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GLO's Exposed Discussion Forum
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Is it possible to make a change from within the Frat? By change I mean changing the rituals. Taking out the pagan stuff and replacing it with Christ centered oaths married with our five objectives.

Min. H
From what I understand about Kappa, it takes about 75% vote of the leadership to make such a change. I believe that's highly unlikely. It would take a huge amount of pressure to do so. Very small possibility to change from within.

To all non-members of the frat, to be clear this ritual IS A ONE TIME repeating of some words a brother is saying. This is not something we repeat at every gathering or reaffirm periodically. I agree with Min H., it does not follow what I believe in (or my brother, also a member) and I’ve never repeated it. A very long time ago I decided not to even repeat INVICTUS (a poem used by Greeks as some sort of prayer) based on my beliefs and upbringing.

Min. H
Not repeating does not mean you are guiltless. Actually, did you tell your Big Brothers why it was ungodly?

About me, Father was a preacher (southern baptist), me and my brother were very active in the church, singing, and preaching later on. Never felt comfortable with whole “Barbarian” thing but hey just said it once. Going to set, I really do feel that I was blessed with my line. Even though we were at different levels of our Christianity or walk, every night we said a prayer before we went in. Me and my LBs are all God fearing to a degree and I pray that my life and fellow Christian Kappa’s can influence others by the life we live.

Min. H
The fact that you allowed hazing with your "level" of Christianity tells me that becoming a Kappa was more important to you than that. What abut the meaning of the arm holding the spear? The Ritual may be a one time thing for you, but it is the only means by which you may enter. There's a saying I heard.

Before the devil gives you something you good, you must first do something evil.

Back to my original point, I think it is possible to remain a Kappa, not denounce the frat, serve Christ and bring about change from within.

Min. H
The fraternity does not produce an environment conducive to Christian growth, so why would you think that? You literally became a slave to your own ethnic group to become a member. I would expect a believer to stand up and say, "NO" you're not going to beat me. What purpose does that serve?