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GLO's Exposed Discussion Forum
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Re: question

Minister Hatchett,

Did you remove the posting where I ALREADY spoke on how God gives revelations?


Some things God says He does not want that particular person doing at that time or ever b/c He may have something else planned for their life, but some things are just not right for anybody that claims to be a Christian and idolatry is one of them, being apart of an org. that says Minerva is your mentor pushes the Holy Spirit our of the picture unless one believes that the Holy Spirit could use a little bit of help.

So, some things are wrong for that person b/c it's not in God's plan for their life or they're not ready for it yet (in many ways; spiritually, emotionally, etc.), but somethings are just not right. And since when does God say "you cannot fornication, but she can"? Some things are just wrong for Christians, regardless of who they are and what God has planned, even in 05 God still says sex b4 marriage is wrong and b/c He is the same yesterday, today, adn forever more His Word has not changed!


God WILL be glorified, no matter what justifications we come up with. Now you just said, "truth is truth", I like that

So check this out: The truth is the truth whether we like it or not, even if we don't want to accept it----As I've said b4: When you die, God is not going by your self deceptions but by His Holy Word. There is no excuse when God has sent people to you to minster His message. If we truly love God then we will sacrifice what we love for His will. "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments" (John 14:15) But TRULY seek Him and hear from Him and not your heart b/c "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desparately wicked, who can know it" (Jer. 17:9) And to have confidence in your decision, take things into consideration, whether you agree or not unless God says 'unh-uh", but always take it to the throne and ask for confirmation "that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." (1 Cor. 2:5).

Praise God Almighty, Maker and Creator of heaven and earth!!!

May God bless

Re: question

you mention that "selling out" for God means that you must sacrifice what you love for Him..this is a true statement. Think about this.
If I go to the store and buy up a bunch of items and I pick up a bunch for you as well. There is no point in you going and buying anything for me because I have already done it. I did not ask you to so your service is very nice, and I would appreciate it, but I didnt ask you to do it.
God is not asking me to give up my membership. He is asking me to use it to reach those that would otherwise be swallowed up by broken homes, drunkeness, depression, fornication, and lack of knowledge. If we who know the way do not teach those who are lost than we are no better than the enemy. God uses different people to minister in different ways so that "all may come to repentance" not that His word would be compromised but that His word would reach to the entire realm of the world. As long as I keep Him first and keep my relationship with Him in order as well as bring souls to Him so that they may escape hell as He allowed me to that is what I am here for. I am dedicated to touching the lives of people here on this earth and I will continue to do so until the last soul that is assigned to me is saved. I will show His people His way from whatever position I hold, and the way God works, it will work.
It's called faith and service.

Instant Messenger: deleted

Re: question

Me: let me answer your question.
I am a member of another BGLO, not delta as you are referring to. Anyways, the truth is: the BGLO's are 'stuck' in or nicely put rooted in their tradition. With time BGLO's have changed a few things like membership requirements, g.p.a. and stuff; but the foundational rituals are hardly ever changed.

The reasons are unexplainable to those without Christ. See part of the reason God said do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers is because the YOKE is a soul tie. The soul tie happens in the spirit realm Christians that are filled with the Holy Ghost and revelation knowledge understand (or should) the spirit realm. Yokes or soul ties are hard to break. In fact, some people never come OUT from AMONG them and BE YE SEPARATE due to the yoke of bondage (soul ties) which have a grip on them. That's why some see but do not perceive and others hear but do not understand. They won't answer your question for two reasons, 1) they are under the yoke of bondage and 2) they do not realize it, or 3) they do not know how to get free from it.
BEFORE I RECEIVE HATE MAIL, I'M NOT JUST SPEAKING ABOUT DELTA, PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS. I'm a member of AKA, our pledge says: TO Thee Oh Alpha Kappa Alpha, we pledge our hearts, our minds, our strength...........and so on. The reason this was never changed, although, we have plenty of members who head wise know the Word of GOd, is the yoke of bondage. The bible also speaks about traditions of men, for those who can't wait to finish reading my post to respond. It's not for tradition, it is a soul tie in the spirit realm. Sometimes people's hearts and minds are blinded to the truth and it makes them easily offended when they hear the truth. They don't respond because they can't.
Pray that God would deliver them from this bondage.
In fact, Father in the Name of Jesus please set every member, future member, wannabe of a BGLO free from the spirit of idolatry, especially those who know better, please forgive us and deliver us from the yoke of bondage due to our willful sin, sin of commission and ommission. Some of us did not know the truth, had not experience revelation of Christ before we joined our BGLO, some of us are without excuse. But, Father you sent Christ to die for our sins, sicknesses, diseases, and all manner of bondage. Christ rose for our victory. Give us the victory in our lives so we may worship YOU only, which is the first commandment. Forgive us, deliver us, and make us your child. In Jesus' Name, Glory to the Father. Amen