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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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Re: Re: Could tumor on pituitary cause Graves Disease?

Thanks for the input, Chris.

My doctors are right on top of both my problems. I just had another TSH, T3 & T4 test done. I already take synthroid, and I have an MRI scheduled for my tumor.

I feel the docs are doing all they can, but I'm just not getting any better. Everyone's hands are tied. Until one problem is solved, they can't do anything about the other. Grrrr.

What I want to know is if other Graves Disease patients have tumors near or on their pitutary gland.
Or is this just an isolated incident that I was unfortunate enough to stumble into?

Another thing...(as if all that isn't enough), I've been battling this disease since 2000, and even after treatment, it took 2 years to get my thyroid levels down to the normal range. Then they dropped too low, hince the synthroid. But now, I feel as if I have GD all over again. My hair is falling out, hot & cold sweats, can't sleep, trouble swallowing, etc. Yet, by last count, my levels were still low. Anyone have any idea what's going on?

I'll stop complaining now.
Thanks All,

Re: Re: Re: Could tumor on pituitary cause Graves Disease?

Hi Sue -

I've just emailed you directly with some info.

Best Wishes,