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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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Shingles, HELP please

I'd be most grateful for anyone's input to help me with my ex as he has had shingles for about 3 months now, and the M.D. in Watsonville CA has got him so full of "Drugs" it's amazing... All the hypertension drugs to lower his Blood pressure, he's taking narcotic (forgot the name)for the Arthritis as he can hardly walk, All of this is a result of his lifestyle that finally caught up with him.
BUT.. The paralysis and palsy of his face is most disturbing to me. They also have him on 4000 MG a day of the Aciclovir. Any ideas to help with the hypertension to get him of whatever meds he's taking and any insight for relief of the shingles? And then there is the arthritis! He's a mess for sure, but he is the father of my son.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to reply.

Re: Shingles, HELP please

Dear Laurel,

Your son's father may want to consider the following:

1.) Blockade by NewChapter - chew 1 tablet three times daily
2.) NerveFix and ImmuAll by; NaturalCare Products at 1-800-475-9811 and
3.) Flexcin (1-888-END-PAIN) and FlexNow at health food stores for arthritis

Best regards,

Dr. Bob Martin

Re: Re: Shingles, HELP please

Thanks for taking the time, I really appreciate it. I'll forward the info on to his Daughter. Hopefully they will take the advice.
