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Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

What Christian Sorority did U start?

Instant Messenger: MidWestMan914,4

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

I think that there was a thread for this topic some time back that's still on the forum....

I can only hope that these Christian fraternities and sororities have some real based to stand upon besides being "anti-GLO". As a matter of fact, they should have their focus which should be seperate from the GLOs. If they desire to attach organizations that state that they are "anti-Christ" or "anti-Christian", I would perceive that as fair. But that would still exclude the GLOs.

I'd also like to know their purpose for founding such an organization.....since many of the stated reasons for NOT having or being a member of GLOs (community outreach / service, for example) can be done by one's church.....

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

The name of the organization she started is ASUF.

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

What is ASUF? Its mission? chapter locations? website?

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

Why ? Ask yourself this, I'm starting an organization that,s anti Klu Klux Klan, but we're going to wear white robes and pointed hats.Does that make sense.If you're anti Greek don't wear the letter so people will think you are.

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

It's not the pointed hat and robes that makes the KKK evil. it is what they teach and stand for. ASUF in a NON-GREEK LETTER F&S so you have know claim on them. Your argument is stil weak however.

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

Yahoo group for ladies interesteded in joining a Christian sorority and trying to figure out which one to join.

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

Now Hatchett you know we cool,but i'm gonna have to disagree with you a little. Now you know im not an opposer of GLO's but for those of you who are, my question is this, if you oppose GLO's why would you want to do or have anything that RESEMBLES GLO's in any form or fashion. The bible says for us to flee from the VERY APPEARANCE OF EVIL. So even with the KKK issue, even though the robes and hoods are not what makes the KKK evil, but considering the fact they they are the only group known by their robes and hoods, it makes no sense to found an organization where my members wear the same type of garments. Now back to the Christian Frats / Sororities, I (MY OPINION) look at them as "strattling the fence" type organization. Its like "we want want to live out our GLO fantasies through a Christian Frat/Sorority. I also know for a FACT that a Christian Sorority here in Tennessee was JUST under investigation for hazing. I wont say the school or the org cause I dont believe in putting people on blast. The only thing that makes Christian Orgs different is that they are not apart of the D9 and they teach Christianity and the outspeak against D9 orgs. Some of them haze(just like regular D9 orgs), some of them have greek letters (just like D9 orgs), so whats the difference. Then those that oppsose D9 orgs say "you dont have to be apart of a frat/sor. to do community service" , but guess what you don't have to be in a Christian frat/sor. to teach Christ either. The only thing that seperates you all from the negative controversy is the fact that you all probably dont take oaths of secrecy. And for all I know some Christian orgs may do that too. Thats just like a white guy saying he opposes negroes but then wearing baggy jeans, listening to hip hop, and dating black women. Why resemble something that you oppose. You look like a regular glo, and some haze just like a reuglar glo, wear colors and letters just like a regular org. So to those on the outside lookin in what are you? A regular Glo. If the bible says us Saints are a pecular people, how can we be that if we look and act like everybody else? Now im not opposing Christian GLO's either im just giving you all the chance to see the scrutiny that you all place on regular GLO's

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

P.S. even though ASUF is not a "greek letter org" there are PLENTY of Christian orgs that are.

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

I know this was probably addressed to Minister Hatchett, but I'd like to inform you all that I have no problem with GLOs. It's the rituals of SOME that I have a problem with. I also think that people should know the meaning of the greek letters b4 they choose them for their christian organization. When people in particular groups do things wrong others just all of a sudden say well all groups like this are wrong. So, basically some people only see something wrong with orgs w/ greek letters b/c they have had bad exp w/ glo or b/c they only know and see bad in glo. That's like saying rap is wrong just b/c you've only heard of Tupac and Biggie. Rap is not bad it's what you rap about.

So, Min. Hatchett, do you have a problem with ALL glos. and why and what is your biblical reason?

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

I'm not sure whom everyone is responding to specifically but I'll comment anyway.

I simply was curious as to the organization she founded? I personally have never heard of christian organizations until these posts.

I just curious because I don't know anything about it.

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

I personally dont know the inside scoop but I do know that some of them do haze because a Christian sorority here at a college in my state was under investigation for that very thing. I also know that some of them are GLO's just more Christian oriented.

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

I am a member of a Christian GLO. Most of these organizations were started so that Christians would not have to conpromise who they were in christ. Also Greek Life is a medium that all know when they go off to school. God is using this tool as a vehicle to spread his word & bring his people back to him on our college campuses.

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

Child of God I can respect that. But what about your counterparts that haze and all that good stuff?

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

What about Alpha Lambda Omega (ALO) Christian Sorority? Are they "anti-BGLO" ?

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

I don't know if they are anti-BGLO, but they are a great Christian sorority! (from my perspective) and are really being brought out into the public's eye. I believe more info. will be coming soon at the yahoo group listed for ladies interested in Christian sororities.

God bless.

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

Just b/c an org uses Greek letters doesn't make them "evil"; Min. Hatchett, if ASUF was to change their name to Alpha Sigma Upsilon Phi, would you all of a sudden talk down on them regardless of their outstanding CHRISTIAN ministry? God may give people a vision to use greek letters as a way of putting into play 1 Corinthians 9:22 which I spoke of b4. Stay blessed.

"It's the rituals not the letters."

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities


Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

Min. Hatchett, I would like to understand your problem with ALL Greek letter orgs. I know that most of them have issues that conflict w/ Christianity, but God has placed on some hearts to use this tactic as an alternative for Christians.

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

Mimricry: When two creatures of the same species look so similar that they ward off danger. Example: The Monarch and Viceroy butterfly are so similar in appearance that birds often do not eat the good tasting Viceroy thinking it's the bad tasting Monarch. But for some reason Monarchs significantly outnumber Viceroys. Is imitation a good thing or a bad thing? Do viceroys just not multiply as fast?

The problem with greek alternatives, especially black ones is mimicry. They want, must be, or are demanded by the passions of people to be much like their secular counterparts. Why is this? What is this about our people that we have to be like the majority is necessary to satisfy. Christians just cannot seem to escape the stigma and ridicule of the world.

many Chirstian-based greek oganizations haze/pledge, have secrets and signals,etc. There are only a few that abstain from the secular vacuum that sucks away the righteousness and receive from the secular stomach, whatever evil it vomits up.

Re: Christain Fraternities & Sororities

So you dont believe that a cglo could have been given by the leading of the Holy Spirit?

Also, if there wasn't that alternative, Christians would be even more tempted to join a bglo. Bglos actually have some things that reflect Christianity but have polluted it; brother/sisterhood and service. It is polluted with idolatry, compromise, and ungodliness. I think what you stated is your opinion and was not given to you by the Holy Spirit and I can tell you why via personal e-mail.

I would like for you to answer my question above. Another thing is that when someone takes weeks to answer one question makes me to believe that they had to formulate their own answer. When I see posts that are not of God, the Holy Spirit speaks and it doesn't take Him 3 weeks to respond (He doesn't have to think about it). No offense, I agree with you on the negative spiritual side of w/bglos, but you are looking with worldly eyes at cglos (in my opinion). Oh, and I DO agree that there are plenty cglos who just want to wear greek letters. I have been communicating with many lately and some formed their orgs not by the leading of the Holy Spirit, but b/c they couldn't be apart of a bglo or for other personal desires. So, I know what you mean, but there are a FEW who are really being lead by the Holy Spirit and are all about souls. It's true (and you prove it) that when many of one kind mess up (or do good) they make all look alike. I pray that you will be humble enough to admit when you're wrong whenever you start to receive that, BUT you are right about many cglos, but not all are like that and none (to my knowledge---and I don't know it all) have any idolatrous rituals.

God bless you.