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Practise / Practice

where to use Practise and practise in a sentence, is the sentence given below correct?
I and my friend were practising for the football match

Re: Practise / Practice

My friend and I were practicing for the football match.

Re: Re: Practise / Practice

Oops! Go to the "common error" section of this site and look under "P". There it tells you the difference between "practice" and "practise". Why isn't "practise" in my dictionary?

Re: Re: Re: Practise / Practice

In England, we differentiate between the verb and the noun.

I went to practice on Monday.
I practised on Monday.

It's the same with licence.

A licence to kill.
Licensed to kill.

In the US, practice is always spelt with a C. Here is the lesson on < a href="">practice and practise.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Practise / Practice

Ooops, Here is the lesson on practise and practice.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Practise / Practice

Hi All,

I can't speak english clearly and i can't write sentence formation.can you tell me the tips how to improve communication. please repaly back..

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Replying to:

In England, we differentiate between the verb and the noun.

I went to practice on Monday.
I practised on Monday.

It's the same with licence.

A licence to kill.
Licensed to kill.

In the US, practice is always spelt with a C. Here is the lesson on < a href="">practice and practise.