We are the Lone Star Voyagers a chapter of the American Voyager Association. This open forum is for the members and guest of the LSV-AVA. Please feel free to use this service. Remember this is a family riding chapter.
Some of you may remember my riding friend Michelle (she has been to two of our events). She now has 11 acres near Blanco and is running an MSF certified dirt bike school. None of her property is paved. I was there taking one of her classes and had ridden my motorcycle there. When I was leaving and making a slight turn to the right, the rear end started to slide out so I out my left foot down. I immediately felt a sharp pain in my thigh and had no strength in the leg. I was injured too much to lift bike up so she had to do it. We thought if she got it to the pavement, I could probably ride it home from there or worst case, I could drive her van and she could ride my bike. I tried mounting the bike by standing on the left footpeg but was unable to lift my right leg enough to get it over the seat. At that point, Michelle thought I was too injured to even drive her van and I wasn't going to argue with her. I was recovered enough the next day to drive my CRV so we went back the next day and she rode my bike back home. Fortunately, we live only about five miles from each other.
I'm getting better and can walk short distances, but that's about it so far.
Sorry to hear that. I do remember her. Didn\'t she get married and showed up at a Hill Country event with her husband and two white dogs?
Yes.she was by herself at Jerrville but later got married. She showed up at a Camp Wood rally with her new husband and her two yellow Labrador Retrievers.
I feel for you recovering from the hamstring injury. I had hernia surgery last Tuesday and am moving around rather gingerly lately. I hope we have quick recovery.
I feel for you recovering from the hamstring injury. I had hernia surgery last Tuesday and am moving around rather gingerly lately. I hope we have quick recovery.
Hope your recovery goes well. I'm doing much better than last week.I can walk without difficulty and have started walking as part of my recovery. However after a short walk, there is enough soreness to tell me it will be a while before I can ride and hold bike up. Don't want to reinjure it.
So sorry to hear about your injuries and hernia operation. Be there, done that. Hernias are not fun. Take it easy on your hamstring. You are right better slow than reinjured. We will miss you.
Kind of a funny thing with hernia surgery. In my case at least, the surgery resulted in my front side being very sore and sensitive to pressure. Not thinking of this, I put my dressier shorts along with a belt on this morning to attend church. By the time I got to church, I was ready to lose the belt. However without a belt my shorts were inclined to fall off my hips! Well, I spent quite a bit of time and effort keeping my shorts up where they belong. Well, you get the idea.....
I feel for you. only time will make it better. Different subject. I read about a ghost town in Az. Vulture town/city. West of Phoenix. Have you ever been there. Is it worth going to see.
Well I had never heard of it. I googled it and found it was near Wickenberg which is 65 miles west of Phoenix. It sounds kind of commercialized with guided tours available. You can google it and go to the website and find out a lot more than I can tell you. Doesn't sound like any place I would be interested in checking out.
Was supposed to be a ghost town. Supposed to be where an abandoned gold mine was located. Read it on Facebook and looked like it might be interesting. thx for the info.