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can someone help me please in making these sentences parallel.
1) Kindness, being physically fit, and a sensse of humour are all useful when dealing with young children.

2) The curtains were not only too long but also were too wide.

3) I have always appriciated yoru affable competence, your professional concern, and you are also keenly aware.

4) The new legislation should be comprehensive, precise, aonsistent and anyone could enforce it.

5)Exercising daily, eating balanced meals adn a lot of sleep will guarantee you a healthy life.


In a parallel sentence, all list items should be in the same format. (Changes are shown in capital letters.)

1) Kindness, PHYSICAL FITNESS and a sense of humour are all useful when dealing with young children.

2) The curtains were not only too long but were ALSO too wide.

3) I have always appreciated your affable competence, your professional concern and YOUR KEEN AWARENESS.

4) The new legislation should be comprehensive, precise, consistent and ENFORCEABLE BY ALL. (< other options available)

5)Exercising daily, eating balanced meals and GETTING A LOT OF SLEEP will guarantee you a healthy life.