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THIS website is a private SUPPORT SITE for 4th ID veterans, active duty soldiers, family members, friends and everyone who supports our troops no matter how you feel about our leaders. Troublemakers, gossips. trolls, liars, etc are NOT welcome here. Posts that defame,, humiliate and/or intimidate other posters or the webmaster will be deleted without notice or comment. Please read the rules on the Main Page, thank you!
This forum has a long history, by interent standards anyway-unfortunately it has been abandoned for far too long due to real life circumstances knocking the heck out of what had been my very real desire to keep this board alive and well forever so that all of us could meet here and communicate with each other everyday.

I'm not sure that a forum like this is even needed nowadays since the advent of facebook, etc...but I hope that this once thriving BB does bring some of us back together again and that maybe some new folks will join us as well!   
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brazil may have found 30 billion bbls of oil.

Brazil may have found a huge oil field off their coast. 30 some billion bbls of oil. Third largest find in the world. The communist chinese just may find the same off cuba and florida.

Re: brazil may have found 30 billion bbls of oil.

great news, duane-but don't kid yourself that that will last forever. At the current rate of oil consumption (about 82 million barrels a day) the world would go through that huge find in almost exactly one year.


Re: brazil may have found 30 billion bbls of oil.

i am not kidding myself or anyone else. Thepoint is that they have found a huge deposit of oil. The only way you can find those deposits is by looking drilling. The united states has another huge deposit of oil alaska natl wildlife reserve. A desolate artic desert the size of south carolina. the oil companys propose to use about 2000 acres of surface.
But democrats wont let anything in the united states be developed except for meager handouts of beans and maybe rice.
if american companys workers are allowed to work and produce this country will be back on top. No one will be bitter and no eliest will need to feel good about himself because he can look down his nose on these small americans who go to church and have those guns.