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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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Quantum Biofeedback EPFX/SCIO

Has anyone had the test done where the tester places a band around your head, wrists and ankles and then the computer 'scans' you. Here is the explaination in the brochure:'
"The SCIO/EPFX is connected to the client via a headband, wrist and ankle straps. The assessment and therapy process is painless and non-invasive. During the assessment, the program scans the body like a virus-scan on a computer measuring thousands of physiological characteristics each at a hundedth of a second and records the degree to which the body reacts."
I just had the 'quickie' $20 scan done in the Health Food Store, but the results were scary.
Is this just a ploy to get you to take the expensive (well over $100) tests and buy supplements? Is there anywhere on line I can look this up/ While the brochure is full of promises, the info posted directly above was the only paragraph that tried to explain how the test worked.

Anybody who can shed some light on this would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Quantum Biofeedback EPFX/SCIO

I had a quick one done at a health show, it was eerie and interesting. One thing it was coming up with was something to do with bones and at another time it suggested exercise, not that note worth to begin with but later at the health show I did a bone density scan and it came up with my having ostiopenia (sp?). There were also a couple other things but nothing as concrete as that. My sister has also done biofeedback and it came up with a wheat alergy. She's been avoiding wheat since and said that whenever she has anything with wheat in it now she has a reaction.
Hope this was of some help.