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Re: Alpha Gamma Sigma and Freemasonry

First off, I would like to state that I understand everyone has the right to the pursuit of happiness - however, I cannot for the life of me see how a person's right to pursuit of happiness can be vindicated by oppressing others.

Min. H
Oppression! I do not have the ability to do that. I do not believe coercing others into a place where they feel oppressed. They can come here and vent, give their testimonies, call me, e-mail me, etc. They have freedom here. The only thing I ask of people here if they want to talk smack is for the organization they belong to, and what they believe. That's not really oppression is it? LOL!

And that is exactly what this so-called "Minister" is doing. This site reeks just the same as the Westboro Baptist Church reeks - of being hypocritical.

Min. H
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As usual, an accusation without representation.

Now, I am a member of Alpha Gamma Sigma (one semester) and Freemason (since 2004). The "secrets" that are being sought for being "un-Christian" are nothing more than member recognition and ritual. The ritual is nothing more than an elaborate system to impress upon the new members what the organization's values are.

Min. H
Now who is oppressing here? You use the ritual to impress the values of the organization upon the new members. What values? Do you care to mention them? I am sure they will all sound good, BUT!!!!! So what's wrong with me impressing upon readers, a BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW?

As a Freemason, I can tell you that there are troves of information on the Fraternity at your fingertips - it's an ordeal to sift through the garbage and find the truth, but it IS out there.

Min. H
When you use the word truth, you mean the facts about Freemasonry right? Oh, I see right below. Let me address that.

For those who are curious - Freemasonry REQUIRES the belief in a higher power. How is this un-Christian?

Min. H
I will explain. Jesus claims to be the ONLY way to God. God also states that there is no god like Him. That He is the only God. So that is very un-Christian in light of what scripture says.

Isaiah 44
6Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

7And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them shew unto them.

8Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.

9They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed.

10Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?

11Behold, all his fellows shall be ashamed: and the workmen, they are of men: let them all be gathered together, let them stand up; yet they shall fear, and they shall be ashamed together.

Verses 9-11 are a description of your so-called higher power.

Unless of course, you're referring to the closed-minded Christians who believe that THEIR way is the only way, and anyone who isn't a Christan is going to Hell - thereby ****ing 99% of the Ancient World simply because there was no internet to broadcast messages by.

Min. H
So now you try to oppress me with your statements of "CLOSED-MINDED" and "GOING TO HELL", but I am not one to cower, yet to offer you an answer. John 14:6 is one of my answers, but allow me to add something else. God made Himself known to the people of Ancient Times, and the Bible clearly and accurately chronicles this.

For the record - I am "officially" a Baptist. However, first my mind was opened, and then followed my eyes, and I realized that Christians are just another cult - just like Muslims, Buddhists, Wiccans, and Catholics.

Min. H
You opened your mind to what, or better yet who? What you saw is an aberration of Christianity. If you were looking for, or were anchored in Jesus, then all of whatever drove you to madness would have never occurred. his is the problem with many who fall from the faith. They anchor all that they have in a movement named by someone, instead of the person the movement was named for.

The truth is, these cults - none of them are entirely wrong. They all worship the SAME higher power - just in their own ways.

Min. H
This is Freemasonry 101 (The Fatherhood of God and the Universal Brotherhood of Man). This is the very reason why I tell people not to join them or Greek Organizations. With truth only one can be right and all others wrong, or everyone is all wrong. ALL CANNOT BE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF THAT HIGHER POWER IS THE SAME, WHY IS IT NOT CALLED THE "HIGHEST" POWER, As the God of the Bible says He is???????

Well except for Catholics, they stole the Wiccan practices and condemned the Wiccans as demon worshippers, but...they're Catholic..what else is there to say?

Min. H
Now see people, this is what happens when you try to claim truth for a non-biblical frame of reference. The house of cards fall and you become a judgmental fanatic. I told you in the guestbook post that Nick would self-accuse, and here he has done it. A Catholic could make the very same statement about him and the Westboro Church.

To devote one's life to seeking out and trying to undermine organizations that devote their entire existence in improving their members, and their communites... this simply shouts "I am a pathetic individual who was found lacking, and as such was denied admittance to a society - therefore in my passion of anger, I choose to attack the organization that did not accept me, instead of looking at myself and realizing my shortcomings, and why I wasn't accepted."

Min. H
Nick, if you had taken time to read my testimony, you would know that I am a former 32nd degree Freemason and a former member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. My intentions to write a book came 3 or 4 years after I denounced. So where was all the anger. I could have printed copies and copies of rituals, but I did not. I often wonder at the accusations of those who say someone else would do evil, when it is the very sinfulness of that person that leads them to believe that everybody thinks like them. Bizonkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Face it - there IS no "I was a former member, who saw the truth". Because if someone IS a member, and they DO realize the TRUTH - they will be even more devoted to the organization.

Min. H
So now you "KNOW" the truth? Okay! Tell me what truth is, where does it reside, and allow me to ask you the ultimate question; Is Jesus God?????????/

I realized the TRUTH about Freemasonry, and as a result I am a THOUSAND times more ecstatic about being able to name myself a member of the Fraternity.

Min. H
Your exhilarating feeling has no bearing on TRUTH. It does not determine truth.

As for Greek organizations - some of them may not be organizations intended to better their members and shape them to be better citizens for having been a part of the organization...but the vast majority of Greeks that I have come into contact with are definitely better people for having been a part of a Greek organization.

Quit pigeonholing entire groups of people due to the actions of a few. If anyone wants to discuss the "evils" of Freemasonry, my email is

Min. H
I am pigeonholing organizations whose members unfortunately become brainwashed by their organizations. And all of this doing good for the community stuff; what have you all done to lift the moral base??????????????

Just be sure to bring rock solid evidence - rumors and he-said she-said conspiracy theories aren't worth wasting time over.

Min. H
I am a former mason, so I have no theories to give. I was initiated, passed, and raised just like you. In a fake resurrection ceremony full of characters and made up history that does not even exist.

Re: Alpha Gamma Sigma and Freemasonry


Oppression is defined as the exercise of authority or power in such a way to cause troubles, adverse conditions, or stress in a cruel or unjust manner. Claiming the position of Minister, basically is saying that God has given you the right and power to take the path you are taking. Ministers are seen as men (and women) of knowledge, and knowledge is power. Therefore influencing people to take the path YOU want them to take.

Your website clearly is trying to use religion to attack social/professional groups. Why? Where does the angst come from? You claim to be a former Greek as well as a former Freemason. I don’t see how being a member of either of these organizations could cause someone to try and attack them with religion. Okay, on the Greek slant, I grant that every organization is their own different entity, and in some cases, hazing may go on. Fortunately for me, I am a member of a GLO that is anti-hazing, and I can state that not once was I *ever* demeaned during the joining the process. Yes, I did get teased a little, but that just came as things come. My GLO chapter is very close knit, and by that, I mean the members as well as the alumni.

Back in 1999 when I first started college, I rushed Triangle at Marquette. This was before hazing was considered a crime as far as I know. Even without that hanging over their head – I never felt like I was being demeaned. In fact, even after rush and I was unable to join because at 17 years old I had changed my priorities to women and parties and forgot about class... the fraternity offered to let me spend the holidays at their house since I couldn’t afford the money to get back home. They tried to tutor me and help me get on track with my education. To this day I am still in constant contact with the internal vice president of the chapter from back then.

I’m not going to say ALL GLOs are as great as the two I have direct experience with. And with Freemasonry, well every great organization has been known to have a few bad apples slip through the cracks. After all, we had Bush for a president...”Christianity” has the “Reverend” Jesse Jackson... Saudi Arabia’s ruling family produced Osama Bin Laden... in the end, we are all just human, and as such we are not infallible. However to judge the many because of the few is very un-Christianlike.

Also, your bible contradictions link on your website is broken. I find that slightly amusing considering the links demeaning GLOs are in perfect working order.



Re: Alpha Gamma Sigma and Freemasonry


Oppression is defined as the exercise of authority or power in such a way to cause troubles, adverse conditions, or stress in a cruel or unjust manner. Claiming the position of Minister, basically is saying that God has given you the right and power to take the path you are taking."

Min. H
God has given me no such right or power. It is a privilege. I want people to study what I say, critique it, and provide feedback. I want those who agree with me to be my strongest critics. Sorry, but you give me too much credit. AND BY THE WAY, I STARTED THIS 6 YEARS BEFORE I BECAME A MINISTER.

Ministers are seen as men (and women) of knowledge, and knowledge is power. Therefore influencing people to take the path YOU want them to take.

Min. H
Ah Nickson, you have proven to be hypocritical or at the least fork-tongued. You admittedly denied the Christian faith, so how much power/knowledge do we really possess?

Your website clearly is trying to use religion to attack social/professional groups. Why? Where does the angst come from? You claim to be a former Greek as well as a former Freemason. I don’t see how being a member of either of these organizations could cause someone to try and attack them with religion.

Min. H
I am not attacking with religion, but simply providing a Biblical Worldview. It is the organizations that are skewed away from the Biblical Worldview. Actually, you have attacked Christianity and its adherents with your blasphemous claim and hidden insult for us believing Jesus is the only way. Now what would make you do that???????????

"Unless of course, you're referring to the closed-minded Christians who believe that THEIR way is the only way" Nick

Okay, on the Greek slant, I grant that every organization is their own different entity, and in some cases, hazing may go on. Fortunately for me, I am a member of a GLO that is anti-hazing, and I can state that not once was I *ever* demeaned during the joining the process. Yes, I did get teased a little, but that just came as things come. My GLO chapter is very close knit, and by that, I mean the members as well as the alumni.

Min. H
Since you will probably never tell all what happened, I will trust that you are being honest. And by the way, allow me to brush up on the Triangle's Ritual. so I can better reply to any problems it may have.

Back in 1999 when I first started college, I rushed Triangle at Marquette. This was before hazing was considered a crime as far as I know. Even without that hanging over their head – I never felt like I was being demeaned. In fact, even after rush and I was unable to join because at 17 years old I had changed my priorities to women and parties and forgot about class... the fraternity offered to let me spend the holidays at their house since I couldn’t afford the money to get back home. They tried to tutor me and help me get on track with my education. To this day I am still in constant contact with the internal vice president of the chapter from back then.

I’m not going to say ALL GLOs are as great as the two I have direct experience with. And with Freemasonry, well every great organization has been known to have a few bad apples slip through the cracks.

Min. H
It's not the few bad apples here. When an organization allows unbelievers to join, there are plenty of bad apples. Jesus is the one to be followed, can you lay any sin to His Name. If anyone practices sin, are they a Christian? As for FM, it is not all that great. It's demonic tones start in the very first degree. I never have to go any further than that degree to make my point.

After all, we had Bush for a president...”Christianity” has the “Reverend” Jesse Jackson... Saudi Arabia’s ruling family produced Osama Bin Laden... in the end, we are all just human, and as such we are not infallible. However to judge the many because of the few is very un-Christianlike.

Min. H
You judged every Christian for believing John 14:6. And you're right, we are just human. That's why Jesus provided himself as a sacrifice for us. If fraternities are supposed to teach you anything, it is sacrificing yourself for other brothers, yet while we were SINNERS, Christ died for us. (Romans 5)

Also, your bible contradictions link on your website is broken. I find that slightly amusing considering the links demeaning GLOs are in perfect working order.

Min. H
LOL- That link exposed (NOT DEMEANED) the fallacies of GLO's as well.

