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Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

A rueters story states that the ice off Nova Scotia is keeeping seal hunters from getting to the seal herds. he govt has approved permits to hunt 275 000 baby seals but so far only 3 have been killed. Its because of global warming the ice up there is so thick boats cant get through it. As al Gorilla would say the warmer the temps become the thicker the ice is. Just as the more bushels of twinkies he eats the bigger his fat gut gets.

Re: Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

Duane, every day you seem more and more like your neocon heros - you make up lies just to keep from being alone with your own thoughts, don't you? Here is the actual Reuters story:

Thin ice threatens seals
Mar. 22 - Seals facing Canadian hunters also have to contend with the dangers of thin ice.

A veteran of Canada's East Coast seal hunt says the lack of ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence is good news for hunters but bad news for hunt protesters.

Ice in the Gulf has broken up, making it easier for hunters in boats to maneuver in ice floes and reach seals. But the weak and sparse ice will make it much harder for opponents of the hunt to land helicopters and observe the annual slaughter.

Most seals are killed just for their pelts because there are few markets for their meat.

Re: Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

Duane seems you did not see this the other day

Vast Antarctic ice shelf on verge of collapse
Latest sign of global warming’s impact shocks scientists

vast ice shelf hanging on by a thin strip looks to be the next chunk to break off from the Antarctic Peninsula, the latest sign of global warming’s impact on Earth's southernmost continent.

Scientists are shocked by the rapid change of events.

Glaciologist Ted Scambos of the University of Colorado was monitoring satellite images of the Wilkins Ice Shelf and spotted a huge iceberg measuring 25 miles by 1.5 miles that appeared to have broken away from the shelf.

Re: Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

Duane: Have you visited Glacier National Park recently? You better hurry, the glaciers will be gone in about five years!

Re: Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

Jack B i quoted that rueters story just as it was reported . So i say you are the one full of stinky stuff trying to make your far left anti american views seem credible.
Jink im damn sure you couldnt even find Glaicer park on a map and one day those glaciers will be gone.
It was created by glaciers gouging out the valleys and lakes that are there. The glaciers have been retreasting since the end of the last ice age. The earth gets warmer and colder in a natural cycle. Humans have but very little effect.
I suppose you guys would have all humans eradicated from the face of the earth and if that is true then you should be the first to volunter to be killed.

Re: Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

"AAHHHHH! Its not Global Warming, Its just a whole bunch of Ice Melting, see like this ice in my glass of Hawaiian Punch"!

George "The Chimp" Bush, While on his daily Banana and Cartoon Break.

Re: Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

You don't even lie well, Duane. I mean, as bad as it is, it is probably the thing that you are best at. So you just keep on trying.

Here is the same story from a different source:

Ice Melt Drowns Baby Seals, Ruins Hunt

Struggle ... a harp seal pup flounders.
Photo: Reuters

THE first stage of Canada's controversial annual harp seal hunt is likely to be scrapped because the ice floes where pups are born have broken up and many animals have drowned, officials and animal rights activists said.

The first part of the hunt, which was due to start today, occurs in the Gulf of St Lawrence to the south of the Magdalen Islands on the east coast. Hunters move across the ice floes, shooting and clubbing to death young seals.

Canada's federal fisheries ministry, which oversees the hunt, said the pups were born as usual this year but the ice floes had then been blown far out to sea and started to break up before the seals learned to swim.

"This is the first time I've ever seen this in 25 years," fisheries spokesman Roger Simon said from the Magdalen Islands.

The International Fund for Animal Welfare said unusually warm weather meant the ice cover south of the Magdalen Islands was almost completely missing, and it feared thousands of harp seal pups had drowned. "The conditions this year are disastrous. I've surveyed this region for six years and I haven't seen anything like this," said a fund researcher, Sheryl Fink.

"There is wide open water and almost no seals. I only saw a handful of adult harp seals and even fewer pups, where normally we should be seeing thousands and thousands of seals."

Re: Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

Sorry Duane

Doc made the Glacier post not me. I don't like the Cold country. I will leave those places to stupid sheep herders like yourself and George "The Chimp".

I really think that you are in need of a good reading class. Might I suggest some of those old Dick and Jane Novels, I'm sure that you could write and get some George Bush autographed copies..

Re: Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

Also, it has been said that the Harp Seal Hunters are mostly Unemployed Oil Workers just looking for another way to destroy the ECO System until they can get back to doing the real damage in the Oil Industry..

Re: Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

Duane, you seem to enjoy misusing peoples name I think you might like the one that I have chosen for you. It is insane Duane A pain.

Re: Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

Duh, plus as it progresses, the winters get colder, the summers get hotter. Because the atmosphere .....oh hell. Why bother. The title of this thread should read "Thick skull prevents truth from getting into Montana man".

Re: Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

Jack B the rueters story i refered to was dated 3-28 -2008. It was under the byline of a Paul Darrow."it's avery slow start," said Phil Jenkins spokesman for the department of Fisheries and oeans, noting that sealing boats were finding it difficult to get to the herds because of the thick ice.
The kansas city star has a similar story using the same date 3-28 -2008. This story carries the by line of one Rob Gilies. He is a AP writer. It quotes the same canadian Govt official . Phil Jenkins szying the same thing. The thickness of the Ice had kept the hunters from the seal herds.
The storys you refered to were from 2007. Now you and the regulars here probably dont know but things change from year to year.
You guys just always believe what Al Gorilla says . That the emissions from his private jets dont harm the atmosphere but if an ordinary little american rides a motor bikle . That american will ruin the Planet forever. Al Gore of ourse can spew out all kinds of CO2 methane anything and its alright because he is fat and and A Democrat. That is his right americans in his view have no rights.

Re: Thick ice keeps seal hunters from seals in Canadian waters.

OK guys, I tried to check this out, and it is kind of confusing. As near as I can tell the Canadian THIN ice story is from 2007. It seems they are having THICK ice this year. However; while Canada is getting thick ice, the ice in the Baltic sea is breaking up. That's the way global warming works Duane. The temperatures don't plummet all at once in the same place. It happens gradually. Some places may even be colder - for a short term - This is what makes it easy for guys like you to say "What global warming?" in February.
As for Glacier National Park: Seeing how little you care about a natural resource in your own state dissappearing - I hope you keep your ass out of Tennessee. (You wouldn't like it here anyway - No sheep!)
Posted Mar 11, 08 12:05 PM CDT in Science & Health, World
(newser) – They’re cute, they’re endangered, and they’re some of global warming’s first casualties. Baby seals throughout the Baltic Sea are dying...
By Paul Darrow
Fri Mar 28, 1:19 PM ET
CHARLOTTETOWN, Prince Edward Island (Reuters) - Canada's annual seal hunt, which the government promised would be more humane this year, cranked up slowly on Friday because of thick ice...
March 11, 2008 Digg Stumble Upon Reddit Facebook Fark Yahoo Newsvine Google Font:
Hundreds of Baby Seals Could Starve to Death
Rising temperatures could spell disaster for seals living in the Baltic Sea in northern Europe. An environment group is warning that hundreds of baby seals are now facing a painful death...