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We are the Lone Star Voyagers a chapter of the American Voyager Association. This open forum is for the members and guest of the LSV-AVA. Please feel free to use this service. Remember this is a family riding chapter.

Motorcycle forum
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Newsletter stuff

Our fearless news editor will be putting out our bi-monthly newsletter "shortly". Any ride reports, interesting stories, trips, fiction or non-fiction will be greatly appreciated. We know Speedball is good/bordering on great when iy comes to news and stuff but we don't need to overstress him by waiting till the last minute on getting a report/ride story in. Let's help him out. RR, DD, Pathfinder, Donnell, even me, let's hear from you. Maybe Speedball can get enough to get it out before ET.. Thanks in advance

Re: Newsletter stuff

Boy, this president's working hard today.