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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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Re: devics disease

Dear Irene,

Your cousin should consider consulting with Envita Natural Medical Center of America. Envita's contact phone number is 1-866-830-4576 or and Mayo Clinic in Arizona or Minnesota. Mayo has done extensive research in this area.

NMO (neuromyelitis optica) is similiar to MS (multiple sclerosis) and as such qualifies as a autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are very complicated and often difficult to manage. All safe and effective options, both standard medical and complimentary or alternative medicine should be investigated and considered.

Meanwhile, he should consider starting on AlgaMune at six ounces per day on an empty stomach until his condition improves. Obtain at 1-800-800-1032 or

And, Silvix3 at 2 tbsp three times per day in water for 30 days, then stop for 5 days, then repeat cycle until condition improves. Obtain at 1-800-475-9811

All my best,

Dr. Bob Martin