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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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Re: Re: psoriasis

One more thing I forgot to ad. You also have to detoxify the liver with specific formulas.This is one of the main resons for psoriasis, a liver that is full of toxins.

Re: Re: Re: psoriasis

Anyone who visits a chiropractor for skin disorders has to be nuts. Of course he states to use a chiropractor because they can solve anything.
There is no medical evidence that suports Mr. Ehlman's statements. Go to a MD to seek advice. There is also good literature at

Re: psoriasis

John, my husband had a miserable case of psoriasis till he tried a supplement called poopdoc that Dr. Bob recommends for the bowels. It cleans out the small AND large intestine. It almost completely cleared up his psoriasis (amazingly without changing his diet) and he had it bad. Would you contact me if it works for you? Best of luck Sherry