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This really sadden my heart for I had interest in joining a sorority. But so it seems it is against my religion. I question the chants " All of my love, my peace and happiness I'm going to give it to..." Not God? Yeah, that right there was a sign. There are a few sorors that attend my church and so I thought it was alright to be apart of a sorority and still hold your religion but does that mean one is fully committed to christianity? I know where I stand but I still need answers.

Instant Messenger: Lovellaloves,2


God is Blessing once again. I have a more recent update of the DST ritual. And once again, Minerva is all up in it. Now I see why the latest responses from DST members have been, "Oh she is symbolic." Oh Really! Let's look and see how Minerva is highly EXALTED-

"Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, one of the strongest and most admirable goddesses of antiquity, was chosen by the Founders as the patron of the Sorority. She serves merely as a SYMBOLIC representation of desirable archetypical attributes of mind, body, and SPIRIT. The goddess' name derives from the ancient roots for "mind" and her domain was intellectual.

Minerva was also said to be the inventor of music. It is fitting, therefore, that the exemplary attributes associated with Minerva be influential in the minds and spirits of the Sorors holding the responsibility of planning and conducting all intake activities, including induction, and orientation of new members into Delta Sigma Theta. These Sorors comprise the Minerva Circle"

Now Christian DST, why would you want your spirit being influenced by an IDOL, FALSE god? Why even associate, WILLINGLY, with such foulness? You have chosen an organization which chooses to follow after another god and just "FIT GOD" in the picture.






I received a call last night concerning GLO's and DST in general. There were some comments made that I wold like to key in on.

1.) I can go in the organization and be effective.
Well since DST encourages people of all religions to join (i.e. SINNERS), witches, wiccans, satanic worshippers, etc. can join for the exact same purposes. Well guess what? What? These are people you swore an oath with, to work together with, and are yoked with.

2.) I am going to make changes in DST. Many make this claim and are not even financial. They smoke that crack pipe thinking that by getting in positions of power that their Godly agendas will go forth. STOP!
DST is not a theocracy.

3.) I was told why can I not have faith in God that these organizations can change?

I do, it's just the faith you want me to have. You want me to believe what you believe and it's just not happening. It does not mean I do no have faith.


5.) My issue with those who talk all this crap about pioneering change, which has amounted to just that, crap! A guy I know told me almost two years ago that his chapter was going to start sponsoring CHRIST-CENTERED programs. STILL WAITING! An SGRho from Albany State said the same thing. STILL WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you going to pioneer change spiritually and you have not even read your ritual or know your group’s history? How far are the Christians willing to go to make Godly changes. Are they willing to do a mass exit, if the leadership does not comply? NO! This is why Christians will do what they have been for years: ALLOW THEIR ORGANIZATIONS TO SURVIVE AT THE EXPENSE OF THEIR OWN SELFISHNESS TO BELONG. Your reason to join or remain for witnessing purposes sounds noble, but it’s unnecessary. It does not take a greek who is Christian to win a greek to Christ, nor are there any advantages.

6.) The new DST ritual must state a disclaimer that they do not idolize or worship Minerva. Enough Said!

To be continued!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mr. Hatchett:

Let me share my testimony, briefly.

God convicted me to write a formal letter of denunciation to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority last year (I pledged in 1999). My pledge process was riddled with hypocrisy, violence and irony. I started, but never finished, an underground process because the line decided to collectively drop. I did complete the National Process (the legal, non-hazing one). However, after reading the portion of your site regarding the (underground) pledge process, being buried and reborn as a Delta, I must say that I see now, in hindsight, why God disabled that part of the process for me--the spiritual reality of what I was exposed to hits me so hard, that I feel overwhelmed knowing that God literally saved my soul from Satan's grasp. I almost sold away my soul for $500.

I appreciate your website for what it stands for. Unfortunately, I cannot give you any of resources from DST because I destroyed and discarded everything. I was an outcast from the very start (rejected by the "Big Sisters" for dropping line and consequently stigmatized as "paper" or "skater" and was terrorized, and had a dysfunctional bond with my "line-sisters") , and I had very minimal involvement with official meetings-- I graduated from undergrad very the next summer semester, so I was on my way out. I tried the grad chapter in my city, did a few activities, but my lifestyle drastically changed when I got married so I fell out of touch with DST, and that was all in God's plan. I visited your website and I appreciate you telling the uncompromised truth!

I would be happy to formally share my testimony if you can use it. I received a letter back from Grand Chapter and I had to notarize a form they gave me to make it all official. That was in August of last year. It took me 4 years but I got a hold of true light and God has grown me up a lot through just that particular situation.

I have something to add to my previously submitted testimony; the details of the hazing aspect of my experience. These are some things that happened to me:

I was sent to the "cut" to be paddled with "wood" (paddle) nightly at what were called "sets".

I had my hands smacked with a wooden paddle until they were swollen

I was required to stand in a line and drink a foul concoction of mixed foods and sauces, sharing it with the 4 other members that stood on line with me.

I had my face smacked from the forehead down in what were called "smile wipes"

I was required to spend countless dollars running errands and buying food for "Big Sisters."

I was required to drive to other universities to be made a spectacle of for other members to see that was a pledge.

I was standing on line when a member smacked me in the face and bloodied my nose.

I was taken, on the first night of hazing, from my dorm room, abduction style, blindfolded and corralled into a van with other potential members, taken to a forest in an undisclosed, unknown location, wherein I was verbally and mentally assaulted with pressure games, beaten with paddles, yelled at, and because I was the number "1" on the line, I was responsible for the mistreatment of any of my line-sisters, because I was the head, so if they got messed up it was my fault, and I was berated for this.

There was an interview in the very beginning, I anticipated a phone call, and once I received it, I was commissioned to go to one of the Big Sister's house, the room was dark, they all sat there, I was ridiculed and pressured to ask questions about the sorority, called names it was like a violent, psychological mind game. This was actually prior to the first night of hazing. This was the test. I nearly blew it because I told them that I was not going to get in the "cut" because, based on what I knew from other people, that was not supposed to start until I was accepted on a line. Mind you everything so far was pre-Rush or interest meeting. We were selected before they even had the Rush, and when the Rush came, we had to attend as if we were not already involved with an illegal pledge process.

I had to do homework for the Big Sisters; I was an English major so I would be up writing papers for them instead of doing my own homework (contradicts scholarship, sisterhood and service--DST's public motto)

I had to learn the Greek alphabet, Delta history by heart, other poems, particularly one that most BGLO’s learn with great pride "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley. ("I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul"?--not Christian now is it?)

I also had to learn this:

“Excuses are the tools of the weak an incompetent. They build Monuments of Nothingness. Those who use them seldom excel at anything, therefore we have no excuses." This was to be stated anytime any weakness or failure was shown on the line.

I had to do laundry, dishes, and even babysitting for some of the unwed members of the sorority.

I had to stay up all night, on my feet and watch Big Sisters sleep.

I had to perform the song "My Girl" in the middle of a thoroughfare for all students, on a spring day, w/ sunglasses, a scarf, a jacket. I was a spectacle. The Big Sisters all stood around and watched me like I was their protégé... (reminds me of a scene from Roots when the slaves all danced around for the White Folks to be entertained).

During the Spring Break, I had to road trip 6 hours away, in a city that I was not from, to be hazed in the homes of the Big Sisters and their Prophytes. I, in particular, was treated worse then an abused step child on one occasion, during a set, and was kicked out of the home of the sister of one of the Big Sisters. My "line sisters" let me go and I was sent out into the streets of Philadelphia in cold weather, alone. I cried so hard I was nauseated-- at this point sisterhood meant nothing to me because these so called line sisters, who were supposed to have my back, left me in the cold, they did not fight for me... and here I naively thought that hazing was meant to make the bonds cannot force sisterhood! The hypocrisy was blatant at that point to me. I waited around until they left the house and went back to the home of my line sister. She never really sympathized with me.

Once we decided to drop line, things got ugly: I got in a fight during one of the official "jewel nights" --they still had to take us over nationally so we were entitled to the National Process, but the advisor was not present on this occasion and I was charged by the leader of the Minerva Circle, (attacked) so I defended myself, chairs were flying it got ugly.

I actually had to call the Regional Director at the time to complain. When they found out, they began to terrorize us (came to our dorm floor with bats and everything). They told a bunch of lies to the Regional Director, to cover up the truth and to save their butts from getting suspended for hazing. They turned it on us made us out to be the liars.

We finally crossed via an official ceremony at the advisor's house, however, they continued to spread the word that we were "skaters" to the rest of the Greeks on the yard, b/c we did not finish the hazing process (hazing was and still is illegal), and they resented the fact that they still had to make us their sorors. This was Spring 1999 at a University in Pennsylvania.

I was humiliated, wasted a lot of money, and even had to withdraw from my French class because I was going to fail it. Consequently, I was not able to graduate on time, as this was my last semester and had to go through the summer.

This is all just the hazing component. There were still official rituals that I went through to pledge the legal way. The oath taking, the secret mottos and all that other demonism in disguise; Crossing the Burning Sands while chanting FTD-Forward to Delta...all that junk too, identifying with the natural elements (like witches do), swearing my lifetime commitment to them, memorizing an oath that bound me to the sorority, my mind body and soul/spirit, and giving honor to Minerva as the goddess of wisdom.

I struggled with being accepted as a Delta for a while and I tried to take on that identity for a short period after. I even partook in the hazing of a potential pledge at a nearby HBCU in the state of Pennsylvania. I wanted that attachment, in spite of everything that I went through.

I praise God for TRUE WISDOM, from His Word! Minerva is not the source of wisdom--the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord! It took me about 7 years to come to this confession and reality check (that is what a relationship with Christ will do. Not just knowing His Word, but establishing a relationship with Him is what makes all the difference—I knew the Word but lacked relationship), but I am ever grateful for God's grace! Just the fact that I have my right mind and know God’s truth after all of that is enough for me to know that God had His hand on me and it all failed for His Divine Purpose.


This post is from the same person of the previous post.

This is for all the Christians in the GLOs. All of the promoters/members/supporters of GLOs say that they are doing Christian good in the community, and we are built on Christian principles. The is the most used line of defense you hear. It is a conditioned response. But the fact is that the above statement is not enough to please God! He requires us to serve Him and Him only, to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth
(John 4: 24). How can God be TRULY worshipped if one gives positive acknowledgement to a Greek deity? You may not consider yourself to be a worshipper of a Greek god or goddess because you do not bow down to it; however, just to positively acknowledge them is an INSULT to God. That is giving them credit for being a legitimate deity (when your acknowledgement is in the manner of using them as "mentors", "guides", or "patrons" instead of as a false god). To even say that Minerva is the goddess of wisdom gives Minerva credit for being what JEHOVAH is alone. God is a JEALOUS GOD! It begins with Him and it ends with Him; only HE is the ALPHA AND THE OMEGA (Rev 22:13). The Greek culture may have believed that Minerva was a true goddess, but when did Christians start embracing the beliefs of other religions? So when Judgment Day comes along, and you are giving an account of your life (because this will occur) how will you reconcile the fact that you did these great moral things for an organization that boasts of how they were founded on Christian principles, all the while giving some sort of positive acknowledgement to a goddess or god that is not Jehovah? That is an OXYMORON! College educated people, that is an OXYMORON! My Bible tells me that Christ is going to say "away from me you evil doers, I never knew you (Matt 7)!” So, while you believe that you are really doing good for Christ, you are stepping all on HIS toes, and God will not be mocked! Without faith, it is impossible to please God. These GLOs are geared toward pleasing man, not God. God cannot be shared with other gods. He is the only God there is, and any professing Christian should believe this--this is a Sunday school concept! We learn this as children, but we forget this as adults?! Simply doing work in His name is not an indicator that you your heart belongs to Him, no more than going to church every Sunday or singing in the Choir makes you a Christian. These are outward actions, but what about the heart? There are really nice people who are not Christians. There are peace-loving citizens who are not Christians. You are not necessarily a bad person if you are in these GLOs, but what about where your heart is? With God totally, or partially? Mostly God and just a small shout out to Minerva? If your heart totally belongs to God, how you can give Minerva credit for being “the supreme or ultimate reality” (the definition of ‘god’) of wisdom? So tell me what that makes Jehovah if He is to be supreme above all? There is no answer that will suffice! Please do not be deceived by this lie. And please read your Holy Bibles instead of reciting what the preacher told you or regurgitating church doctrine! Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). This is why we are saying that these GLOs are satanism in disguise; this is not a fanatical statement it is a fact based on the Word of God. He is tricking people into thinking that they are doing so much good, even has the nerve to put Christ’s name on it, and then he slips in idolatry, self glorification, and contradicting theology. And Christians who have been raised in the church are falling for it. Pastors are leading God’s people while embracing the beliefs of the GLOs. And if you truly do not believe in all the things associated with your organization, then don’t be guilty by association. Satan tries to get you somehow. If the he just gave you a blatant invitation to come serve him and turn all your allegiance from God to him, Christians would look at him like he was crazy! So he had to use the back door to get in. We (who are against GLOs) are not over-zealous Christians ready to persecute members of GLOs; I am an ex-DST, so I was mislead under these bogus ideals at one point also. I am just telling what God wants me to tell—that is the authority to which I answer. I am glad that it didn’t work out for me—I got my soul back, thanks to God. That is worth more to me than doing community service, having line-sisters, or being recognized by the world as a “distinguished member of one of the greatest sisterhood to ever exist.” I am free enough to say right now, that my soul and my relationship with God mean more to me than being in a GLO. If you pray, read scripture and study under the leading of the Holy Spirit, it will all become apparent! And just another note, we are not judging you who are in these orgs. Please understand that if nobody speaks up, God will hold us accountable for knowing better and not sharing it with others who are still in. It is ultimately your choice, when it is all said and done, because that is the thing about God; He does not force you to follow Him. But you become accountable for what you hear. When you know better, God expects you to do better. When you don’t then you will have to answer to Him on that. But understand this: it is God's requirement of me to speak up. This has nothing to do with being a hater, it is a spiritual matter. I don’t know your heart, only God does. But whatever happened to holding each other accountable? Paul sure did hold the Corinthian church accountable in 1 Corinthians 5. When the church body is being defiled, something needs to be said! Idolatry is looked at as immoral before God. The word instructs us to speak the TRUTH in love (Ephesians 4:15). Please be enlightened. This is not an attack on you; this is about telling God's Truth. Any Christian should be supportive of that. Sometimes it is not easy to hear the truth, but the TRUTH will set you FREE (even from stuff we don’t think is holding us captive). Accept the truth. Test your organization with the Word. If scripture has been tampered with, that is a sin. If Greek mythology is celebrated, this is a sin! If you are singing praises to your sorority, this is a sin! (By the way, singing praises equates to worship in my eyes, I don’t know about anyone else.) If you are Christian, step up and stand for GOD. On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, and other ground is sinking sand! GLOs are “OTHER GROUND.” Are you sinking? You may do a lot of good for your organization, but what about salvation? What happens when the here and now becomes eternity? By the way, don’t you know that people are always borrowing Christian principles and leaving Christ out of it? Take the KKK for example. Or Mormons. Same candy bar, different wrapper. It is very possible to be founded on Christian principles while totally neglecting to keep Christ as the center. This whole tactic is a strategy that the enemy uses to deceive. Lies are his native language. John 8:44 (…When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Spiritual warfare is real, people. Take it seriously! Stop watering down Christianity. To God be the Glory.


Responses to a Christian Delta’s defense against ungodliness

A. Bending God’s Standards to fit in with Carnal Standards

•“…but let’s be real, the youth these days are out of control. We want them to be abstinent but we know that they are still having sex so we make sure they are at least being safe.” DivaQuay

God never tolerated a compromise of holiness in the Bible. The entire Old Testament attests to how God punished the conciliation of ungodly standards with His righteousness in the countless examples of the children of Israel being in bondage, rebelling and being punished. If you cannot uphold God’s standards fearlessly in the face of popular carnality, then you are double-minded and two-faced if you call yourself a Christian.

Fornication is as unholy now as it was when Jesus walked the Earth. He never told the woman at the well to, “wrap it up”, if she was going to keep on fornicating. He told the woman caught in adultery to go and sin no more. Why should today’s Christian message conform to safe sex if Christ’s never did? (Rhetorical). If an organization is to exemplify the pure standards of God’s Kingdom, there is no compromise, regardless of how pressing the reality of immorality is. Noah, building the Ark, shows a great example of how his devotion to God superseded what “everybody else” was thinking. Going with the majority is a sure way to the broad road of destruction. Broad denotes that many people go that way so the road has to be expansive in order to accommodate the masses. If you preach safe sex and abstinence then you are mixing truth and lies, and a drop of poison in a clear glass of water defects the entire glass; the water’s purity has been compromised. One drop of poison is all it takes to kill. A true Christian doesn’t care what the times dictate, because the gates of hell cannot go against the God’s Truth.

B. Ministers cannot save you, including MLK: Hero Worship and Groupthink

•“I come from a long line of ministers and neither of us see the problem.” DivaQuay

It is important to view ministers in a proper manner. Too much reliance on what the preacher says or does can lead to a slippery slope of hero worship and can lead right to the broad road. Hero worship comes in all forms, but it is important to know that all men must work out their salvation with fear and trembling, according to Philippians. Good works, including the changing of civil rights legislation, is not the end all answer for godliness, and it certainly should not be the criteria for judging the carnality and spiritual compromise of BGLOs. The only Hero to worship is Christ and Christ alone. He, unlike MLK and other preachers/ministers (even those with legacy), went to Calvary and died for our souls. Obedience is better than sacrifice; obeying God supersedes all acts of community sacrifice, even the most monumental ones. If God dictates that idolatry is a sin (among other BGLO offenses), then it doesn’t matter if MLK agrees or disagrees with it, or any other preacher for that matter, because God saying it should be absolute enough.

If a preacher has flawed theology (MLK), this is definitely a red flag, no matter how great his sacrifice to community was or is…Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light. There is an explicit connection between Satan disguising himself as an angel of light and the broad road that leads to destruction.

Furthermore, this idea of trusting everything that a preacher says shows the very paradigm (willful blind allegiance) that makes all BGLOs weak. When I denounced, I realized that I was thinking opposite of the BGLO masses, but thinking alike is what gives these organizations their strength. There is a fine line between fellowship and groupthink. Groupthink has the ability to perpetuate corruption and manipulation (particularly of Christ’s gospel) and in the case of BGLOs this is what is happening.

“I am the bomb as long as I go along, so I will continue to go along because I desperately want to be the bomb and until I rebel, this org will stay strong, even when I know things are wrong…”

Ministers can’t save you; they cannot get you into heaven! Blessed is the man who trusts in Him(God). Jesus died for your sins and it is He who saves. While ministers have their place, they cannot debunk God’s truth; manipulation is a trick of the devil. Pastors/church lay leaders/ministers who are willingly involved in GLOs/masonry and other secret societies are infiltrators, and the blind will lead the blind if saints have no discernment. The truth is mighty and will prevail, even against sororities with over 100,000 members.

C. “Your faith, my faith”; “Your Christianity, My Christianity”

• “However, I do tell young ladies that if you feel that sorority life will compromise your beliefs as a Christian than don’t do it. It didn’t compromise mine.” DivaQuay

This is probably the biggest underscore to why the church has become so tolerant of the world’s foolishness; because the church has watered down the strength of Christ’s principles to convenient Christianity, modified to fit the particular wants and whims of their human desires. Christ’s principles are not made of clay, to be tampered with and redone, they are the same and every Christian should have the same compliance. To juxtapose this idea, we are the clay to be molded and modified, yet when it comes to going against the sin nature, some would rather change Christ’s principles to fit human objectives than to change self for the upholding of Christ’s KINGDOM standards. Furthermore, if an organization is built on Christ’s principles, then one sister’s Christian beliefs ought to parallel scripture and fellow Christian sisters should be likeminded in this regard. So, you are willing to send off a Christian sister who upholds biblical truth to be yoked with sorors whose Christian faith is compromised? This makes no sense, according to Christian unity described in the Bible. This personalized Christianity equates to a *******ized version of Christianity where there is no cohesion in the ideals presented in God’s word, just customized religion. This is why promoting other things such as safe sex, hazing, Minerva worship, and lying continues to go on and supersedes the true foundation of Christ’s principles.

D. Selfless pledge process? What a lie! Selfish Pledge Process

• “My prophytes enjoyed us sticking together because the whole pledging process is about being selfless.” DivaQuay

Is this selflessness supposed to parallel submission to Christ (facetiously rhetorical)? A Christian should really ask this question, because the purpose for submission during the pledge process is nowhere near comparable to submitting to Christ. If hazing promotes humility and strong character, then why do prophytes act like selfish tyrants? Do as I say, not as I do? Again, hypocrisy.

E.Spending money versus pledging under the shadow of a false goddess mentor.

• “If you take the dollar bill as an example. There are many references to Greek origins on it as well as George Washington’s face on the front. Are any of you Christians refusing to spend money? “ DivaQuay

Spending money is hardly comparable to the use of Minerva as a symbol in DST. But, if one should naively attempt to compare spending money to worshipping a pagan god, Jesus told the Jews to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s…while you can worship money, using money as a resource is far different from giving your heart to money. Caesar’s face, who was a Roman pagan, was on the coin, yet Jesus knew that there was a difference in giving your heart to Caesar or his money and giving your heart to God, by whom we are fearfully and wonderfully made, in HIS image. Therefore, spending the dollar with George Washington’s face is not comparable to devoting you heart to George Washington or the symbols used unless you choose to place your heart in such things.

DST chant: “Delta’s on my mind, Sigma’s not far behind, Theta is in my soul, DST is in control.”

Unless a similar attitude prevails when spending George’s dollar, the comparison is far-fetched. It is a heart issue. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. DSTs boast about their hearts belonging to the organization, which would be fine if there weren’t false claims of morality and the organization was purely Christian; this, however, is not the case, immorality litters the organization in more ways than one. Actions, works, and deeds carried out in DST may in part appear as wholesome and moral, but the roots and covert activities need careful consideration.

F.Abraham as the Father of Faith compared to Minerva, the mentor

• “When we credit Abraham as the Father of faith does that mean we discredit Jesus whom took the ultimate leap of faith when he came to save us from our sins? I don’t think so.” DivaQuay

Abraham being the father of faith is used in Hebrews to demonstrate the type of faith Christians should have…sort of like the blind faith that members of BGLOs have towards their founders…except Christians are charged to have this type of obedient faith to Jesus Christ, not Minerva the wise mentor…

G. Conclusion

DST manipulatively re-orchestrates FIDELTY from God to their founders, who established an entire entity built upon Minerva, Masonic rituals, lofty ideals of moral supremacy, and Christian principles. And Christian Principles? Can Christ’s principles be validly placed in the same category as these?

When I divorced myself from the system, I was able to see very plainly obvious conflicts of interest with Christianity, starting with Minerva and ending with so much contradiction between what they espouse and what they do that the hypocrisy created a rank stench.

****Furthermore, I did not have to consult other members of BGLOs, ministers, civic leaders or otherwise to arrive at that conclusion. I just had to: 1) be real with God and His word, and 2) think for myself.******


I can appreciate what you and the other posters are trying to do. But, circumstances vary from person to person. Telling Christians that they are contrary to the will of God by joining a fraternity or sorority is not accurate. One has to take into account one's relationship with the Father, self-esteem, social adaptability, level of common sense and intelligence. You can not assume that everyone is at the same level in their spirituality and note that words will be received more readily if spoken with love instead of criticism. If your goal is to share the good news of salvation and the lifestyle of Christians then I think it's counter-productive to attack fraternities and sororities. Many of the traditions and sentiments of the rituals are not written and not available to the public for a reason. Minister Hatchett got his/her hands on a ritual and started plucking lines out to seemingly strengthen his/her point of view. When some of these statements are complete, such as the excerpt from a hymn of ours, you realize we are indeed singing a HYMN to our Father God! Atheists use similar tactics when criticizing God's Word! Do you call yourselves opening someone's eyes? It seems more like you are sharing your pain in order to blacken the reputation of these organizations...and to what end?

That being said, I think you are reading WAY too much into Minerva. It's a symbolic representation of a principle towards which we strive. There is no worship or acknowledgment of Minerva beyond just that.

I am not Greek, I am a Christian woman who desires nothing more than to be in the will of the One True God! If you remember your membership intake process, it is made clear very early on that we do not worship Minerva! Now, if you've never gone through a membership intake process then you really don't have the background to make judgment.

Judge ye not, lest ye be judged.

I empathize with those who were hazed and allowed themselves to be hazed. I had the opportunity to join as an undergraduate but decided against it as I would not subject myself to such behavior in the name of joining ANY organization! I question the motive behind denouncing an organization when the experience was negative. I am not at all condoning hazing...I think it's childish and perpetuates a false sense of power for immature people. Again, I empathize and sympathize with those who endured those horrific experiences!!! But, I could see how someone who went through something like that would have a negative attitude toward their organization.

I just want to repeat that there's NO worship of Greek so called deities. If you know yourself and have a relationship with the Father then trust that He will direct your path and guide you in the way that you should go....period. Don't be a sheep, unless your Shepard is Jesus Christ! Follow YOUR God as you know Him to be. Now, if you don't have a solid relationship with Him, make THAT your focus. Membership in any fraternity or sorority should only enrich your life with fellowship and service among educated, service oriented people. That being said, you can do the same at your own church! Becoming a member of a fraternity or sorority is a decision that only you can make for your station in life. The reason behind why you want to join only has to be good enough for you. What does it mean to you?

I am beginning to wonder if the motivation behind these posts is love or hate. Many posters sound hurt, scorned, rejected and abused. I feel badly for that. I think these organizations were founded simply to give us a sense of community and belonging when we were so often estranged and isolated. Remember, these organizations were founded in the early 20th century when social circumstances weren't so amiable for African-Americans.

Again, I appreciate the attempt but I am not sure it's effective.


I can appreciate what you and the other posters are trying to do. But, circumstances vary from person to person. Telling Christians that they are contrary to the will of God by joining a fraternity or sorority is not accurate.

Min. H
The sorority definitely is, and there are no doubts about that; and I do not mean hazing.

One has to take into account one's relationship with the Father, self-esteem, social adaptability, level of common sense and intelligence. You can not assume that everyone is at the same level in their spirituality and note that words will be received more readily if spoken with love instead of criticism.

Min. H
I suggest reading the gospels, and read how Jesus dealt with the religious leaders of his day. I agree approach should be adjusted when the audience is known, or read the context to see what audience is being addressed. THIS IS THE MAIN REASON FOR LEAVING CONTACT INFORMATION. One-on-one discussion can bring about the real issues.

If your goal is to share the good news of salvation and the lifestyle of Christians then I think it's counter-productive to attack fraternities and sororities. Many of the traditions and sentiments of the rituals are not written and not available to the public for a reason.

Min. H
X-Deltas know this information as well, along with the fact that rituals often explain why they are doing what they are doing. I do not see exposing the CLEAR unbiblical worldviews presented to the initiates and members as positive, good, and full of wisdom as counter productive. A sinner has the gospel on the front page, it's up to them to read it.

Minister Hatchett got his/her hands on a ritual and started plucking lines out to seemingly strengthen his/her point of view. When some of these statements are complete, such as the excerpt from a hymn of ours, you realize we are indeed singing a HYMN to our Father God!

Min. H
Because you apparently know your ritual, I will politely call you a liar. DOES THE MUSLIM DELTA SEE IT LIKE THIS? I didn't just pluck lines either. I often plucked complete sentences, being sure the context was clear. WHAT IS A DELTA'S FIRST LOVE?

Atheists use similar tactics when criticizing God's Word! Do you call yourselves opening someone's eyes? It seems more like you are sharing your pain in order to blacken the reputation of these organizations... and to what end?

Min. H
The hundreds of testimonies, many of which I had/have nothing to do with. Blacken the reputation??????? GLO's have been hazing for decades and still cannot get it under control bickering over the same dead horses. 20 years the moratorium has been in effect, yet I still see line numbers, jackets, line names, etc., even in the grad chapters.

That being said, I think you are reading WAY too much into Minerva. It's a symbolic representation of a principle towards which we strive. There is no worship or acknowledgment of Minerva beyond just that.

Min. H
What kind of wisdom does Minerva, better yet your organization have to offer? Wrap-It Up condom party hops! LOL! WHY IS IT NOT JESUS' WISDOM?

I am not Greek, I am a Christian woman who desires nothing more than to be in the will of the One True God! If you remember your membership intake process, it is made clear very early on that we do not worship Minerva! Now, if you've never gone through a membership intake process then you really don't have the background to make judgment.

Min. H
I know what the pyramid manual says, but it all doesn't add up when you say that your founders chose Minerva as the sorority MENTOR.

Judge ye not, lest ye be judged.

Min. H
And what does the rest of the scripture say? Now you just accused me of ritual plucking, and you are Bible verse plucking

I empathize with those who were hazed and allowed themselves to be hazed. I had the opportunity to join as an undergraduate but decided against it as I would not subject myself to such behavior in the name of joining ANY organization!

Min. H
I am glad you did no get hazed. So when did you report this chapter?

I question the motive behind denouncing an organization when the experience was negative.

Min. H
I question joining when the experience is postivie. It does not matter in the light of biblical truth.

I am not at all condoning hazing...I think it's childish and perpetuates a false sense of power for immature people. Again, I empathize and sympathize with those who endured those horrific experiences!!! But, I could see how someone who went through something like that would have a negative attitude toward their organization.

Min. H
I don't think you are reading the testimonies in their entirety. Many people who denounced were down with their org., community service included.

I just want to repeat that there's NO worship of Greek so called deities. If you know yourself and have a relationship with the Father then trust that He will direct your path and guide you in the way that you should go....period. Don't be a sheep, unless your Shepard is Jesus Christ!

Min. H
You became someone's pyramid, went through an earth, air, fire, and water ritual just like witches do, and joined an organization that celebrates an idolatrous celebration.

Follow YOUR God as you know Him to be.

Min. H
This is exactly what your ritual says, almost verbatim. NOW I WANT EVERYONE TO LOOK AT THIS CAREFULLY AND UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM HERE.

Fred Price, Sr. and Jr. say they preach Jesus, but they do not. They preach a false gospel and a different Christ, which means they follow the wrong FATHER.

Now, if you don't have a solid relationship with Him, make THAT your focus. Membership in any fraternity or sorority should only enrich your life with fellowship and service among educated, service oriented people.

Min. H
Fellowship with SINNERS (II Corinthians 6:14-18)

That being said, you can do the same at your own church!

Min. H
I certainly hope not. The church is all inclusive to those who accept Jesus. you can't join the elitist Greeks with a High School Diploma, although you may be very "educated" and service oriented. Wow! That statement above breathes/wreaks of snobbery.

Becoming a member of a fraternity or sorority is a decision that only you can make for your station in life. The reason behind why you want to join only has to be good enough for you. What does it mean to you?

Min. H
She's not speaking to you ignorant High School drop-outs who own your own businesses.

I am beginning to wonder if the motivation behind these posts is love or hate. Many posters sound hurt, scorned, rejected and abused. I feel badly for that. I think these organizations were founded simply to give us a sense of community and belonging when we were so often estranged and isolated. Remember, these organizations were founded in the early 20th century when social circumstances weren't so amiable for African-Americans.

Min. H
That age-old excuse is long gone. Beside, why all the rituals to be community service oriented????????? That's going to be a new post.

Again, I appreciate the attempt but I am not sure it's effective.

Min. H
This site is to help those you all refuse to help in answering ALL questions.


This was written in response to someone interested in DST.


This response is based on a Christian perspective. The short answer to your question is to be expected to engage in phyiscal abuse such as paddling, getting smacked in the face, punched, spending your time and money to meet the wants of big sisters, memorizing chapter and national history on demand under the threat of being verbally or physically punished, doing silly things like watching people sleep, waddling, linking up and marching while chanting, putting objects in your socks...this is regarding the undergrpund pledge process...there are other spiritual implications in the overall initiation as noted below...and if you go through with it, your grades will likely suffer and sleep deprivation is guaranteed...

First let me state that you have free will. I am giving you information and a perspective that is not commonly expressed and often omitted from BGLO informationals.

The short of it is that:

1. Hazing is a major component to authentic acceptance in any BGLO. They lie and say they are a non-hazing, but this is a cover-up tactic to protect their chapter because hazing is now outlawed. You cannot be guaranteed that you are not going to be expected to be hazed, and depending on the region, hazing can be extremely physical as well as mental. I had, for example, my hands repeatedly slapped with a wooden paddle, until they swelled, and this was right before the official MIP. This was only one type of physical assault inflicted.

2. I agreed to be hazed. You will have the same choice. However, those in the organization who know better than to haze still do it, lie about, make you feel that you don’t have to be hazed but if you want what they have, you best “want” to—subliminal coersion. Then if they get caught and have to justify why they broke the law, they will lie and make you totally culpable, as if they had no part in it. This is not only cunning and manipulative, it is COWARDICE. Just don’t get involved. They will play you like a fool to protect their letters. Trust me. Once you get in there, you will get more than you bargained for, unless you decide to go along to get along; in the latter case, you will have a spiritual price to pay later.

3. The twisting of scripture to align with organizational concepts. This is sly because it seems positive, yet, it really mocks the true aim of scripture, to connect us closer to Christ and win souls. Satan did this to Jesus in the desert when he tried to tempt him. Be leery.

4. The double-standards that are implicitly present: there are jewels that represent wholesome concepts, but they are not reflected in the behaviors carried out. If, for example, compassion, is a virtue, but you are hazing women so you can love them more, this overtly counters the virtue of compassion; or the abandonment of unborn children through the support of community orgs that promote abortion-- this does not reflect compassion for unborn life.

5. Pluralism and yoking with unbelievers: a Christian who makes an intentional lifetime committment to an organization that allows all faiths should have a problem with this because our life goal is to win souls for Christ, not to submit to the ideas that all faiths are okay, and not just to do good things the way Christ did. Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Light, not just for us but for everyone. Everyone may not believe that but we should not make Christianity our “own” thing—God calls us to do more. Yes we, in America, have religious freedom, yet we also have a Godly mandate. DST believes in religious pluralism, which is a counter truth to scripture. These organizations are fashioned after spiritual concepts and have a religious blueprint.

6. Politics and Lies: there is a lot of politics in the org that makes it a very “unsisterly” environment: how did you pledge, are you real or paper? When craziness occurred on my line, I reached out to the Regional Director, who did not even bother to investigate; I did not get a call back, but the chapter members did, and they “fixed” the situation by meeting us with baseball bats, because we decided not to be hazed any longer. This was her job. She took the chapter members at their word and had no idea of what was really happening. She was an “Official”.

7. Minerva: she is revered, on the sorority crest, influential in the intake process, and what she stands for in pagan Greek mythology is the premise of DST—wisdom. God is the source of all wisdom, not Minverva. When joining DST, you are pledging your life to be dedicated to Christian principles that cover Minerva’s foundation. God will not be mocked. Would you drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of bleach? Christ and Minerva are the antithesis of each other. This is why there is more than meets the eye and DST is full of double meanings.

8. Conclusion: Grown people do not need to be whopped like children to be made. When physical or emotional violence is converted into a positive thing for the sake of belonging to a group, there is a morbid psychology behind that. If you are in Christ, you are a new creature in Him, why would any man or woman need RE-MAKE you? Is Christ’s transformation not good enough? If you believe in Him, you believe in His principles already, and should be living them already. Christian Principles, Christian Principles—they take His example, but leave behind his mandates. We cannot choose what parts of scripture we will obey and live by. On judgment day, it will be all or nothing. Remember, Judas Iscariot walked with Christ consistently for three years and betrayed Him in the end. Do not be impressed simply by Christian principles.

9. Sisterhood: You cannot beat or train or manipulated people into a bond. And you bond with people with whom you are like minded. If you are like minded with a group of people, you will likely bond with them, so physically inducing the bond only accentuates what was likely to happen.

10.Lies and double meanings. All the ambiguity you get form members is the first sign that there is something twisted underneath. Everything done in the dark will eventually come to light.

I hope this helps. God wants more from you.


This really sadden my heart for I had interest in joining a sorority. But so it seems it is against my religion. I question the chants " All of my love, my peace and happiness I'm going to give it to..." Not God? Yeah, that right there was a sign. There are a few sorors that attend my church and so I thought it was alright to be apart of a sorority and still hold your religion but does that mean one is fully committed to christianity? I know where I stand but I still need answers.

This is a great question, but pose it in the other direction. Can a member be fully committed to the sorority and be fully committed to Jesus Christ. I have never seen it in the 21 years that I have been involved in Greek Life.


Dear Lovella:

This BLOG is not ordained by God and the information in it regarding hazing is untrue. If a BGLO is involved in hazing it is because the individual members themselves are corrupt and that has nothing to do with the organization.

As a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta, my christianity is first and foremost. I have a group of beloved sisters in this fellowship and we do service that is pleasing to God and uplifts women and children all over our community. I know that God is pleased with this work. I think that those who bash Delta either could not get in because they did not have the strength of character, fortitude of sisterhood, or spiritual wisdom to work within their respective chapters; or they just don't get along with women.

Some women, unless they can be chief diva on the scene, cannot celebrate the accomplishments, gifts, and graces of other women. THey work hard to degrade the organization rather than uplift the moral virtues of being a Delta. And this is sin; and those who were in and are now out have other issues that keep them from being participants of Delta and I would be willing to bet that their christian walk is one of lip service rather than a real commitment to God.

Celebrate who you are as an accomplished woman of God and seek to join this great organization and participate in our service to the world.

BTW, I am chaplain of my mighty chapter.

Y. Clarke


Minister YC
Dear Lovella:

This BLOG is not ordained by God and the information in it regarding hazing is untrue. If a BGLO is involved in hazing it is because the individual members themselves are corrupt and that has nothing to do with the organization.

As a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta, my christianity is first and foremost. I have a group of beloved sisters in this fellowship and we do service that is pleasing to God and uplifts women and children all over our community. I know that God is pleased with this work. I think that those who bash Delta either could not get in because they did not have the strength of character, fortitude of sisterhood, or spiritual wisdom to work within their respective chapters; or they just don't get along with women.

Some women, unless they can be chief diva on the scene, cannot celebrate the accomplishments, gifts, and graces of other women. THey work hard to degrade the organization rather than uplift the moral virtues of being a Delta. And this is sin; and those who were in and are now out have other issues that keep them from being participants of Delta and I would be willing to bet that their christian walk is one of lip service rather than a real commitment to God.

Celebrate who you are as an accomplished woman of God and seek to join this great organization and participate in our service to the world.

BTW, I am chaplain of my mighty chapter.

Y. Clarke

Min. YC
This BLOG is not ordained by God and the information in it regarding hazing is untrue. If a BGLO is involved in hazing it is because the individual members themselves are corrupt and that has nothing to do with the organization.

Min. H
So DST did not condone the pledge progress for approximately 70 years, and still has the longest MIP program and pledge club? It has everything to do with the organization. It built and was built upon a culture of hazing that it cannot seem to stop. But I know how it can be stopped.

Are you a proud PAPER MEMBER?

Min. YC
As a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta, my christianity is first and foremost.

Min. H
Are you a proud PAPER MEMBER? Doesn't Christianity deserve a capital C.

Min. YC
I have a group of beloved sisters in this fellowship and we do service that is pleasing to God and uplifts women and children all over our community. I know that God is pleased with this work. I think that those who bash Delta either could not get in because they did not have the strength of character, fortitude of sisterhood, or spiritual wisdom to work within their respective chapters; or they just don't get along with women.

Min. H
I noticed you did not mention any of these pleasing to God works. Does this include safe sex programs, Pro-Life only programs, etc.

Min. YC
Some women, unless they can be chief diva on the scene, cannot celebrate the accomplishments, gifts, and graces of other women. THey work hard to degrade the organization rather than uplift the moral virtues of being a Delta. And this is sin; and those who were in and are now out have other issues that keep them from being participants of Delta and I would be willing to bet that their christian walk is one of lip service rather than a real commitment to God.

Min. H
What MORAL virtues do you speak of? And speaking of lip service. And speaking of lip service, I have not seen once how you have spoken on how much you love Jesus. As a matter of fact, I have not seen His Name in your post.

Min. YC
Celebrate who you are as an accomplished woman of God and seek to join this great organization and participate in our service to the world.

BTW, I am chaplain of my mighty chapter.

Y. Clarke

Min. H
Your mighty chapter......... It seems you have been promoting two things here, Delta and your views of Delta. Now who is giving lip service?

And being a Chaplain is just a title and position. Bishop Vashti McKenzie is the National Chaplain, but holds some unbiblical views.


I have been very interested in DST but my christian beliefs are scaring me off. I have heard so many contradictory things. Is there anything non christian like about the handshake? I am told it is secretive until initiation but some may try to shake your hand with it to determine if you are DST, like for jobs. Is it something I should pull away from if attempted on me? Would I be able to identify it?


If you are born again, don't worry about some crazy handshake. You'll be fine.


I would just like to clarify for all that we do not worship or idolize the Goddess Minerva. She is merely a symbol for what the women exemplify. She is a strong feminine EXAMPLE of what members to strive to be like. We do not want people to idolize her, but it's easier to use her as an example instead of the bible which is for MEN. Women are greatly left out and are represented as beings that should be seen and not heard. We are seen as property. There is no turning away those who are not Christian because that would be wrong. We are told that we should not judge those who are different from us. To imply that we are an organization that is not truly Christian is fair, but the reasons are absurd. There are Muslims, Buddists, Jews and Christians found throughout the organization so who are we to turn away someone because they dont't have the "same" God or they call their God by a different name? DST is an organization founded on Christian principles at a time when blacks were still struggling to attain equality (and we still are). This was a time when nearly everyone was religious. We can't turn someone away because they choose not to be religious. That would go against basic Christian principles, would it not?


DST Collegiate
I would just like to clarify for all that we do not worship or idolize the Goddess Minerva. She is merely a symbol for what the women exemplify.

Min. H
So what's wrong with Jesus? You mean to tell me that Jesus and God's Word does not do this?

DST Collegiate
She is a strong feminine EXAMPLE of what members to strive to be like. We do not want people to idolize her, but it's easier to use her as an example instead of the bible which is for MEN.

Min. H
What? So you have a problem with God's Word as it relates to women, so your sorority uses a false goddess to fill the gap? Wowzers!!!!

DST Collegiate
Women are greatly left out and are represented as beings that should be seen and not heard. We are seen as property. There is no turning away those who are not Christian because that would be wrong. We are told that we should not judge those who are different from us. To imply that we are an organization that is not truly Christian is fair, but the reasons are absurd. There are Muslims, Buddhists, Jews and Christians found throughout the organization so who are we to turn away someone because they don't have the "same" God or they call their God by a different name?

Min. H
Your organizations rituals claim that DST is founded upon Christian principles.

Does this advice not to judge extend to Christians? So all believers are to keep their mouths shut when it comes to religious matters and the membership?

The reasons are absurd... LOL!

SO you mean to say that because we as believers wish to stand up for what we believe we are being absurd?

Uh Oh! now I see it below......... Christian principles!!!!!

DST Collegiate
DST is an organization founded on Christian principles at a time when blacks were still struggling to attain equality (and we still are). This was a time when nearly everyone was religious. We can't turn someone away because they choose not to be religious. That would go against basic Christian principles, would it not?

Min. H
NO it would not. Jesus is the only way to God. To surrender that in any shape, form, or fashion would go against true Christians principles. Why are Christians always the ones who are call upon to compromise?


So sorry that you or someone close to you either had a bad experience or didn't get initiated in. Your theology and your research into Delta Sigma Theta is tainted. It sounds to me that your time is spent exhalting the demise of an of an organization...a Christian organization that has made strides for a century to be activists, socialists, advocates, social change, preservation of history, and a stable in the community reaching out and helping those in need. THAT my friend is ministry. Do some more research into what you think you know...especially about's quite funny. I pray that God shines a light on you to forgive and break free from this spiritual stronghold that would encourage you to release ill-researched, false material. Although I don't question your call, I do question your methodology. Where did you study theology and Greek mythology again? Just wondering.



Actually hate to say this but your wrong Minerva is Semiramis she went by many names. History has proven that Minerva was a Witch and started Idol Worship. She is Mystery Babylon the Great Mother of Harlots and God hates her. All the occults come from Nimrod and Semiramis and God speaks about it in his word. Minister Hatchett is correct because all the roots of Greekdom and Freemasonary are connected to Nimrod and Semiramis. I was reading last night about Freemasonary without question unless you know nothing about history Nimrod is Osiris which is where the legend of Hiram Abiff comes from. I am sorry to break it to you but your wrong on that account. I don't think the Founders and Members of these organization realize exactly what they were incorporating I don't think they were trying to lead Christians down the wrong road but they definitely incorporated things God hates.

Revelation 17:4-6

…4The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her immorality, 5and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, "BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." 6And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. When I saw her, I wondered greatly.

Mother Worship

The pagan mother initially derived her deification from the divine nature attributed to her child. She was raised far above the level of all creatures, and worshiped as a partaker of the trinitarian godhead. The mother eventually became the preferred object of worship. The son was exhibited merely as a child in his mother's arms without any particular attraction, whereas the mother's image was displayed in magnificent artistic array and invested with the exquisite beauty attributed to Semiramis during her life.

To justify worship of the mother, she was elevated to a divine station just like her god-incarnate son. The deified queen mother was adored as the incarnation of the holy spirit of peace and love. The highest titles were accordingly bestowed on her. In Egypt, the mother was styled Athor, the "habitation of god" to signify that all the "fullness of the godhead" dwelt in her womb. She was named Hestia in Greece and Vesta, which is just a Roman variation of the same name, meaning the "dwelling-place of deity."

Under her title, "mother of the gods," the goddess queen of Babylon became an object of universal worship. The mother of the gods was worshiped by the Persians, the Syrians, and with the most profound religious veneration by all the kings of Europe and Asia. When Caesar invaded Britain, he discovered the Druid priests worshiping the "mother of god" as Virgo-Patitura.

In Egypt, as the "queen of heaven" she was the greatest and most worshiped of all the divinities. During Egyptian bondage, the Israelites repeatedly departed from the one true invisible Elohim and worshiped the pagan mother. When the Israelites fell into apostasy under King Solomon, they worshiped this mother goddess as Ashtaroth (Asherah), a name by which the pagan Babylonian goddess was known to the Israelites:

And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of YHWH, and served the Baals [various lord gods depicting Nimrod] and the Ashtaroth [Semiramis], the gods of Syria, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of the Ammonites, and the gods of the Philistines; and they forsook YHWH, and did not serve him. - Judges

Later, during the time of the prophet Jeremiah, the Jews worshiped the queen of heaven so devoutly that they could not be convinced to give up this paganism even after Jerusalem had been burnt and the land desolated due to this very pagan worship:

Then all the men who knew that their wives had offered incense to other gods, and all the women who stood by, a great assembly, all the people who dwelt in Pathros in the land of Egypt, answered Jeremiah: "As for the word which you have spoken to us in the name of YHWH, we will not listen to you. But we will do everything that we have vowed, burn incense to the queen of heaven [Semiramis] and pour out libations to her, as we did, both we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; for then we had plenty of food, and prospered, and saw no evil. But since we left off burning incense to the queen of heaven and pouring out libations to her, we have lacked everything and have been consumed by the sword and by famine." And the women said, "When we burned incense to the queen of heaven and poured out libations to her, was it without our husbands' approval that we made cakes for her bearing her image and poured out libations to her? – Jeremiah

Common names applied to the pagan goddess Semiramis

Title Roman Greek
Goddess of Love Venus Aphrodite
Goddess of Hunting & Childbirth Diana Artemis
Goddess of Crafts, War & Wisdom Minerva Athena
Goddess of Growing Things Ceres Demeter
Symbol of the Fertile Earth Terra Gaea
Protector of Marriage & Women Juno Hera
Goddess of the Hearth Vesta Hestia
Wife and Sister of Kronos Ops Rhea

Worship of mother and child spread from Babylon to the ends of the earth, but were called different names in the languages of the various counties where their worship appeared. The ancient Germans worshipped the virgin HERTHA with the child in the arms of his mother. The Scandinavians called her DISA pictured with her child. In Egypt, the mother and her child were worshiped as ISIS with the infant OSIRIS or HORUS seated on his mother's lap. In India, the mother and child were called DEVAKIand KRISHNA, and also ISI and ISWARA as they are worshiped to this day. In Asia, they were known as CYBELE and DEOIUS; in pagan Rome, as FORTUNA and JUPITER-PUER, or the boy JUPITER; in Greece, as CERES, the great mother with babe at her breast, or as IRENE, the goddess of peace, with the boy PLUTUSin her arms. Even in Tibet, China, and Japan, Jesuit missionaries were astonished to find the Roman counterpart of MADONNA and child. SHING MOO, the holy mother in China was portrayed with a child in her arms and a glory around her.

Semiramis was worshiped in Ephesus as the pagan fertility goddess DIANA who represented the generative powers of nature. She was referred to as a fertility goddess because she mothered all the numerous pagan gods representing the god-incarnate Tammuz. Diana was pictured with numerous teats so that she could nurse all the pagan gods, and she wore a tower-shaped crown symbolizing the Babylonian tower of Babel.

Legend has it that after Semiramis died, she ascended into heaven and was returned to earth inside a large egg which fell into the Euphrates river. The egg was pushed ashore by a dove and she emerged from the egg as Astarte or Ishtar (in English, Easter). To show her gratitude to the dove, she turned it into an egg-laying rabbit, all signs of fertility. Another sign or symbol found throughout Babylonia is the obelisk, a phallic symbol. These can also be seen in Egypt, Rome and Washington DC. The obelisk in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican was dragged up to Rome from Egypt. The Washington Monument is a sign that Babylon is alive and well in the USA!

In the seventh century C.E., when Rome sought to harness the power of the great population of Ishmaelites in the desert and use them to purge Jews and Messianic believers from the holy land, they groomed a handsome young lad named Mohammed to lead them. They were the creators of the religion of Islam with the moon goddess, Ashteroth (Semiramis) as their god - Allah.;read=611

So sorry that you or someone close to you either had a bad experience or didn't get initiated in. Your theology and your research into Delta Sigma Theta is tainted. It sounds to me that your time is spent exhalting the demise of an of an organization...a Christian organization that has made strides for a century to be activists, socialists, advocates, social change, preservation of history, and a stable in the community reaching out and helping those in need. THAT my friend is ministry. Do some more research into what you think you know...especially about's quite funny. I pray that God shines a light on you to forgive and break free from this spiritual stronghold that would encourage you to release ill-researched, false material. Although I don't question your call, I do question your methodology. Where did you study theology and Greek mythology again? Just wondering.



So sorry that you or someone close to you either had a bad experience or didn't get initiated in. Your theology and your research into Delta Sigma Theta is tainted. It sounds to me that your time is spent exhalting the demise of an of an organization...a Christian organization that has made strides for a century to be activists, socialists, advocates, social change, preservation of history, and a stable in the community reaching out and helping those in need. THAT my friend is ministry.

Min. H
Christian organization? Come on now, Some works they do are good,but none deal with the amoral aspects of our community. How come Delta says nothing about abortion, fornication, homosexuality, marriage, etc.? Now you call what you do ministry, but Delta does NOTHING to directly promote Jesus as Lord.

Do some more research into what you think you know...especially about's quite funny. I pray that God shines a light on you to forgive and break free from this spiritual stronghold that would encourage you to release ill-researched, false material.

Min. H
I have your rituals, handbooks, etc. So I got most of my material from your rituals.

Although I don't question your call, I do question your methodology. Where did you study theology and Greek mythology again? Just wondering.Dr. of Divinity/Prophetess SJ, PROUD MEMBER OF DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC.

Min. H
I do question your call. I do question your allegiance to a sorority that claims all Deltas go to heaven or Omega Omega as your sorority calls it. Now is that false?


I pledged DST in college ('95) and I have decided not to associate myself with the sorority anymore for most of the reasons cited in earlier posts. Really, I had to look no further than the Delta Mitzpah (I don't pray in "Delta's precious name"), the ritual books (Minerva is protecting the pledgees) and the National Anthem ("with glowing hearts we praise thee" / "and our souls to rapture raise") not to mention the Omega Omega ceremony symbolically committing our souls to the great eternal Delta Chapter. Jesus will not be in that chapter, why would I want to be there???

I wish I could quote directly, but I have rid my home of all DST paraphernalia as well as the doctrine.

I get that people want to unite with others in service, but the ritual books clearly state that all service is done in the name and to the credit of DST, to bring honor and praise to the sorority. And yet the Bible lets us know that things done without pure motives will not be recognized eternally (1 Cor. 3:13). Why do things that will only bring temporary glory to DST when you can do things that honor Christ eternally? It just doesn't make sense.

One of the reasons Jesus was so hated in the world was because he came to destroy secret societies and hierarchies and the worship of gods. In fact, one of the reasons Paul was so hated in his time was because he taught people they didn't need to keep buying little trinkets and idol-worshipping symbols. They were already mad because Christ came to destroy the boundaries - it didn't help that the gospel also hurts the economy! But nobody's mad about that except the enemy.

If you're a young lady thinking about pledging, let me just say: You don't need to pay hundreds of dollars annually to be in a sorority to serve mankind. If you're looking for sisters, connect with sisters in Christ. He is the source of true love, His spirit (not Minerva's) lives forever and lives inside the true believers. You can get the same experiences with other non-profit organizations that do not try to mix Christianity with Greek gods and secret-society practices. Will you get to wear a t-shirt with Greek letters and participate in step shows? No. But if you're pledging just to say "I'm a Delta" or "I'm an AKA" and to step, I will advise you to find out who you are in Christ and wear HIS name humbly and praise Him alone.

One last reason that people say they're pledging is for the networking benefits. Again, if you're joining ANY service organization (whether it's a sorority or a megachurch) for the "What's in it for me?" factor, check your motives. First seek His Kingdom (Matt. 6:33). God is the One who brings promotion to His people anyway.

I don't think that people who are in sororities are evil. I think they are misinformed and content to mix societal norms with Christianity. Or they may be naive enough to think that every group that claims to be "founded on Christian principles" is actually about Jesus. I've seen business groups and pyramid schemes run this same way, unfortunately. Many potential pledgees are young, looking for connections. Make no mistake: it's the very clever work of the enemy to take some of the most promising young people and divert their attention and dedications to sororities during some of their most productive years. Financially speaking, some have spent their summers working to earn the money to pledge, and just want to be a part of something historical and bigger than themselves. But Delta is only 101 years old, sweetheart. The fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ is thousands of years old and will outlast DST and every other GLO.

In His Love,


Thanks Michelle, I really appreciate your testimony.

God Bless You,



Wow, you message is awesome!

I would like to connect with you. How do I do that?



Minerva is not taught to be anyone's God.Greek symbols are used. This does not mean you worship the symbol. Some Christians have gone to church and choreograped steps to modern dancing. Are you affiliating with places that worship the spirit of Martha Graham, Alvin A., etc. When you mime in the church are you are you worshiping the spirit of Red Skeleton and others. PolitIcs is in the church yourself and pray for others that they may receive the same revelation.Then, you may see some changes in these groups and churches becoming less wordly. These groups are not a Christian or church like group. SAVE YOURSELF.


If you have read other posts, then you would know my feelings about things the church does. But Minerva is a god, and Delta Sigma Theta specifically personifies that god in their teachings. I never said anything about worship, nor have I seen that word in your rituals.

Your sorority claims to be founded upon Christian principles, yet that is not what your ritual says either. I am already born again. So I would say to all Greeks and potentials, STOP HAZING, STOP PLEDGING, and simply have a membership process like the NAACP or Urban League, drop the rituals, and perform some REAL, BENEFICIAL COMMUNITY SERVICE.

This would stop the hazing almost immediately, but educated people feel the need to put other educated people through a process of physical, mental, psychological, and other trials just to be in an organization that performs business and community functions.

Greeks, specifically, black Greeks are failures to their communities, by not being able to seriously address the real problems. WHY? Because the organization does not have the MORAL GROUND to stand on when it comes to dealing with real problems premarital sex (which often leads to single parent households, homosexuality, HIV, etc.


Just call me MArcus, 919/278-8911 (I don't answer unknown calls, so you would have to leave a message if you did)