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The Black Community's State of Denial Conclusion

This article was not published due to fear of repucussions. Some of information was added and changed for clarity and honest presentation of the facts. I changed (abortionist to eugenicist) for those involved in the Negro Project).

State of Denial Synopsis- What the Elites of the Black Community have in Common
Fred Hatchett

What we have here is a list of people, most of who were mentioned in the last five articles of the State of Denial Series. We have one single striking contrast among these men and women. They all belong to some black affiliated secret society and/or sorority and fraternity. Members of these organizations beam with pride when they go to mention all of the famous members of their beloved Greek or Masonic Organizations. Members will say what great pillars and supporters of the community these men and women have been. When I think of pillar, I think of uplift, holding up and holding together; but what you will find in this list from oldest to youngest are abortionists, agnostics, atheists, a voodoo priestess, pro-homosexuals, racists against their own, etc. First I need to define something, and then let the truth cry loud.

Malthusian Eugenics
Margaret Sanger aligned herself with the eugenicists whose ideology prevailed in the early 20th century. Eugenicists strongly espoused racial supremacy and “purity,” particularly of the “Aryan” race. Eugenicists hoped to purify the bloodlines and improve the race by encouraging the “fit” to reproduce and the “unfit” to restrict their reproduction. They sought to contain the “inferior” races through segregation, sterilization, birth control and abortion.

W.E.B. Dubois- Sigma Pi Phi, Alpha Phi Alpha, Masonic Order, AGNOSTIC

Langston Hughes- Omega Psi Phi, CHRIST-HATER

Zora Neale Hurston- Zeta Phi Beta, VOODOO INITIATE

James Weldon Johnson- Phi Beta Sigma, Sigma Pi Phi, AGNOSTIC


Martin Luther King Jr.- Alpha Phi Alpha, Sigma Pi Phi, DENIAL OF CHRIST’S BLOOD ATONEMENT

Jesse Jackson- Omega Psi Phi, ABORTIONIST (WAS PRO-LIFE)

Jeremiah Wright- Omega Psi Phi and 32nd degree Freemason, ABORTIONIST

Cornel West- Alpha Phi Alpha, Christianity is not the only Truth.

Thurgood Marshall- Alpha Phi Alpha, Voted in favor of Roe v. Wade (LEGAL ABORTION)

Benjamin Chavis Muhammad, Phi Beta Sigma, Apostate Christian

Nikki Giovanni- Delta Sigma Theta, OPPOSES MARRIAGE

Coretta Scott King- Alpha Kappa Alpha (Honorary), Pro-Homosexual

Al Sharpton, Masonic Order, PRO-GAY MARRIAGE

Dr. Dorothy Boulding Ferebee- Alpha Kappa Alpha, EUGENICIST/ ABORTIONIST

Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Jr., pastor, Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York Alpha Phi Alpha- ABORTIONIST

Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune- Delta Sigma Theta, ABORTIONIST/ EUGENICIST

Eugene Kinckle Jones, executive secretary, National Urban League, New York- FOUNDER Alpha Phi Alpha, EUGENICIST/ ABORTIONIST

Charles S. Johnson, president, Fisk University, Nashville- Alpha Phi Alpha, EUGENICIST/ABORTIONIST

Rev. Dr. Otis Moss Jr.- Supposed to be one of the top preachers in America
Thirty-Third Degree Freemason, Prince Hall Affiliation (1987), Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity, Sigma Pi Phi, Pro-Homosexual

Tavis Smiley- Kappa Alpha Psi, Opportunist

“Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, Jr. (Chair, Obama National African American Religious Leaders working Group) and Stamp Corbin (Chair, Obama National LGBT Leadership Council) and Sharon Malheiro (LGBT Activist) were among the leaders in support of this move toward unity.”

These men and women are supposed to be the crème of the crop in the black community, past and present. Instead what we have is the scourge of our community. Many like them and those they influence flood our society, believing that they are the Messiahs of blacks. They have poisoned the black community with so much relative morality that only the brave few stand on God’s Word. We need more men like Fred Shuttlesworth, who had no problem acknowledging what gays had done during the civil rights, but had no right to fight for those same freedoms as homosexuals. We won’t see preachers like him at the State of the Black Union gatherings. Tavis “cheese-eating” Smiley does not have the courage to put a real preacher on the stage. Our communities are so tainted with compromise that we ignore transgressions to keep friendships. We fail to warn each other of the clear and present dangers of society. These men used these various organizations for their own personal use, but also to keep those who opposed their purposes quiet. Greeks and Masons try to assume positions of leadership to control, not to lead. It’s high time we expose the truth and facts in our quickly degrading culture. When you fail to acknowledge past failures, you are left to learn in that old school called experience.

“Experience is the only school a fool can learn in and no other.” Mom

But smart people learn form other people’s mistakes. In my research, strictly for these articles, I stumbled upon names and people that shared two things in common. They were black and members of Greek-Letter Organizations and/or Freemasonry. But there was one other distinct characteristic they all shared; an elitist, snobbish, prideful haughtiness, antichrist mentality that has led and is leading the black community to its own SELF-DESTRUCTION.