretty boy.

Min. H
Is eliminating the worship of a false god one of those things? As a matter of fact, would you please state the meaning of the arm with the spear in hand as a good gesture thqat Christ is real and worship of false gods is ungodly.
The unfortunate thing is that everything stated on this site about fraternities can be equally said about the church. Many of the congregations around the world have become so ritualistic in their developed religion that true relationship with Jesus is often never attained by members. Establishments of the church that have been man made sometimes become sacred when they have no firm biblical basis for their institution.

Min. H
But the church is not founded by man, nor is it subject to man's rules. The church has the authority and right to expel sinners. How about GLO's? Is this the case in your church?
Oh ye! Let me make it clear; the church ansecret societies cannot be equated, so your correlation between the two is useless. You do not see a perversion of secret societies in the early church.

Hopefully, we can begin to stop bashing people because of their affiliations; recognize that everyone is afflicted through an affiliation with sin, and begin to love them as Christ has commanded, rather than cast judgement. There is one truth and that is that Jesus is ONLY WAY to God, and regardless if you are greek or not you need Him. For people who are in orgs, I don't suggest you "de-pledge" or whatever, instead shine the Light of Christ into the dark places of your organization and lead your brothers and/or sisters into a true repentence and true relationship with Christ.
This can be done outside the organization just as easily. What are those dark places? Care to mention some that are deeply ingrained in the organization? It's you telling everyione who comes hear to be a light. WELL BE A LIGHT! Start revealing the darkness in your rituals first!!!!!!!
Jesus is a restorer and redeemer, and I believe myself to be one of his many vessels that He'll use to restore my org back to Him.

Min. H
I am not bashing your affiliation, I am bashing what you are affiliated to, and it does matter what you join yourself to. Would you align yourself with Planned Parenthood? Would you align yourself with NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association)? Would you align yourself with the pornography industry? Would you endorse passing out condoms to teenagers?

Your organization was never with Him.

These organizations are not worth trying to restore, only the people to Christ. And if you claim the church is so messed up, WHICH ORGANIZATION IS WORTH MORE TO RESTORE, YOUR FRAT or Jesus Christ's BLOOD BOUGHT CHURCH? Souls are restored, not organizations. Since your organization and other GLO's allow sinners to JOIN, SIN will always prevail as it always has done. You are welcoming UNEQUAL YOKES INTO these organizations. They organizations were never perverted. They were perverted from the beginning. People did nothing to make Kappa bad, they only took things to the next possible conclusion, GREATER ABOMINATIONS. (SEE EZEKIEL 8)

The problem with your plan is that no steps are being made to exact this. ALL CHRISTIANS RIGHT NOW COULD GO TO THEIR RESPECTIVE EXECUTIVE BODIES WITH DEMANDS TO MAKE CHANGES. THIS COULD HAVE BEEN DONE YEARS AGO WHEN I MENTIONED IT. INSTEAD, BELIEVERS HAVE BEEN MET WITH EXCUSES AND RESISTANCE. Christians would rather acquisce than truly try to change the organization.

I will tell you what's in the way once you prove it by your response.

I am not personally attacking people in GLO's. My problem is with the GLO's themselves.

God Bless!

Re: EXPOSING KAPPA ALPHA PSI- 1997 Constitution

I was looking at the 1997 Constitution of Kappa Alpha Psi. I noticed they had Invictus in it. What was odd is that they changed "whatever gods may be", to whatever God may be. An ex-kappa and myself made two observations.

1.) Someone must have had a conscience that something about was wrong to the point they changed it from gods to God.

2.) It looks good on the surface, but still mirrors everything these orgs are about; religious pluralism. "WHATEVER GOD MAY BE"???????? This is actually no different than saying gods. This statement is eerily similar to one made in some Delta Sigma Theta literature, which says that DST believes in a "SPIRITUAL" life, but leaves it to the individual to choose the medium in how they serve that life. I will reply with the exact quote later. But both statements are one in the same.

However, I do give Kappa and someone or some people some credit for making the change, although the reality is it changes nothing.


Please send me a copy of the Kappa Alpha Psi rituals


Please send me a copy of the Kappa Alpha Psi rituals

I will send you excerpts along with a biblical worldview commentary.


I have two questions:

1. Was Jesus a Christian?
2. Who establish the Christian Church and Rituals by
which you follow?

You never address either of those questions in my previous posts.

I believe I did answer your questions, but these two were not in your previous posts.

No Jesus was not a Christian, and the only two things we perform are communion and baptism. Jesus established both by His command. Matthew 28 and Luke 22.


OK. And that's my point. Many Christians blindly follow rituals established not by Christ but by men who, because of political concerns, decided how other men should praise God. That is one reason why the Gnostic writing were not included in the Bible. Those writings spoke of people having a direct link to god; not having to go through the Pope, Bishop, Pastor or so-called Paster preaching a bunch on nonsense. And who deemed these men appropriate vessels for the message of Christ? These same men who were part of the most perverse society to date? Come on. The Christian Church is a direct offshot of what happened at Nicea. This is confirmed since there are no direct writings of Christ, whenther in the Bible, which is extentially a catalog of writings nor the Old testiment which is the Torah.

I say this to say that it's not about pointing out what people are doing wrong according to man's idea of what Christ meant, but it's about living how Christ lived. The Christian Church as well as many of it's writings comes directly from the African Diaspora. Instead, the Christian church would have you believe that everything revolves around the European/Judaic diaspora; which is out an out lie.

The great awakening will be when people begin to understand that they have a direct path to follow Christ. Not one that needs to be critique by mere men, such as yourself. No man, no matter what tribulations they've traverved is in a position to judge another like you have done. No disrespect. You speak of how you pledge individuals and how you had an ephiphany after the fact. I say that you knew what you were doing was wrong and you were not man enough to stand up at the time and fight for those who could not fight for themselves. That is the testiment of a true follower of Christ. When you are in the eye of the hurricane being able to stand correct and with courage.

Like I said before, lead by example whilst telling the truth: this is one of the most difficult thing to do for most Christians.

Christians and being a follower of Christ are, unfortunately, not synonymous.


Min. H

As you read below, it is easy to see that Sammy does not hold a Biblical Worldview. I will allow you, the reader, to come to your own conclusions.

"OK. And that's my point. Many Christians blindly follow rituals established not by Christ but by men who, because of political concerns, decided how other men should praise God.

Min. H
If you mean the Apostles, they were far from being politically correct. They did not make the decisions on how other men should praise God.

"That is one reason why the Gnostic writing were not included in the Bible. Those writings spoke of people having a direct link to god; not having to go through the Pope, Bishop, Pastor or so-called Paster preaching a bunch on nonsense."

Min. H
Ever read the book of Acts where Paul had his encounters with the Gnostics? They were not included in the Bible, because they were not divinely inspired. Ever read the Pistis Sophia? It's a pure sham.

"And who deemed these men appropriate vessels for the message of Christ? These same men who were part of the most perverse society to date? Come on."

Min. H
Jesus Christ is the one who chose "those" men you speak of, and He chose them directly.

"The Christian Church is a direct offshot of what happened at Nicea. This is confirmed since there are no direct writings of Christ, whenther in the Bible, which is extentially a catalog of writings nor the Old testiment which is the Torah."

Min. H
Christ spoke and man wrote. God said, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, HEAR ye Him. So Jesus not writing anything means nothing when we have a catalog of what He said. As far as Nicea is concerned, who cares, Christianity had already been established, they *******ized it.

"I say this to say that it's not about pointing out what people are doing wrong according to man's idea of what Christ meant, but it's about living how Christ lived. The Christian Church as well as many of it's writings comes directly from the African Diaspora. Instead, the Christian church would have you believe that everything revolves around the European/Judaic diaspora; which is out an out lie."

Min. H
The African diaspora are full of idolaters, just as the Greeks had learned from them. Jesus shattered Judaism through His sacrifice on the cross, so actually there is not much to your claim. This idea of color blindness is the exact reason why many blacks have not escaped the true bondage and slavery of sin.

The great awakening will be when people begin to understand that they have a direct path to follow Christ.

Min. H
Sammy, Christ is the direct path to God, and the only way to Jesus Christ is by repentance of sin, accepting his blood sacrifice, and believing in His resurrection from the dead. I believe the Christ you talk about is not the REAL CHRIST.

"Not one that needs to be critique by mere men, such as yourself. No man, no matter what tribulations they've traverved is in a position to judge another like you have done. No disrespect."

Min. H
Sammy, you are judging me in case you didn't notice.

"You speak of how you pledge individuals and how you had an ephiphany after the fact. I say that you knew what you were doing was wrong and you were not man enough to stand up at the time and fight for those who could not fight for themselves."

Min. H
Actually, I only felt that way after God's convicting power. Until then, I had no problem pledging people. You have "JUDGED" me improperly. And by the way, pledges can fight for themselves, I DID AS A PLEDGE. I am not saying that I did everything right, but it took Jesus Christ to show me that I was completely wrong. You know why? MY WORLDVIEW DETERMINED MY ACTIONS. I did not have a Biblical Worldview, therefore, my morals were based on a relative framework, or relative morality.

"That is the testiment of a true follower of Christ. When you are in the eye of the hurricane being able to stand correct and with courage."

Min. H
I stood in front of 500-600 Greeks plus other non-greeks, while putting their rituals up on screen. I did this at Prairie View A&M. If you know anything about Greek life there, I stood the test. But I did not do it alone, I knew the stakes, and went straight to Jesus. He was my strength. I stood up to the Greeks publicly for years before hearing from anyone who agreed with my position. Before I denounced, I stood up against things I believed to be wrong.

"Like I said before, lead by example whilst telling the truth: this is one of the most difficult thing to do for most Christians."

Min. H
I agree, but as you said, that's most, but certainly not all.

"Christians and being a follower of Christ are, unfortunately, not synonymous."

Min. H
They may or may not be, it depends on the person making the claim. If you do not believe the Bible is God's Word, then you can be neither. The Christ you believe in is a False Christ. I base this statement of of those you have made above. This is how occult and pagan spiritualists have fooled many. They use Christ's Name, but are never talking about the True Christ of the Bible, unless it is in a negative way.


Min. H

Sammy – Rebuttal

No need to shout. We hear

As you read below, it is easy to see that Sammy does not hold a Biblical Worldview. I will allow you, the reader, to come to your own conclusions.

"OK. And that's my point. Many Christians blindly follow rituals established not by Christ but by men who, because of political concerns, decided how other men should praise God.

Min. H
If you mean the Apostles, they were far from being politically correct. They did not make the decisions on how other men should praise God.

Sammy – Rebuttal

I'm speaking of the participants of the Council of Nicaea convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine.

"That is one reason why the Gnostic writing were not included in the Bible. Those writings spoke of people having a direct link to god; not having to go through the Pope, Bishop, Pastor or so-called Paster preaching a bunch on nonsense."

Min. H
Ever read the book of Acts where Paul had his encounters with the Gnostics? They were not included in the Bible, because they were not divinely inspired. Ever read the Pistis Sophia? It's a pure sham.

Sammy – Rebuttal

Yes, I've read it.

"And who deemed these men appropriate vessels for the message of Christ? These same men who were part of the most perverse society to date? Come on."

Min. H
Jesus Christ is the one who chose "those" men you speak of, and He chose them directly.

Sammy – Rebuttal

Jesus Christ did choose the participants of the the Council of Nicaea. He did choose His disciples.

"The Christian Church is a direct offshoot of what happened at Nicaea. This is confirmed since there are no direct writings of Christ, whether in the Bible, which is existentially a catalog of writings nor the Old testament which is the Torah."

Min. H
Christ spoke and man wrote. God said, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, HEAR ye Him. So Jesus not writing anything means nothing when we have a catalog of what He said. As far as Nicea is concerned, who cares, Christianity had already been established, they *******ized it.

Sammy – Rebuttal

I find it interesting that you would not care about the men who set forth how the Christian Church would operate en mass. Your response answers my previously unanswered question.

"I say this to say that it's not about pointing out what people are doing wrong according to man's idea of what Christ meant, but it's about living how Christ lived. The Christian Church as well as many of it's writings comes directly from the African Diaspora. Instead, the Christian church would have you believe that everything revolves around the European/Judaic diaspora; which is out an out lie."

Min. H
The African diaspora are full of idolaters, just as the Greeks had learned from them. Jesus shattered Judaism through His sacrifice on the cross, so actually there is not much to your claim. This idea of color blindness is the exact reason why many blacks have not escaped the true bondage and slavery of sin.

Many Blacks still struggle, as do many other people of color in the world, because of the Christian church. Notice I do not say because of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Africans and other Indigenous peoples from all over the world were enslaved, raped, slaughtered under the guise of Christianity. Our people continue to struggle with the vestiges of Slavery. The institution you call the the Christian church is still engaged in this type of behavior, even today.

The great awakening will be when people begin to understand that they have a direct path to follow Christ.

Min. H
Sammy, Christ is the direct path to God, and the only way to Jesus Christ is by repentance of sin, accepting his blood sacrifice, and believing in His resurrection from the dead. I believe the Christ you talk about is not the REAL CHRIST.

Sammy – Rebuttal

I speak of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Just because I have a different opinion does not make me a non-believer.

"Not one that needs to be critique by mere men, such as yourself. No man, no matter what tribulations they've traversed is in a position to judge another like you have done. No disrespect."

Min. H
Sammy, you are judging me in case you didn't notice.

Sammy – Rebuttal

If I have, I stand corrected.

"You speak of how you pledge individuals and how you had an ephiphany after the fact. I say that you knew what you were doing was wrong and you were not man enough to stand up at the time and fight for those who could not fight for themselves."

Min. H
Actually, I only felt that way after God's convicting power. Until then, I had no problem pledging people. You have "JUDGED" me improperly. And by the way, pledges can fight for themselves, I DID AS A PLEDGE. I am not saying that I did everything right, but it took Jesus Christ to show me that I was completely wrong. You know why? MY WORLDVIEW DETERMINED MY ACTIONS. I did not have a Biblical Worldview, therefore, my morals were based on a relative framework, or relative morality.

"That is the testament of a true follower of Christ. When you are in the eye of the hurricane being able to stand correct and with courage."

Min. H
I stood in front of 500-600 Greeks plus other non-greeks, while putting their rituals up on screen. I did this at Prairie View A&M. If you know anything about Greek life there, I stood the test. But I did not do it alone, I knew the stakes, and went straight to Jesus. He was my strength. I stood up to the Greeks publicly for years before hearing from anyone who agreed with my position. Before I denounced, I stood up against things I believed to be wrong.

Sammy – Rebuttal
Then you need to look at the Christian church rituals also. Many of them are based or come directly from Pagan rituals. Easter being one and Christmas being the other. You haven't addressed either though.

"Like I said before, lead by example whilst telling the truth: this is one of the most difficult thing to do for most Christians."

Min. H
I agree, but as you said, that's most, but certainly not all.

"Christians and being a follower of Christ are, unfortunately, not synonymous."

Min. H
They may or may not be, it depends on the person making the claim. If you do not believe the Bible is God's Word, then you can be neither. The Christ you believe in is a False Christ. I base this statement of of those you have made above. This is how occult and pagan spiritualists have fooled many. They use Christ's Name, but are never talking about the True Christ of the Bible, unless it is in a negative way.

Sammy – Rebuttal

I am not fooled. Those who stand in the church celebrating Easter, Christmas..etc are the ones who are fooled. Those who regurgitate what is in the KJV without redress are the fools. Educate your flock on why things are done in the church. Don't hide behind “Because Jesus said so” or “Because I said so”.

To sum it up. The rituals of the D9 organizations were established according to the time that those respective “Founders” lived. Many of these same rituals are currently used in the Christian church though the names have been changes...again to fit with the times. Your assumption seems to suggest that the “Founders” of these organizations were not enlightened to understand exactly what they were doing. I disagree. I equate that to the the slave master not knowing what the specific Spiritual being sung a particular Sunday or Field Holler being yelled while picking cotton. WE know that it was to relay messages. Some call it double entendre, D9s may call it Esoteric. Like it or not, we stand on the shoulders of those men and women of those organizations as well as those non-members who had the courage to establish organizations for the betterment on the “Negro”.


May I have a copy of the rituals for KAPsi? My younger brother is interested in this frat because of his father and brother. He's confused and he need's to be taught. Please and Thanx

Instant Messenger: lavirajohnson,4


May I also have a copy of the rituals, I need to see once and for all, if the rituals are paganist like you claim


Why would you want to read our rituals.... Go learn about the skull and bones society... Black people love to attack everything they don't understand!!!!


Brother Collins
Why would you want to read our rituals.... Go learn about the skull and bones society... Black people love to attack everything they don't understand!!!!

Sigma Pi Phi patterned themselves after the Skull and Bones Society, so your point is...........


Minister if it's not a problem can you send me a copy of the ritual.


I was deeply involved in this frat. I agree with some of what you are saying. I pledged years ago and denounced the frat. As the years passed I am now seeking to engage them with the gospel per col 4:2-6. I love these men deeply and want to see the gospel penetrate their hearts thru the Holy Spirit. Having experienced and denounced the rituals I want to see these men redeemed. Want to see Jesus penetrate and be Lord col 1:15-23.


Minister if it's not a problem can you send me a copy of the ritual.

Only excerpts at this point. I will send you what I have in that respect. But email Berean, he can give you a testimonial if he so chooses about the fraternity as well. I believe Ex-Members are a treasure of good information.


i am wondering if this blog is still active. I would like to connect with Minister Hatchett. I denounced the fraternity in 2010 and still addressing the spiritual dynamics that supersede or more important than the knowledge basis of the conflict of a christians walk with God and their association with a Greek organization.


Yes, I can be reached at 919/278-8911


May I have a copy as well?



Hi, hopefully you are still active. I have had an interest for some time and while I don't intend to share any info I would like to have a copy as well to see if these rituals are really in the worship of false gods. Thank you


I have a file that I can send. It proves that this actually occurs. I have your email and will send it within the next week.


My pastor is an active Kappa. Can you send me some of the rituals. I was really thinking about joining.


Please send me a copy as well. Thanks!


Can you please send me the rituals as well?


I just don't send copies of the ritual out. I send excerpts with critical commentary.


Understood, could please send me those excerpts then?


Sure thing. Give me a day or two.


Did you ever get the chance to send this email to me? I can't seem to locate an email from you.


I thought I had, but maybe it was someone else. I'll get them to you, but give me some time, a couple of days.


All Greek fraternity were call out of the demonic realm. They originated from the kingdom of darkness. You brother have made and oath and pledge your soul to satan the devil of course you don't know this. And you want believe it either. Think about the weird dream you've been having. Think about your anger problem. Think about how you're so stuck on your self. Think about all your fail relationships. Think about how empty you feel inside. Stop pretending you know things are going haywire in your life. You have join yourself to an evil entity that controlling your very life. Repent and denounce that evil while you have a chance. Have your name taking off that roll.cry out to Yeshua for mercy. Shalom


"All Greek fraternity were call out of the demonic realm."

What proof do you have that this is true?


Where did that quote come from?


Min H.

Is it possible to make a change from within the Frat? By change I mean changing the rituals. Taking out the pagan stuff and replacing it with Christ centered oaths married with our five objectives.

To all non-members of the frat, to be clear this ritual IS A ONE TIME repeating of some words a brother is saying. This is not something we repeat at every gathering or reaffirm periodically. I agree with Min H., it does not follow what I believe in (or my brother, also a member) and I’ve never repeated it. A very long time ago I decided not to even repeat INVICTUS (a poem used by Greeks as some sort of prayer) based on my beliefs and upbringing.

About me, Father was a preacher (southern baptist), me and my brother were very active in the church, singing, and preaching later on. Never felt comfortable with whole “Barbarian” thing but hey just said it once. Going to set, I really do feel that I was blessed with my line. Even though we were at different levels of our Christianity or walk, every night we said a prayer before we went in. Me and my LBs are all God fearing to a degree and I pray that my life and fellow Christian Kappa’s can influence others by the life we live.

Back to my original point, I think it is possible to remain a Kappa, not denounce the frat, serve Christ and bring about change from within.



Is it possible to make a change from within the Frat? By change I mean changing the rituals. Taking out the pagan stuff and replacing it with Christ centered oaths married with our five objectives.

Min. H
From what I understand about Kappa, it takes about 75% vote of the leadership to make such a change. I believe that's highly unlikely. It would take a huge amount of pressure to do so. Very small possibility to change from within.

To all non-members of the frat, to be clear this ritual IS A ONE TIME repeating of some words a brother is saying. This is not something we repeat at every gathering or reaffirm periodically. I agree with Min H., it does not follow what I believe in (or my brother, also a member) and I’ve never repeated it. A very long time ago I decided not to even repeat INVICTUS (a poem used by Greeks as some sort of prayer) based on my beliefs and upbringing.

Min. H
Not repeating does not mean you are guiltless. Actually, did you tell your Big Brothers why it was ungodly?

About me, Father was a preacher (southern baptist), me and my brother were very active in the church, singing, and preaching later on. Never felt comfortable with whole “Barbarian” thing but hey just said it once. Going to set, I really do feel that I was blessed with my line. Even though we were at different levels of our Christianity or walk, every night we said a prayer before we went in. Me and my LBs are all God fearing to a degree and I pray that my life and fellow Christian Kappa’s can influence others by the life we live.

Min. H
The fact that you allowed hazing with your "level" of Christianity tells me that becoming a Kappa was more important to you than that. What abut the meaning of the arm holding the spear? The Ritual may be a one time thing for you, but it is the only means by which you may enter. There's a saying I heard.

Before the devil gives you something you good, you must first do something evil.

Back to my original point, I think it is possible to remain a Kappa, not denounce the frat, serve Christ and bring about change from within.

Min. H
The fraternity does not produce an environment conducive to Christian growth, so why would you think that? You literally became a slave to your own ethnic group to become a member. I would expect a believer to stand up and say, "NO" you're not going to beat me. What purpose does that serve?


Hi I am interested in Kapsi as well and am having some second thoughts based on the information here. Would you mind sending me whatever information you feel comfortable lending out regarding the ritual/idolatry practices, etc?


Hi I am interested in Kapsi as well and am having some second thoughts based on the information here. Would you mind sending me whatever information you feel comfortable lending out regarding the ritual/idolatry practices, etc?
Came by this at random and sad and funny to see that people are still asking to see information instead of going to the source.

Why only expose Kappa Alpha Psi? Like what is your purpose to bring down or dig into the roots of an organization. It’s crazy how There are plenty of white Fraternity that are way worse in all aspects But because our BGLO have rituals (just like any organization) we need to attack them, their doing the devil works and not following God. We as a race is truly our own worse enemies because we create problems that shouldnt have arise or are to blind to the actually problems we're facing in society.

Instead of uplifting one another or seeing the positive work that’s being done, we’re too busy looking at the negativity or creating problems/ dealing self harm to our own community. Instead of trying to expose our fraternities for something you read or seen in there rituals, applaud them for the amount of work their doing to make a differences in the black community. (Literally something you could be assisting with alongside the church but to busy focused on exposing organizations on whether not their founded on Christian faith. I hate to say it but Sadly you have to much time on your hand)

Also, for those asking for rituals and thinking about joining a fraternity, this isn’t the right way to go. If you want to Become a member of any fraternity your reasoning should be your “WHY” / “PURPOSE” you want to join and how can you assist them on making a difference. do a little soul searching before hand because if you have to second guess your action or can be easy Persuaded by a forum/internet/fake news or someone whose not a member of that fraternity than Joining isn’t for you trust me if it’s not for the right reason than you are only hurting yourself. prime example of why many denounce their membership because they forget their “WHY”, their “REASON” they join a fraternity and that’s hopefully to make a differences in the community and uplift the next generation who needs positive role models in their life. Not someone who is easily influenced or can’t stand on his own. We as a race need to truly end the hate we have for each other instead of trying to hide it behind false pretenses because we will never be able to grow/progress as a race if we still are focused on this Crab in a barrel mindset.


Came by this at random and sad and funny to see that people are still asking to see information instead of going to the source.

Min. H
And what's the source? What will be revealed by that source?

Why only expose Kappa Alpha Psi? Like what is your purpose to bring down or dig into the roots of an organization. It’s crazy how There are plenty of white Fraternity that are way worse in all aspects But because our BGLO have rituals (just like any organization) we need to attack them, their doing the devil works and not following God. We as a race is truly our own worse enemies because we create problems that shouldnt have arise or are to blind to the actually problems we're facing in society.

Min. H
Trying to kill the messenger? It won't work. How many lives have you guys ruined through self-imposed slavery of your own race. Who is who's worst enemy? AND WHAT ARE THOSE PROBLEMS that BGLO's are supposedly supposed to be combating? BGLO's don't do jack and you know it.

Instead of uplifting one another or seeing the positive work that’s being done, we’re too busy looking at the negativity or creating problems/ dealing self harm to our own community. Instead of trying to expose our fraternities for something you read or seen in there rituals, applaud them for the amount of work their doing to make a differences in the black community. (Literally something you could be assisting with alongside the church but to busy focused on exposing organizations on whether not their founded on Christian faith. I hate to say it but Sadly you have to much time on your hand)

Min. H
Fraternities are a menace to the individuals that join. Some don't survive do they? The problem with hazing is not who gets killed, it's the fact that the majority of those that are injured or hurt never have those injuries reported, wear them as a badge of honor, and actually embolden the ones who give and receive brutality.

Also, for those asking for rituals and thinking about joining a fraternity, this isn’t the right way to go.

Min. H
You said, "Came by this at random and sad and funny to see that people are still asking to see information instead of going to the source."

How do you know they haven't talked to someone already, and were dissatisfied?

If you want to Become a member of any fraternity your reasoning should be your “WHY” / “PURPOSE” you want to join and how can you assist them on making a difference. do a little soul searching before hand because if you have to second guess your action or can be easy Persuaded by a forum/internet/fake news or someone whose not a member of that fraternity than Joining isn’t for you trust me if it’s not for the right reason than you are only hurting yourself.

Min. H
Fake news. Yeah, so if someone came to you with an obvious photo of the cover of your ritual and excerpts from it, would you admit it, or LIE.

prime example of why many denounce their membership because they forget their “WHY”, their “REASON” they join a fraternity and that’s hopefully to make a differences in the community and uplift the next generation who needs positive role models in their life. Not someone who is easily influenced or can’t stand on his own. We as a race need to truly end the hate we have for each other instead of trying to hide it behind false pretenses because we will never be able to grow/progress as a race if we still are focused on this Crab in a barrel mindset.

Min. H
This is not about hate. What's about hate is the fact that BGLO's haven't done anything wholesome to deal with issues in the black community for over a century. What kind of issues? How many BGLO's do you know OPPOSE ABORTION? How many BGLO's promote maintaining sexual purity prior to marriage?

How many BGLO's are truly against all hazing? Answer NONE? Why? Because they could all end it, TODAY. They could make their entry requirements no different than the NAACP or Urban League, etc. The only hazing that BGLO's oppose are the ones that don't bring lawsuits.

Have you ever heard of the Negro Project?