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Tax Rebate

We all know that the Bush Administration said each and every one of us would now get a nice rebate. If we spend the money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China. If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs, if we purchase a computer it will all go to India, if we pruchase fruit and vegetables it will all go to Mexico, Honduars, and Guatamala, if we purchase a good car it will all go to Japan, if purchase useless crap it will all to to Taiwan and none of it will help the Ameican Economy. We need to keep that money here in America, so the only way to keep that money here at home is to hire a Call Girl, and buy beer, since those are the only businesses left in the United States.

Re: Tax Rebate

It is not that bad. If one looks they can buy items madein america. I heard on the news today about an auto worker laid off in toledo he got a job in a new industry making wind generating equipment. In calfornia there is a company ( in san Jose ) making photovoltalic strips that tramnsfer sunlight directly into electricity. Their entire production is sold for a year. You never hear this type of news from the M S M because they are democrats and all democrats want the U S destroyed.

Re: Tax Rebate

personally I think the government should have extended unemployment benefits for those unemployed. I know what it is like when your benefits run out and your a no baody from that moment on. You as one who drops off the unemployment list are not counted period.

So tody I received my letter from the IRS which is costing $43,000,000 to notify people who are receiving, possibly those who qualify to receive a stimulus check.

It's going to take at least another 90 days plus the past 30 days from when you file your taxes for any checks to be sent out covering the so called stimuls check.

Re: Tax Rebate

Actually a federal Extension on the unemployed would have been one of the best ways, but the republicans were against it.

Its a known fact that most of the money will be spent on Fuel bills and Gasoline. Bush knew it to, probably is getting a large nest egg from Exxon after hes Vacated the WH.

Re: Tax Rebate

How Americans Can Buy American.....

Re: Tax Rebate

instead of spending billions of dollars keeping people unemployed as the democrats want to do. Why not spend money providing jobs so people can eran their livings. i live on the mainline of the Bnsf .
at least every two days i will see trains hauling brand new cars heading west.
Cars obviously built in the united states. A spanish company is going to build maybe 100 -200 wind turbines to generate electricity employing 100s of people. There is a very rich undeveloped oil deposits underlying Montana North dakota south dakota waiting to be developed. It takes a lot of workers to do that . Workers being paid very good wages
developing the resorces this country has is better than people getting a pittance from some democrat hack.
There is a plan to establish a wind generating complex offshore from nantucket sound. TYhat would replace oil or coal fired plants. clean energy.
killer kennedy will or may already have killed it
because it is where he sails and dumps diesel fuel in HIS sound . All these things would provide good jobs well paying jobs . will it happen probably not . the democrats wont let it happen if they win complete control of this country

Re: Tax Rebate

Duane now I see that " instead of spending billions of dollars keeping people unemployed as the democrats want to do"

The democrates now want people out of you see a pshycologists and if not I think you really need one.

Re: Tax Rebate

Yup, Duane supports providing jobs - like his hero the neocons have for the last 7 years. Yep. Uh-huh.

Re: Tax Rebate

The Iraq war has cost each individual in America $13,000.00+ so far. Keep the $600 and give me back my $13,000.00.


Re: Tax Rebate

Mike ivy the only reason you impune my sanity is because i offer a differing view on things. you dont like anyone disagreeing with you and most no all liberal democrats feel that way. You honestly believe that no one should or can have the right to disagree with you. Perhaps in the next year if your favorite candidate gets the presidency. No one will be allowed to exist with a view other than yours.
The difference between you and i is that i will say you have every right to your view and every right to express in any way you choose. You being a liberal democrat will not say i have that same right.

Re: Tax Rebate

jack b how many americans floridians are the red chinese hiring to drill for oil off your coasts?
How many? And where do you stand on the chinese drilling for oil off florida?
Up here american oil companys are drilling for oil tryin to provide more supply.
Americans not chinese comunnists. Wind generation turbines are going to be built. american workers will be doing the building. Not Comunists. I bet you wont like that will you? The fact that americans are working to provude supplys for the u s. Im sure you much rather have Communists reaping profits.

Re: Tax Rebate

Great Britian,Canada, Spain, Norway, Brazil, India, Malaysia, Venezuela are Just a few of the countries besides CHINA that are bidding for Oil Cuban Leases. The deal with Cuba is that Cuba gets a 20% Cut off the top plus lease fees and they get their refineries up and running to boot..

Everyone knows that US companies have been locked out, not because Cuba hasn't invited them but because the US Government insists on the Cuban Embargo. As Long as its in effect no US Companies are allowed to do business with Cuba.

Also, Cuban Americans in Florida have supported the Embargo for many years, I think that the majority have changed their stance on the Embargo and would like to see relations normalized.

My better half is Cuban and many in our Family support dropping the Embargo.

After all we do business with Communist China don't we?

Re: Tax Rebate

Gee, Duane, now you are confusing me. I thought that I was supposed to be loving terrorist - but now you have me loving the godless communists whom the muslim terrorists hate.

So which group should I be loving and wishing for in the overthrow of America?

I will tell you one group that I WON'T be supporting, for sure - the America hating republicans that have put the U.S. dollar in the toilet and have started America down the path toward third world status.

Re: Tax Rebate

Republicans Think This Way, Pure STONE AGE!

Anyone here ever made a Bundle on Unemployment Insurance? I think Not!

Many conservatives and Republicans view jobless benefits as a drain on the economy rather than a potential boost to it. Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., said extending jobless benefits may keep people from working.

"Most people find a job in the last two weeks of their unemployment," Gregg said. "That's human nature. They stay on unemployment almost until the end and then they find a job. If you extend it another year, those folks who could be productive, producing a job, creating economic activity by having a job will stay on unemployment even though there may be a job out there that they could take".

Re: Tax Rebate

pure stoneage. Ya know there are 545 elected officials in our Government from the Executve branch on down. If these 545 elected officals regardless of political party did want inflation there wouldn't be any, if they didn't want high unemployment there wouldn't be, if they didn't want to spend billions of dollars on the wars in Iraq they wouldn't. If they didn't want high oil prices there wouldn't be. Instead both parties do the blame game, and neither party nor officials want to take the action needed to correct the problems. So it seems everyone thinks the upcoiming election will change this, it will not, and things will continue to be the same. Only difference will be who is in office.

Re: Tax Rebate

Well Robert

All I can say is that a Republican made that statement.

Bush has yet to use the "R" word and thinks that a rebate will pacify the American people.

Looks very Stone Age to me