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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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Re: Re: Menopause


Dr. Lee's book is excellent! He believed very highly in human identical hormones. There is also another Dr. in Florida who was a good friend of Dr. Lee (Dr. Lee has passed away) by the name of Dr. C.W. Randolph. He also has a book called From Hormone Hell to Hormone Well. He also runs the National Hormone Institute of America out of Jacksonville Florida. I am currently working with him to coordinate a speaking engagement here in the valley and hopefully we can tie it in with an engagement on Dr. Bob's radio show. There is also a company here in the valley that manufactures great natural Progesterone/Estrogen creams by the name of Life-Flo. More info on these creams is available here:

I believe these are also available at Bashe's grocery stores. I hope this helps.
Good Day,
Romy Dua

Re: Menopause

Susan S. Weed has a book on natural menopause "The Wise Woman's Way" that I lived by for about 5 years. She has tips on what to expect and herbal/natural remedies to help. I used the Black cohash with great success. Also, believe it or not, oatmeal is good. Also, tofu.