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GLO's Exposed Discussion Forum
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is not you! Well in truth some of you want to claim that role, but I give you no power because only my Lord and Savior will do that because ONLY he knows my soul. People here are saying that because of my membership in Kappa, it takes away from my worship and praise of Jesus and to you I say pull the splinter out and examine your own lives. Are you free of sin and able to cast that stone, if not find something better to do with your time and lives like praising the Lord and acknowledging the brothers and sisters whom most likely are doing more to be Christ-like than these hypocrites on this site. Kappa's in Christ!!!!

The very things you are accusing us of doing, you are yourself doing. Secondly, I took the splinter of Greek life out of my eye, so that I could unbiasedly judge it. But guess what? It was while I was still in it that I made my strongest judgments as an insider.

As for Kappa, two gods and an evil sacrifice in one initiation. So tell us JD, what does the spear in the hand mean? The complete meaning from your ritual?

Let's have some real talk amongst the brothers and sisters here, or is your brotherhood in Kappa outweigh the one with fellow believers?

Great Post and Thanks!


JD- Are you paper, or did you pledge for real?