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Alpha Phi Alpha was NOT the FIRST Fraternity

Can anyone who is allowed to post here, know the answer? If so, please educate the viewers.

Re: Alpha Phi Alpha was NOT the FIRST Fraternity

Speaking in the context of "fraternity", of course Alpha Phi Alpha is not the first. However, in terms of segregation, as well as categorization, it's thought of as the first. What I mean is this: In what we know as "modern times", the first organized fraternal organization is the Order of Freemasons or some similar counterpart i.e., Knights Templar, Order of the Golden Dawn, Daughters of Isis, and etc. From that point, many white intercollegiate fraternity and sororities were birthed, starting with Phi Beta Kappa a little while before Black ones came on the college scene.

Now speaking in terms of Black fraternal orders, we have similar groupings as the ones above. Starting with Prince Hall Masonry (PHM), and then there is "Sigma Pi Phi", the group of Black postcollegiate men who were professional dentists that founded this fraternity as working class businessmen, not college students. My research shows that AFTER "Sigma Pi Phi" came the first known group of college students at Cornell University who founded Aplha Phi Alpha with the direct assistance of some established Black Freemasons. I hope that this helps. Always in Love.

Sis. Gail Gray(former AKA)

Re: Alpha Phi Alpha was NOT the FIRST Fraternity

First inercollegiate Black fraternity!Sigma Pi Phi was not inercollegiate. My fault for the lack of info.

Re: Alpha Phi Alpha was NOT the FIRST Fraternity

Gamma Phi, 1905, Wilberforce University