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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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Re: High Cholesterol and High Triglycerides

Dear Pam,

Based on your limited laboratory results, I believe you have metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance. The most important way to manage your current challenge is to avoid simple sugars of any type. This includes, soda pop, ice cream, fruit juice, and overt junk foods.

I also suggest you consider taking the following:

1.) Cholest-Care by; NaturalCare at 1-800-475-9811 or select health food stores.

All my best,

Dr. Bob Martin

Re: Re: High Cholesterol and High Triglycerides

Hello Dr. Bob,

Once cholesterol levels are down, I would would like to remove potential deposits from arterial walls. I am getting older now (45) and it seems like my limbs go to sleep far too easily.

A few years ago you had Dr. Abe Chaplan on your show talking about the Royal Arterial Flush. Do you think that the Royal Arterial Flush is healthy and reliable? Or is there a better way?

Thanks in advance,
