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GLO's Exposed Discussion Forum

This is the forum area where you can discuss topics related to the Biblical exposure of Greek organizations. All posts are reviewed; if they are offensive they'll be deleted. 

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GLO's Exposed Discussion Forum
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Ministry Updates/Exposing Greeks IN the Churches!!!!!!!!

This ministry is getting ready to move into a new realm; the houses of God. I have been given a mandate and an invitation from an Evangelist to not only preach the gospel, but given permission to expose Secret Societies. To equip Pastors and all church leadership about the REALITY of GLO's, Masonic Orders, Shriners, Eastern Stars, etc. so they can effectively minister to their congregations and KNOW that they have a resource to DEAL with these UNGODLY organizations. I have been blessed to be able to preach at 3-4 churches and 1 revival between May 16-June 30. I will preach a regular message, have altar call, and then unleash the anointing that God has given me to expose GLO's. You see, it is all about the soul first, then the education and deliverance next.

Thank-You All For Praying For Me And This Ministry!!! Please Pray For Me Conitnually!!!!!!! We're All A Part Of God's Body!!!!!!!!!

Fred Hatchett

p.s. Alot of posts have been removed, but fear not, they are all saved.

Re: Ministry Updates/Exposing Greeks IN the Churches!!!!!!!!

I am about to post some SIGNIFICANT advancements in the area of exposing greeklife. It will be contained in topic along with a new topin called, "The Lifeblood of this Minsitry (Undergrads Who Denounce). Included in this will be the importance of telling Pastors.

There have been many NEW x-members of GLO's. If you would like to post here, e-mail me, let me know who you are, and we will proceed from there.