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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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Acne & Rosacea

I am nearly 40 and have had acne for decades, and only recently discovered that part of the problem is rosacea! I seem to have both - rosacea on my face, and acne both on my face, jaw, chest, shoulders, and back.

Over the years I have tried all the standard therapies prescribed by dermatologists: antibiotics, Retin-A, Accutane (had to go off it halfway through), etc. Nothing has helped entirely. Birth control seemed to help best, but at my age, I don't wish to do this anymore.

Six weeks ago, I cut out caffeine, artificial sweeteners, started eating natural/organic foods, cut out most 'white' carbs and sugar. My energy level is fabulous now, but my skin hasn't improved at all. I can't seem to find reliable information as to the root cause of this, much less a solution. Would love to hear your input!

Re: Acne & Rosacea

In reply to your quiry. Acne is caused by a colon that is clogged. The toxins are being removed through the skin because the colon cannot handle the elimination.
Rosacea is a symptom. Also the skin has to be nourished and fed correctly.
Go to:
Here you will find how many have eliminated their most severe health challenges. It is also an educational site. Check out the testimonials.
Feel free to contact me for more information.

Re: Acne & Rosacea

Dear Gabrielle,

Some multi-level marketing (MLM) people stop at nothing to peddle their products. Please disregard the previous information Louis Hoolaeff provided as it is wrong. First, Mr. Hoolaeff can't or won't read our warning/instruction related to solicitations in this provided area. Second, Rosacea, is nearly always associated with a bacterial infection in the stomach called; Helicobater Pylori. If the primary cause of acne is a clogged colon, most Americans would be suffering from it.

Your best solution is the following:

1.) Do avoid certain foods that tend to irritate your skin condition
2.) Do avoid those foods and substances that are known to irritate rosacea such as spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco etc...
3.) Consider using 'Reflux-Away' by; NaturalCare at 1-800-475-9811. This all natural product contains an ingredient used by doctors to fight h. pylori.

All my best,

Dr. Bob Martin

Re: Re: Acne & Rosacea


Does h. pylori cause other issues? I have rosacea and some digestive problems and I believe I have a hernia. Would Refux-Away help with these?


Ocular Rosacea!

I'm 24 and I've been suffering from rosacea since I was 17, I've tried a vast variety of treatments, both traditional and non-traditional and nothing has worked for me. I've developed strong ocular rosacea, so now I walk around everywhere with bloodshot eyes, looking quite frightening. I'm tired of this, before this curse, I was a pretty handsome guy, relatively sociable, but this condition has limited me in so many ways, I'm sick of it and wish I could find a solution once and for all.

I saw some improvement on an anti-Candida diet, but that diet is hardly sustainable, I'm not sure where to turn anymore at this point and would love some help!

Re: Ocular Rosacea!


I have also heard that rosacea may be connected to candida. So I started doing some research on it. A friend of mine has been on the candida diet as well, but agrees that it is next to impossible to sustain.

I am pretty sure that I have a candida problem, regardless of the rosacea, so I have, as a result, cut out sugar and white carbs from my diet (most of the time!). I have been reading about supplements available that will "kill" off the candida, as well as supplements that will restore the proper balance of beneficial bacteria.

I am going to order Dr. Crook's supplement, Physician's Candida Formula - Dr. Crook is the author of The Yeast Connection.. see his website:

Re: Re: Ocular Rosacea!

Yes I ordered the Candida book, there are some useful tidbits in there, certain things have helped, like increasing my use of antioxidants, eating garlic, taking garlic supplements, taking ALA, and cutting out the majority of the sugars in my diet, but its still rough for me, especially at my age, its like having a normal social life is out of the question, it effects me in school and in most other facets.

The worst is my eyes, they get really bad at night, to the point where I can't go out at all, they burn, the tear up, I've been to several opthalmologists, and after all the antibiotics and all the other crap they did, all the eyedrops, nothing has really changed.

Re: Ocular Rosacea!

OK.. I'm curious. I haven't been to any doctors for mine yet. What do the doctors have to say about it? As far as what causes it, the treatment options, etc.?It just astounds me - they can do radical brain surgery, but scratch their heads as far as rosacea??? This makes no sense to me.

Re: Acne & Rosacea

Gabrielle, I don't suffer from Rosacea myself, but my ex-boyfriend had it, strictly on his face. He was a lover of chocolate and I told him that when I eat chocolate I tend to break out. He decided to cut out his most favorite thing from his diet. He was free from an outbreak for months!!! He did go through a very stressful period and had a breakout, but it was short lived. He also tried chocolate once again and suffered another breakout. So, the bottom line is, he cut out chocolate and needs to stay free of stress. Hope this helps.

Re: Re: Acne & Rosacea

Unfortunately, that didn't work for me (staying away from chocolate).

Several years ago, I went for a period of about 4 months during which I did not eat any sugar or chocolate whatsoever. I noticed no difference at all in my skin.

Re: Re: Re: Acne & Rosacea

Sorry Gabrielle. Hope you find something to help. Have you ever tried stress reduction... like yoga... meditation?? You never know! Good luck. W.