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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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I have just learned I have low thyroid (hypothyroidism) as a result of a blood test. I am going to have a consultation with my m.d. next week, but I would like to know of any natural or herbal remedy that anyone is aware of, or has used successfully for this.

I have heard good things regarding Synthroid, but have also heard it is bad for bone density, which is a concern for me, as I am 59 years old.

I would also like to know what happens if hypothyroidism goes untreated.


Re: Hypothyroidism

I have been taking meds for hypothyroidism for 45 years( I started when I was 8) and synthroid was one of the worst meds I have taken. Consult with your doctor about taking Armour which is a natural. I had to take synthroid when they took Proloid off the was such a disaster! I started gaining weight again and just didn't have the upbeat feeling I normally had on proloid. Most doctors will argue with you on Armour but if you can find someone who will prescribe it, get it. It's wonderful.

Re: Re: Hypothyroidism

Do a search on Mary Shomon...she has books with lots of great info that will help answer most questions you could have. Ginger