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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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Re: Juice Plus/Sunrider

I just started my family on Juice Plus about 2 weeks ago. So far, it's working out ok. We live in an area, where we really cannot acquire a good supply of fruits and vegetables. I think the Juice Plus is a good supplement.

My wife hasn't seen any results on the thins, with the exception of feeling more energetic.

I had a friend buy the gummies from me, and she has a daughter that will not eat fruits and vegetables, but can't get enough of the gummies.


I have done both Juice Plus and Sunrider, taking some things from each. My daughter loves the Juice Plus gummies. I'd been on Juice Plus for a couple years when I discovered that Vitamin Shoppe sells powdered veggie/fruit suppliments like the capsules JP sells but for a lot less! We've kept taking those suppliments from Vitamin shoppe.

However, I really love the Sunrider program which is similar to JP-smoothie in the morning, an antioxident filled tea based on green tea, and some herbal suppliments. Neither my husband, daughter or I have had even a cold in over 3 years, or any other illness. My arthritis pain is better as well and I've lost weight. My friend who signed me up overcame fibromyalgia and severe back problems using sunrider. Arnold Swartznegger is on Sunrider and appears at their conventions.

Sunrider promises to work at the cellular level, providing good nutrition so the body can heal itself and keep in balance. After a couple years on it, I really think it works.

If anyone is interested in more info, they can email me.

Re: Sunrider

Yes, I have been taking Juice Plus for 2 years now. On the advise of my doctor who is not personally involved with the company. I am one that believes in more "whole" foods then the traditional vitamins that are fragmented. For me, getting that many fruits and vegetables everyday is worth the $1.25 or so it costs - which you cannot buy and eat/prepare all of that food everyday consistantly. My husband has been able to get completely off of high blood pressure prescriptions and is only controlling it now with Juice Plus. The combo of Juice Plus and meds were making his blood pressure too low (fruits/veggies have a natural lowering affect), so our doc had him cut back on prescription meds for about 2 weeks and then 1/2 again 2 weeks later and is now completely off meds. I would much rather have my husband take something natural instead of medicine (prescriptions). Also, be cautious of "alternatives" at least Juice Plus has medical research conducted on the product so you know what you are getting and the potential results. Any other brand, won't have this research and may not give the same results or have the same ingredients that Juice Plus has - Hope this helps. The person I purchase from is located at this web address if you are interested in more information

Re: Re: Sunrider

Juice Plus can also be purchased on line at 24 hour answered/returned calls, best customer service and personal attention!

Re: Sunrider

I am a facial & body sculptor,anti-aging and nutrition professional. I have been on Sunrider for almost 2 years & sell Sunrider to my patrons. I also take Mineral Magic Plus from Suddenly Slender and sell their products. I am 50 years old w/ 2grown children and 3 grandchildren and my husband can't remember me having a better figure. I just found a site that lets others guess your age. As of last check, my age was 36.