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Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Rev Wright and Barack
Posted March 15, 2008 | 02:30 PM (EST)


Read More: Barack, Reverend Wright, Breaking Politics News

Buzz up!

I am a Barack Obama supporter. I liked Senator John Edwards, think Hilary Clinton would make a super president, but have been persuaded ever since the start of the campaign that Barack offers the greatest chance for substantive, and greatly over needed, change.

I'm still in the Barack camp. But, as a vocal supporter, I'd like just a couple of answers about the flap over Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr, the former pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, the Chicago megachurch where the Obamas have been members for 20 years.

Buzz up!on Yahoo!Guilt by association is totally unwarranted. Barack is not responsible for Wright's views. However, how he responds to those views - and whether he is being straight with us, the voters - is critical as to whether he should lead our country.

The key issue for me, as both a supporter and as a reporter, revolves around what I view as Wright's most incendiary comments, those implying that America - because of its own actions - deserved the 9/11 terror attacks.

Wright made his comments on September 16, only 5 days after the deadly strikes in New York and Washington. He said, in part, "We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye....We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost."

Barack was then serving in the Illinois senate. He had unsuccessfully run for Congress the previous year. Although the Trinity United Church is large (6,000 members), the Obamas were then, and have been since his 1997 election to the State Senate, some of the best known parishioners.

A church, synagogue, mosque, and other places of worship, are like extensions of the local communities they serve. Afro-centric churches like Trinity serve not only as houses of worship but as a backdrop for a wide range of social, personal, and often business, relationships. When a parishioner is away from their house of worship, if the preacher/priest/rabbi/imam says something particularly out of character - or wildly controversial - it is almost impossible that members aren't going to talk about it endlessly as gossip.

There was no more traumatic event in our recent history than 9/11 Reverend Wright's comments would have raised a ruckus at most places in America, coming so soon after the the attack itself. Political commentator Bill Maher lost his TV show when he seconded a guest's observation that the hijackers had courage to carry out their attack. The country was emotionally raw.

If the parishioners of Trinity United Church were not buzzing about Reverend Wright's post 9/11 comments, then it could only seem to be because those comments were not out of character with what he preached from the pulpit many times before. In that case, I have to wonder if it is really possible for the Obamas to have been parishioners there - by 9/11 they were there more than a decade - and not to have known very clearly how radical Wright's views were. If, on the other hand, parishioners were shocked by Wright's vitriol only days after more than 3,000 Americans had been killed by terrorists, they would have talked about it incessantly. Barack - a sitting Illinois State Senator - would have been one of the first to hear about it.

Can't you imagine the call or conversation? "Barack, you aren't going to believe what Revered Wright said yesterday at the church. You should be ready with a comment if someone from the press calls you up."

But Barack now claims he never heard about any of this until after he began his run for the presidency, in February, 20007.

And even if Barack is correct - and I desperately want to believe him - then it still does not explain why, when he learned in 2007 of Wright's fringe comments about 9/11 and other subjects, the campaign did not then disassociate itself from the Reverend. Wright was not removed from the campaign's Spiritual Advisory Committee until two days ago, and it appears likely that nothing would have been done had this story not broken nationally.

Come on, Barack. I'm backing you because you are not 'one of them.' You have inspired me and millions of others because you are not a typical politician. You tell it like it is, don't fudge the facts, and don't dodge and weave with clever words to avoid uncomfortable truths.

Tell it straight. Was Reverend Wright so radical that his post 9/11 comments did not cause a stir at the Church, and you never learned about them until 2007, nearly 6 years later? Why, when you did learn about them, did you not ask Revered Wright to step down from his role in your campaign?

Give us the plain truth. You won't lose us by being brutally honest. You only risk shaking our faith in you if you seem like so many other politicians that crowd the field.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Don't really know why the fact that Wright is a Obama supporter

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Don't know why that posted before I finished...don't know why that should be a factor...Obama has denouced most of what he said...or according to news articles...Just like nothing that I say is going to make much difference in the election...

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Wright must be an undocumented Mexican.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Joy shortly after the U S was hit by moslem Terrorists and 3000 of our people murdered. This preacher said it was justififed that the United states had done that attack and he said "goddamn america not god bless america". Now Barack Hussien Obama did not repudiate those statements then , he only repudiated those statement within the last few days. i say because he believed in those statements and only said no when he was caught. Just as eliot spitser said he was sorry they are both sorry they got causght as all democrats are. Only sorry they are caught ,not because they were wrong just CAUGHT.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

I am just curious as to why you (anyone)would attend a church for 20 years and then when the pastor is exposed as a racist and "Gad Damning America" for everything that has oppressed him and his people you would all of a sudden denounce him.
If I went to a church that preached something that made me uncomfortable or I didn't think was up my alley, I would certainly use my freedom that has been awarded me by the blood of so many and choose something that was more of a fit to mine and my families ideas, beliefs, needs and or lifestyle.
I am sure that the Pastor didn't preach this stuff on only the days that Barack and his family weren't there. I am sure some of this came out at family BBQ's etc. He has said that Pasotr Wright is his mentor and like an Uncle to him for the past 20 years.
Come on.
This makes me see color in Barack, unlike someone like Colin Powell or Condalisa Rice. I realize you can't blame Barack for something his Pastor says, but if you've taken spiritual guidance from this man for 20 years, I think thats pretty scarey. Nothing in the sermons that I have watched or listened to is remotely related to being a christian. Christians don't preach anger and hatred. That is a personal thing. This Wright guy seems very angry and his rants seem very personal. Blaming the white man for aides and crack and puting black men in prison.
What happend to being responsible for your own actions and blaming yourself for the choices you make?
I think he puts a big blemish on Barack.
And I am not saying any candidate is holier than thou, but this is not good for any politician.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Well said Teri well said. Too bad you or someone couldnt put those questions directly to him but he would never answer a direct question.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Quite Frankly I think that if you look into ANY Candidates past you will find something of controversy, John McCains Doorstep isn't really that clean. Seems to me that Obama is directing much of his time answering questions from what I have read in the News and in my opinion Guilty by Association.

Just my opinion but I think that this whole thing being fanned by people like Sean Hannity, Bill O Smelly and that Idiot Rush Limbaugh and is just a ploy to keep them in another years worth of those $2000 Dollar Pimp Suits that they squeeze into every week. Not to mention the fact that the thought of a Black Person becoming President of the United States scares them further back into the stone age than they already are.

In the End it will be the Election that will be the Final Judge anyway.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Jinx it was ABC news that has put these clips showingjust waht Obama 's preacher the man Obama said was his mentor , the person he looked up to for guidence. Obama heard wright state the americans deserved 9/11. That white people like you and me invented aids to destroy "people of color' wrights words. did you invent aids? i know i didnt.
Obama only disavowed this guy and his statements last week (not when he stated those views) and he only disavowed the words of wright when they were caught and told to the american people.
You say disparaging things about Limbaugh Hannity Oreilly only because they have helped bring out the truth about Obama and wright.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

This election is really something else. I just wish voters would actually vote for someone who cares about the citizens not just their own political agendas. To me the voters of this nation are in rush to be the first voters to put someone in office based on gender, and race. The people need to look deeper than that. I don't know which of the three candidates fit that bill. Mccain, but I don't like his policy with illegal immagrants. I don't like Obama or Hillary with their anti military stance, and not caring about vets. Everyone says take the lesser of the two evils, well folks all I see in politicans is evil. The way the country has to be politically correct. Seems there is the constitution and then what the politicans want to alter the constitution to fit there needs, not the needs of the citizens.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

In the End it will be the Election that will be the Final Judge anyway.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

The big mouthed Rev is doing his best to get McCain elected. I know Barack is praying that he keeps his mouth shut from now on lol.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Wrong about my remarks on the Three Musketeers "Bill, Sean and Rush",,, Duane.

Although I worked more or less with Hannity a few years back on a Cause for some friends of our family and talked to him on many occasion while he was covering the event, I never could stand any of them. But at that time he was a necessary Evil.

My statement still stands about them shaking in their Shoes at the thought of a Black Man Becoming President or even a Woman for that matter.

IM sure that they will keep this story going as long as they milk it. But They are the White Right and thats what they get paid for.

We will see at the upcoming Election.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter


Maybe you got something there! Ya think the Old Rev just might be a McCain man?

AAAH! FogettaBoutit!! LOL!!

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Just thinking to myself that Barack said this Rev is like a mentor or uncle. After hearing him saying that I wouldn't want to meet up with any of his so called enemies lol

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

I agree with Robert. It is the lesser of three evils and we saw what the Clinton administration did to the military, and after hearing Barack's spiritual advisor and mentor, it makes me a little nervous, not that he's black or anything, that he is so against this country.
I did ask some of the black people I work with what they thought of Pastor Wright and his statements. And one guy I work with said he agree's with Wright, our government invented aides for population control against the blacks. And then he asked me what I had been told. And I told him I hadn't been told anything but I did read that it originated in Africa from sex with monkey or apes, but that during the Reagan years when it was coming into the picture full blown, that news of it and research for it had been supressed. And then he said "that's what they tell you?" and I said "who, the white man?" and he said "ya". I was like no, I watched the news, different chanels and I read what ever I could find on it and I am not sure who wrote the things I read if they were white or black. But I think it's insane for anyone to think that it was invented to control the black population. If they were smart enough to invent something like that, they would be smart enough to know that it would not confine itself to just the black population.
So as far as I can tell it is a very racist conspiracy theory. Another girl walked up to us during this conversation and she's black and our age and he asked her where aides originated and she said in Africa from the having sex with apes or animals. So all people are not taught that.
I know this is a disgusting topic, but there is a big difference here between cultures. It sometimes is very obvious and sometimes you can know people for 12 years. like I do these guys and never know they had resentments like that or they are so angry like that.

Maybe I should have snopes it before I started to ask questions.
Personally I think there should be a dem and a republican in office at the same time, that way there is balance.
And I don't think any of them are concerned about immagration, but our country is stretched beyond repair. Our school system here in Nevada is in shambles.
God Bless America

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

I am a Barak Obama supporter, And I also agree with the words of Rev Jerimiah Wright And I challenge anyone to question my patrtism. loyalty too or love for america. But if America gnores the contributions of my people in the develpment of this nation then God Damn America.Since my people had to go against dogs and water cannons and clubs to be able to vote then God damn America If I see a white manor any other man try to deny me my civil god given rights and i make note of classifies me as a racist wrong because i or rev wright have the power to control any one racially, you may class me as a bigot But any minister in Chicago white or black will tell you thathe is not a bigot. evan though Japan attacked the US in WWII it was wrong to use two atomic bombs against a already defeated country. and now the whole universe is affectedby the residu of those two bombs Yes I say God Damn The america that allow guns to kill innocent people every day God damn the america that allows homes to be broken in to and guns are stolen and sold on the streets of our cities. Goddamn the america that allows nuts to get guns and create massacres in our school and universties got Damn theAmerica that denies people the right of sexual or parental choice. GODDAMN an AMERICA that do not reconize a man that has all of the qualties to president of these UnitedStates of America Goddamn your America Duane, Teri and John. Gob Bless the America that the rest of us live in.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Grant: I don't think John had a post on this thread. As for the others - It ain't their America yet!

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Yes Grant..who is the John that you are referring to?

John R...

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

John...don't get upset with Grant mentioning your name...he IS a Black man who has been there and done that with this situation and I am sure it was difficult for him to respond at all...he hasn't been on the forum in a long time.
Think in his excitement or strong convictions on the subject...put your name in place of another.
Be forgiving as you usually are.


Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

I have been a Clinton supporter in the current contest for the Democratic nomination; but I have gained a lot of respect for Obama in his handling of Rev. Wright's comments. It would have been very easy for him to simply "throw him under the train," and wash his hands of the whole thing. Instead Obama chose to bring the whole issue of race out into the open. Not just race in the current campaign, but race relations in America in general. I have read, and listened, to what he's said; and found his remarks to be forthright and honest. I think that, if the country listens to him, it will be one of the best things that could happen to America. No doubt Wright's remarks were leaked to the media in anticipation that there would be a "knee-jerk" white reaction against Obama. So-far I don't think this has happpened, except - of course - among people who had no intention of voting for him, or any other Democrat, in the first place. If America listens, and thinks hard about some of the basic truths involved, it may turn out to Obama's advantage.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Grant and mad doc doubtless if Barack Hussien Obama gains complete control of the United States My self and teri( one of the nicest people i have ever known) will be denied any rights in Hussiens Oabama's U S A along with hundreds of millions of other honest hard working americans who defended and are still defending this country. Only you people will be able to live here.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter


There is some truth to the mention of Rush Limbaugh in the earlier post. I was listening to the conservative radio programs for several weeks just to see who they were hating or fearing this week, and Rush literally said that conservatives whould vote for Hillary in the primaries, just to even her up with Obama. They are calling it the "Limbaugh effect". He figures that if they do this, as they have no intention of voting for either democrat in the general election, it will keep the dems at odds and tied up in contest battles long enough to give McCain time to come up with a way to beat the others in the general election. Yeah right.

To that I say, good luck. He used to have my respect, but his 100 years statement lost me recently. He used to stand for something, stand up against the conservative base when they did or said things that he was against. Lately, he is kissing ass to get elected and has become a yes man to get votes. I would have voted for him had he stuck to his guns and kept it real. And maybe if he had also not started singing the "war is a wonderful thing" song.

And it is obvious by the posts above that few actually listened to Obama talk about this issue of the Rev. other than Doc. Obama did NOT know of the Rev's comments until recently, and when he did, he denounced the comments and the Rev's support, though he says that this was not the way the Rev conducted himself in church every Sunday for some number of years. Another woman who has been in the church before but is not a member said the same thing on Bill Mauhr the other day.

And Obama's comments about racism on both sides of the isle are very refreshing. I wish others were as enlightened and intelligent as he was on matters of race. Some seem to buy into the "Mexican" border issue as though they are the wrong doers solely, when it is the employers who create this situation. White guys. And frankly, if an uneducated Mexican who speaks no English is able to do your job for less money, it says more about you than anything really. Perhaps you ought to think about what I mean by that.
But I want to protect your job, so stop playing into the hype and false battles. The misdirection got you again. Stay focussed.

Anyone who watches Pat Robertson knows that Chrisitans can preach hate too. And ignorance. He said that New Orleans Katrina happened because of Voodoo. And Iraq War to tollerance of homosexuality. Bill Graham smited Jews some years back. Jerry Fallwell smited Tinkie Winkie and Sponge Bob. I got a flyer on my dooor saying to vote for proposition 18 some years ago from the Church Of Christ against gay marriage and same sex unions, as well as common law marriage. It said and I quote "they will vote illegally and fake voters and registration to get it passed. It will threaten our children. It will threaten our marriages." Etc. Doesn't threaten my marriage, I'm not gay.

I get why rich people vote for Conservatives. But working class people. It is the sheep voting for the wolf every time.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

"I get why rich people vote for Conservatives. But working class people. It is the sheep voting for the wolf every time."
I have never ever been able to figure that one out.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Bobbi didnt you say on one of the threads on this board that you amke $20, 000. a month selling R V's. Now if you do thats $240,000. a year i call that rich.
Do you take the money from the people who buy those vehicles and then behind their backs curse them for handing you their hard earned money. Would you advocate like Hussien Obama does and Hillary does increasing taxes on anyone who has more thans a couple of quarters which is what they are doing . They both advocate taking 60-70 or more perent of the incomes of anyone who works hard and makes a good living. They dont say they'll take hillary or slick willies millions none of killer kennedys fortune none of Taa- ree -sa Heinz money nor the money that hanoi John has. just the money that hard working americans have so they wont be able to invest in the United States these democrats dont want investment in the united states.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Come on, Duane, lets get honest here. You keep claiming that the Democrats want to destroy America. But that is simple misdirection. It is c;ear;u you and your heroes Cheney and Bush who have been working so hard to destroy the United States.

By making us so indebted to the Chinese and the Saudis that our grandchildren's children will still not be able to get out from under, they have turned the U.S. dollar into toilet paper and have put us on the path to true third world status.

As for the pain of taxation, how is it that under Clinton's taxation of the wealthy that the economy bloomed? And how is it that it wasn't until Bush reduced taxes on the very wealthy that the economy started to tank? And why is it that it is now, under the lowest taxation in nearly 20 years, that economic growth has ground to a virtual halt?

Could it possibly be that the only thing that you and your cronies know less about than premptive wars and nation building is governing and economics? Hard to believe, that, but apparently true.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

The united state was attacke in 2001. It is fighting for its life. and it is winning the war against terrorism. Much to the distaste of Jack B.
the U s is going through some problems in the economy right now. the housing problem was caused by lending institutopns loaning money to people who couldnt pay it back. People who should have been willing to settle for what they had the means to pay back.
The U S will work its way back out of this, by producing . Producing our energy oil wind geo thermal its all there and can be used by our industrys.
The only thing that can stop us is the democrat party by taking every cent american business produces . So there is nothing left for investment.
But Jack B you an be assured the Democrats will take nothing fromTeresa Heinz and her boytoy Hanoi John.
Nothing from the vast fortune Killer Kennedy has. Nothing from Shrillary or slick wilie . Just americans who work hard and produce.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

The united state was attacke in 2001. It is fighting for its life. and it is winning the war against terrorism. Much to the distaste of Jack B.
the U S is going through some problems in the economy right now. the housing problem was caused by lending institutions loaning money to people who couldnt pay it back. People who should have been willing to settle for what they had the means to pay back.
The U S will work its way back out of this, by producing . Producing our energy oil wind geo thermal its all there and can be used by our industrys.
The only thing that can stop us is the democrat party by taking every cent american business produces . So there is nothing left for investment.
But Jack B you an be assured the Democrats will take nothing fromTeresa Heinz and her boytoy Hanoi John.
Nothing from the vast fortune Killer Kennedy has. Nothing from Shrillary or slick wilie . Just americans who work hard and produce.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

"But Jack B you an be assured the Democrats will take nothing fromTeresa Heinz and her boytoy Hanoi John.
Nothing from the vast fortune Killer Kennedy has. Nothing from Shrillary or slick wilie . Just americans who work hard and produce".

Now thats a lot of "Geo Thermal Wind"!!

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter


Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

The last words of Grant's entry said "Gob Bless the America that the rest of us live in." Pulling a Duane (Who you apparently don't think is angry?) on you; I can only assume that you agree that you are part of the America which Grant Damned. I damn everything about America that Grant, and Reverend Wright, did. There is nothing patriotic about pretending these things don't exist. Are things better today? - Yes; but as Barack Obama said, we still have a long way to go. I'm still idealistic enough, at 61 years old - though God knows that idealism has been sorely tested during those years, to belive we can get there.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

I don't think Teri understood his post or what Barrack said.

I agree with you Doc.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

BTW DUANE, as usual, you did not READ my post correctly. I said someone LIKE me. The salesman I work with made $12,000 so far this month. I just started and wasn't doing regular sales, so I wasn't making as much. But I sold 2 units in the last 3 days without even knowing anything about the RV's, so they asked me to start selling now full time. I doubt i will make as much as he does, I am new. But you never know. I would not be in the top 1 percent if I made that much though. Duane doesn't know math either apparently.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

This Grant jackson is as Teri said a very angry mand obviously like Husssien Obama's life style mentor. Jerimiah Wright who pspews out hatred of teh majority of americans . Grant Jackson also says GODDAMN Trei and my america . an america where everyone can live in peace with their neighbors. That is not the america that Grant Jackson Jerimiah wright and hussien Obama want to live in they want to live in a country where anyone who disagrees with them has to live in fear of their lives and for the lives of their children. An America where the brothers distribute narcotics to school children of any race . Where they shoot people on the street.
Now i will ask a question: under which President slick Willie or George W Bush did a single person making $30 thousand a year pay less taxes.
the answer is George Bush $4300. less.
Go to
Now all of you kool aid drinkers wont like that but Teri sent this to me.
See slick Willie wasnt your real cnampion beause his money along with everyother rich deomcrats is in off shore accounts where it is not subjet to U s taxes.

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter

Interesting Board of Directors This "Tax Foundation" has.

Looks to be manned from everything from a REPUBLICAN Politician to an EXXON Executive!

That alone makes me suspicious besides the fact that Duane posted it!

Re: Curious about Pastor Wright/A Barack Supporter


You are white, so you are not in the majority of Americans. As a man, you are not in the majority sex in America. You think that you must fear the brothers? Why? Are white drug dealers and users better than the brothers? Whatever.