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grammar check

We here at Freedom LED have a vast knowledge and numerous years of experience with LED sign technology.
Is there supposed to be a comma after We?
Or somewhere else in the sentence?

Re: grammar check


Quick answer: It's okay as it is.

We here at Freedom LED have a vast knowledge and numerous years of experience with LED sign technology.

More considered answer:

We, here at Freedom LED, have a vast knowledge and numerous years of experience with LED-sign technology.

If you consider 'here at Freedom LED' to be addition information, then it can be offset with commas (as above). It could also start the sentence:

Here at Freedom LED, we have a vast knowledge and numerous years of experience with LED-sign technology.

However, if you consider that 'here at Freedom LED' is required to identify 'we' then it is fine without the commas.

My preferred version is the one that starts 'Here at Freedom LED, we...'.

You will note that I have put a hyphen in LED-sign. (It is a compound adjective.)

The style of the text - to my ear - suggests that these words are to be spoken. For a brochure, I find it a little flowery.

With numerous years of experience, Freedom LED has a vast knowledge of LED-sign technology.

Numerous is a poor word in my opinion. How many is it?

With 10 years' experience, Freedom LED has extensive knowledge of LED-sign technology.

We could go on......

The bottom line is that your version is okay, but there are dozens of other better options.

Re: grammar check

We, here at Freedom LED, have vast knowledge and numerous years of experience with LED sign technology.

Re: Re: grammar check

We, here at Freedom LED, have vast...


We here at Freedom LED have vast...

Both are fine.

It is:

LED-sign technology