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U S Navy shoots down mislle

Yesterday the u s Navy shot down a missle over hawaii. The agesis system fired two intercepters and hit it in final few seconds of its flight.
Thats bound to make deomcrats such as San Fran Nan a great deal of angst . The United states just may be able to protect itself from missle attacks from Iran. (San Fran Nans favorite nation)and north Korea.
Of course when the Mahdi- 12 Imam becomes president he will no doubt order it scrapped along with every other defense this country has.

Re: U S Navy shoots down missile

Nothing wrong with advanced technology. It comes from years of "HIGHER EDUCATION" and very dedicated people willing to go that extra mile in research and development.

As far as the rest of your post:
I think that you have been sitting in the Sun watching all the Cows Tranquilly Scratching their Butts on Oil Well Fences for much too long.

Re: U S Navy shoots down mislle

jinx your ho hum response shows you really dont want the U s to be able to defend itself from missle attacks . Do you recall the mahdi Osama obama saying he would spend no money on unproven anti missle defense that could stop an attack on american citys by Iran. The only nation who'sleaders have stated that they will(when they can) destroy the united states and Israel. Now maybe they wont be able to do that. Also remmeber San Fran Nan said it was only because of the kindness of Iran that Iraqi forces were able to stop alqueda. so you can easily tell who's side she is on. and it isnt the USA.

Re: U S Navy shoots down mislle

Looks like this system is a "PROVEN" one so I guess he would keep it. There's nothing "Ho Hum" about the first part of my post I praised the Bright people that worked and developed this system.

You on the other hand are a Ho Hum person and the last part of my post was meant for you. You seem to look into your crystal ball and read things in many posts that are not really there.

Maybe you should go to work for Disney and write Fairy Tales because your really good at it.

Re: U S Navy shoots down mislle

duane, i really do try to stay out of all this but you are probably one of the most aggravating people ever, what is wrong with you? my poor mum has dementia yet every time i visit her she makes more sense than you. it is not up to me what you do with your life but i have one idea and its this.....

Re: U S Navy shoots down mislle

So Duane Iran is going to fire missles at us? Interesting where did you here this, Imust have missed it.

Your like Bush try to put fear into people when non is necessary..the only fear that people have is what to do first, pay our bills buy gas or food shop. That's only if we have a job

Re: U S Navy shoots down mislle

Y Friend Draino and I call you that because off your like of lying awake at night trying to devlope necative names for people in your peanut brain, Iwill tell you that I spent a large portion of my adult life in the republic of Korea. My wife and three of my children were born in Korea. We have six Korean TV chanels on our TV and watch KBS Korean News and Arirang englis every night. Korean is the first language of my four elder children S therefore I feel that I am a bit more knowledgeable you about Korea, North and South. My friend I want to blet you know tha the threat fro Korea will come when the nation unify, which will happen soon. The threat will be one of the most powerful intelligent nations in the world and become the primuer trading partner with the the US and the world to merge and return the north to industry and the south return to agriculture and that nation as a whole continue to advance in technology will be a super power with out nuclear weapons. Iran has never been nor will ever be a thret to the US. It can never withstand America Air or Sea power. If Iran hints of using nuclear weapons against the US or Isarel it will be blown off of the map. Drain please contine flowing into the gutters,sewers, septic tanks and cisterns of your world and stop putting your crap on the forum. Sit back and prepare to enjoy the next eight years. Your country will have the best president and cabinet that it hasever had. Just think the top three will be Obama Edwards Richardson and Clinton, just think you can invite your buddies Bush, Cheney. and Rince to sit back and have a few beers with you.

Re: U S Navy shoots down mislle

Joy you of course do not like the idea of any one disagreeing with you . Grant if you think North Korea is and will be such a nice place Kim Jong Ill a wonderful person. You apparently are as infatuated with him as Madeline albright was(allbright is a misnomer in her case). She was slick willies secof state.
Mike Ivy you apparently thind Iran and its leaders are nice sweet individuals who only smuggled ieds into iraq just cause they had nothing else to do. And anyway in your mind they can kill all the americans they want. When the leaders of Iran say "Death to
America"they mean it. You democrats will go along with that as long as it means Bush will no longer be president after 1-20- 09. You will pay any price including the destruction of the United States to achieve that goal.

Re: U S Navy shoots down mislle

duane I really think you need some very serious help. You posted about us shooting down a missle of our own during testing of our system defense, we all I believe said that was great, but then you go into this tyrid about N.Korea, Iran attacking us. Are you afraid to go out of the house?

Re: U S Navy shoots down mislle

Hmm...I must be posting in ivisible my sleep...don't see my name on this post!

Re: U S Navy shoots down mislle

I don't know what any of this has to do with Duane's partisan politics. It was simply a demonstration of military preparedness. In spite of what Duane pretends to believe, we all approve of being militarily prepared.
The demonstration was probably directed at China. You may recall that China made a big deal about shooting down one of their own sattellites. That demonstration was, no doubt, directed at us. We used the pretext of one of our sattellite's deteriorating orbit to say "Ho hum, we've had this capability for a long time. We just haven't had reason to use it before now." Now we have sent another message to China. "Oh by the way, If you had been shooting at one of our sattellites, we would have shot your missile down."
My name is Mad Doc, and I approve of this message.

Re: U S Navy shoots down mislle

MadDoc are you running for office of the President?

Re: U S Navy shoots down mislle

No I'm not running. The message I approve of is the one sent by our missile tests.