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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!

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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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Wierd blood sugar level

1. My blood sugar is over 140 in the morning when I wake up but, in the afternoon at 6PM CST it ranges from 71 to 89?

2. I eating very healthy but I not losing any weight. I’m down to eating two very small meals a day and still not losing weight.

3. Why is my BP high and they really haven’t found a reason for it?

4. I take several different medications for my heart, high blood pressure, diabetes (the doctors can’t tell which one of the meds are making it seems as though I have diabetes) the medications work but not where I’m please my doctors don’t know what to do.

5. My red blood cell seems to stop producing at any given time and without warning.

6. Over 50 years of age.