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We are the Lone Star Voyagers a chapter of the American Voyager Association. This open forum is for the members and guest of the LSV-AVA. Please feel free to use this service. Remember this is a family riding chapter.

Motorcycle forum
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where to start

Hello all, been to dang long!!!
Hope all is doing well. MM sorry to hear about your lid.
Was sent out of town on short notice, just got back.
Hank, I finally got the antennae packaged up, headign yoru way (check e-mail)
MM I have bags, lids from a '94 2-tone teal would that help?

Looks like I'm shot out fo saddle on making any gatherings this year. Only way to look at it is that when we do finally get to meet it should be one heck of a deal.

Re: where to start

Saw your pics in the VV. Is THAT what y'all look like?

I'm suppose to hear from Carl Leo tonight about the lid. If he doesn't have one I'll take one from you. What you want for the one on the right side?

If I were y'all, I would just tell the boss where the un doesn't got some people to see!! That's what I tell my boss, then I give me the time off .

If nothing else, we'll see you in Bowling Green at the National.

Re: where to start

We got the Spring Fun Run in March, Hill Country Tour in April next Year. Maybe you can make one of them.
Those are just two of many.
