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Do I have the right commas?

1. She often interrupts me, but I never say a thing.                         

2. Yuri has lived in the United States for ten years, so she can now become a citizen.

3. Len has been married three times, and this will now be the fourth.

4. I like owning a car, yet I hate pollution.

5. Either Jake or Travis will be picking you up after school.

6. You can finish your homework, or go do some chores.

7. After you finish your paper, come down stairs.

8. Because we like ice cream, we ate at Dairy Queen.

9. Even though the Packers had no quarterback, they still won.

10. Whenever you say that, I feel like crying.

11. Avery was painting the fence while he was listening to music.

12. The cafeteria food improved when they hired a new employee.

13. Couples who never argue don’t make it.

14. The horoscopes that appear in the daily papers are lame.

15. A person who becomes upset easily will always fail.

16. A country that I have always wanted to visit is Africa.

17. Although spiders scare most people, I eat them.

18. Whenever I hear Justin Beiber sing a song, I almost puke.

19. Because you believe in yourself, you will accomplish your goals.

20. As Gloria stepped off the elevator, she tripped.

21. This video, which we watched last night, was hilarious.
22. A person who has coped with great loss can help others in a similar situation.

23. While Kimi studied chemistry, I watched the football game.

24. If you are driving to Kenosha make sure you have enough gas.

25. Although it’s cold outside, I still enjoy being out there.

Re: Do I have the right commas?

I am very grateful to your great efforts . I wish you could send me a weekly message through my e-mail so as to inform me the latest information.

Re: Do I have the right commas?

We don't really do homework on this site.

Here's a lesson on using commas.