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Sims 2

Uh, I know it's kinda early to be asking this, but does anybody know if the Sims 2 will have cheat codes available? I sure hope so, because I want to make an awesome house when it comes out. I'm so siked for this game!!

- Barbara

How did you get here? From 7 Deadly Sims??

Re: Sims 2

i dont know but do you know how to make simes have twins,triplets or quids

How did you get here? friend emailed the problem to me

Re: Sims 2

Do you mean when the sims have babies or just at the start of the game when you make your sims?

Also i think there will be cheats for the sims2 i don't know any yet but i think that when it comes out they will be all over the internet just check in a search engine

How did you get here? Google

Re: Sims 2

I have no doubt in my mind there will be cheats in the Sims 2 because at least every game and program has some type of cheat or easter egg that users can use to enhance their play. I doubt they will be available immediatly, but maybe in a few months after the game is officially released. If there were no cheats I don't think the original sims game would have been so fun or popular because people wouldn't have the freedom to download and purchase so many objects.

Re: Sims 2

there is cheat codes for sims 2. i know it. i believe in it. i hope there would be cheatcodes.

How did you get here? linkSSS

Re: Sims 2

i think i fancy james

How did you get here? by bus