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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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boils 2nd message

help!!!! Im at a lose as to what to do and am kinda in "limbo" waiting until I hear something from someone as to what my son (22 year old african american-boils on scalp, buttocks and thighs)can take beside antibiotics which doesnt seem to help. I believe it has to do with a compromised immune system but not sure what he should take, seeing as how there is so much out there in the health food stores.....waiting a reply...thanks

Re: boils 2nd message

My family, me included were plagued with boils. The doctors gave me the antibiotics and then surgically removed them several times. We have found that if we take vitamins C and E daily we don't have them.

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Replying to:

help!!!! Im at a lose as to what to do and am kinda in "limbo" waiting until I hear something from someone as to what my son (22 year old african american-boils on scalp, buttocks and thighs)can take beside antibiotics which doesnt seem to help. I believe it has to do with a compromised immune system but not sure what he should take, seeing as how there is so much out there in the health food stores.....waiting a reply...thanks