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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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Re: Attention Deficit Disorder

We have a teen who has ADD and a few other issues. She has been tasking a good multi, fish oils, etc and that wasn't enough.

After failing two years of high school, bad behavior, and three hospitalizations for suicide attempts we finally tryed the medication.

Now she is normal, happy , energetic (not drugged up like some would like you to believe). She has been getting 100% straight A's in school for a while now.

I have to say that the people who bad mouth these drugs have no clue what they can do. If our kid did not have them she would be dead now. I say they helped her alot!

Re: Re: Attention Deficit Disorder

Hi there:

My son also has ADHD and he's 16 years old now. He had nothing but trouble in school, from fighting with his school friends, or teachers to having bad marks from his courses. I tried Ritalin and also Gingko Biloba, Flexseed Oil, Gingseng. Nothing worked. We just tried to help him cope with his own frustration and anger. Until I actually started changing his diet by having more vegetables and fruits and fish. I also put him on a program to get rid of his parasites as well as cleaning his internal organs, like colon, kidney and liver. It seems like the nutrients and vitamin supplements were a lot more absorbed; hence he's off the drugs now. He stays out of trouble at school now and is trying catch up with his school works. It has been a long journey, but at least now he's well under control. You can visit many alternative health sites and get some good ideas. Good luck.
