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As many of you know Redwood Trust just ended a very successful Salsa
event in Baltimore on Wednesday nights last month. The Trust was grand,
and had enough dance floor to accommodate the kind of crowds that want
to do salsa in this town. Like many other dancers in the area, we
looked around for alternatives that offered the low price and floor size
we found at Redwood Trust. I believe that we have found our answer at
Merritt Athletic club in Baltimore, which is a few blocks north of
Redwood trust. The main Ballroom at Merrit has a larger wood floor than
any dance club in the area, because like all such sports clubs – they
have aerobics programs. This club even has a restaurant and lounge and
far more parking than was available at Redwood.
We will start our program with a basics of Salsa Class which is open to
the public this next Wednesday the 16th of April (Details below). Near
the end of April we will start a DJ’ede dance that follows the class
which runs till 11 PM. Although our class is for beginners, I expect to
be teaching things not found in the typical salsa classes offerd
locally. Our emphasis is on technical skills, turns and tricks more
than shines which are offered every where else. It is our intention to
teach the “on one” salsa basics, plus a few things not found in the
generic salsa classes – because our roots are more tied to competition,
hustle, swing and ballroom. Salsa experts will find many things that
they can steal from the other dance styles, and beginners will find it
easier to learn in a way that opens up the door to many other useful
New Salsa Class Starts in Baltimore Wednesday April 16, 2003
This will be beginning salsa “On One” taken from scratch. Any
experienced dancers will appreciate the new Salsa turn patterns taken
from Mambo and Hustle styles we’ll cover weekly. Expect to learn a few
tricks and turns each week. All partners will rotate, so singles are
welcome. Wear leather shoes you can turn in.
Place – Merritt Athletic Clubs Downtown 210 Center street Baltimore
Maryland 21202
Phone – 410-332-0906
Price - $49 members, $69 non-members
Date – Wednesdays April 16 – June 4th
Time – 8:30 – 9:30 PM
Expect to go out dancing after class to practice what you learned!
************************** Join Us ********************************
For more information or to join our mailing list, email
mailto: or see our website at
Or join or the swingandhustle egroup:
Our egroup -
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Replying to:
Dancing On Air
April 2003
1. Welcome from Heather!
2. Article - "Pull My Finger"
3. Riddle of the Month
4. Article - "The Romance of Dance"
5. Readers' E-mails
6. Dance Quote of the Month
7. Dance Tips
8. Sponsor Ads and Cool Sites
9. Subscription Info & the usual end-of-ezine stuff!
10. The Last Laugh
Welcome all!
It's spring! Are you feeling energetic? Spring always invigorates
me; I want to start new projects and think about new ideas.
There are new and exciting products for dance lovers just out
this month: adorable teddy bears, cosy night shirts, cool
lingerie and boxer shorts, teeny tank tops and more! See them at
New comical designs for all you pet lovers out there too! Brand
new designs for our CafePress Shops! Lots of new products too!
Check them all out here: You can use your
new coffee mug, "I'm having a Cat-Astrophy" whenever you have a
tough dance class or suffer from dancer's foot syndrome and just
want to put those painful tootsies up on the couch with a nice
mug of hot chocolate and relax while watching the latest ballroom
competition on TV!
Don't forget to use our "Tell-A-Friend" feature on our home page
and why not sign our Guest Book and add a comment on our Guest
Map on the home page while you're at it! You can leave your
comments and suggestions on these features ... we'd love to hear
from you!!!
In collaboration with CafePress, many of our designs are
available on mugs, T-shirts, tote bags, sweatshirts, wall clocks
and many other items, too! You can see them all by clicking on
We have a gift for new subscribers. The Dancer's Notebook
comes complete with printable forms to use! It's a great new
system created to facilitate recording your dance steps and
routines; and you can keep track of those all-important dance
notes, phone numbers and dates. If you love dancing, subscribe
now! ( If you
subscribed before The Dancer's Notebook was available, you can
just drop me an e-mail to let me know you'd like a copy.
To subscribe to On A Whim... ezine also, please read all about it
Let me know what you think about Dancing On Air and if you
have any suggestions for ballroom dance topics you'd like to see
addressed; clean jokes, comical anecdotes, stress reliever ideas
for dance competitions and/or shows, your most embarrassing and
comical experiences (we'll laugh with you!), fun ideas, dance
hints, how you started dancing, your news (any dance news,
competitions, announcements), etc.
to hear from you. Give me a shout at
Remember, Dancing On Air is for you - we want to bring a
little sunshine and laughter into your life! Keep dancin'!
Whimsically yours
2. Pull My Finger
(c) Dan Messenger, 2001
What a week! The wife went to visit family in Minnesota and I put
my son on a bus headed for camp. He and about 50 other teenagers
from the high school are headed for Virginia for a week of
camping, hiking, white water rafting and so on. With a few days
off, I decided to do some home improvement projects (minor ones).
This is my favorite way to relax and ponder. Although I do not
consider myself an "Internet junkie", I will try at least once a
week, to get online and see what ballroom dancers are talking
about. I came across a subject on a Dancescape discussion board
on "Sweaty Partners - Etiquette and Hygiene". What a hoot!
It was very interesting to read comments and suggestions from
dancers on how to handle a stinky partner. Everything was
discussed, from overly sweaty partners, stinky shoes, and farting
during practice! We all can relate to the experience of dancing
with someone who is wearing too much cologne or maybe, not
enough! But, do we really think that we have never offended
somebody? Of course not, because the one who is being offensive
isn't aware that they are. I would find it hard to believe that
anybody would say to themselves, "you know, I think I'll skip the
deodorant and breath mints just to torture my partner"! These
"episodes" a part of any sport but there are some things we can
do to keep things to a minimum. Here's a couple of suggestions:
If your partner has smelly pits: This is really the pits if your
partner is a female and she is wearing a sleeveless blouse!
Uggghhhhhh. Where does she think I am suppose to put my wrist
when in dance position? It's a bummer for the teacher who has to
teach the rest of the day with a stinky arm and no amount of
scrubbing seems to get rid of the odor. "Tanks and sleeveless
outfits are not permitted" would be an easy enough sign to post
in the studio. It can be just as frustrating for the women. Let's
face it. Men are probably not as concerned about their body odor
as women are. Soooo what should the lady do when she notices her
partner has been wearing the same practice shirt for the last
year on a daily basis? Ladies, please be gentle. You know how
sensitive we are. By the same token, go ahead and hurt our
feelings! We will thank you in the long run...I think. You know
how they have vehicle emission tests? Maybe we could have a body
emission machine called "The Stinkymeter"! Every studio and dance
hall would have the stinkymeter, strategically located by the
edge of the floor. In order to step onto the floor, you must pass
the body emission test! Am I a genius or what? Ok, on to the next
one. I'm on a roll now.
Look! Out on the dance floor. It's a bird, it's a plane, NO it's
the HUMAN SPRINKLER!: This is the dancer who starts off with a
glow and by the end of the first dance you want to take them home
to water your lawn. Their hair is so wet with sweat that your
only concern is how to tell in advance if they are going to spin
so you can time your ducking! This is always fun when standing on
the edge of the floor judging! This is one problem that we have
to empathize with, however, because there is actually very little
one can do about it, especially if they are competing. So, unless
terry cloth turbans become a trendy thing to wear, we will be
forgiving. During practice however, you can bring a towel along
to wipe down with and a spare shirt to change in mid practice.
There are actually two positive aspects of this problem. You can
get really cool pictures of yourself looking like a dancesport
gladiator, and let's face it, sweating is HEALTHY!
If the shoe fits!: I do have a suggestion for this one. Several
weeks ago I was teaching at a local studio. Before I got there I
put my keys, my gum, (which I always have), and my cologne into
my shoe bag. I started teaching at 10 AM and got my first break
at 5 PM. Whew! Seven hours in a row. My dogs were barking and I
couldn't wait to take my shoes off. In the process of removing my
shoes I was having a bit of a struggle with the right one. I
pulled and tugged and finally was able to remove the shoe.
Unfortunately, I took the shoe pad out with it as it was stuck to
my sock. Somehow, a stick of gum, wrapper and all, had landed in
my shoe and had been there since the beginning of my day! The
teacher and student just stared at me, not quite knowing what to
think. I looked at them and said, " What? You mean you don't put
chewing gum in your shoe? It keeps my shoes smelling like mint.
All the champions do this you know"! Ok, they didn't buy this and
to be honest, it had done nothing to help the sweaty odor of my
shoe. I just wanted to tell the story! Seriously though, a common
courtesy is to find a place in the ballroom where no one else is
sitting and change your shoes there. Use some foot powder and
replace your shoe pads every now and then. Or, try the gum! Haha.
Last, but not least: Whether you smelt it or dealt it, it's not
much fun for either partner! Although you can control it somewhat
by eating less before you practice or staying away from certain
foods, it can also be caused by nerves, which many dancers
experience during practice and performance. The person who has
the hardest time with this is the man. Why the man you ask?
Because "passing gas" is a part of man humor. We think it's
funny, so it's extremely hard sometimes to control the urge to
laugh and ask "who did it"? Women do not think it's funny. So, my
advice is, if your feeling a bit, shall we say, gassy, quickly
request a foxtrot or another moving dance so your not stuck in
one spot! Your toast, and so is your partner, if there's a rumba
So, there are my suggestions! Some serious, mostly silly. But, if
you can't find humor in some of the above, you picked the wrong
sport. This is a sport that requires touch and connection between
two people and all of the above are a natural part of the human
body. I do have one suggestion if you are too embarrassed to talk
to your partner about some of these issues: Give your partner a
care package......a dancer's survival kit. You could have all
kinds of items useful to a dancer nicely wrapped in a gift bag
such as: breath mints, Odor eaters, cologne, deodorant, a power
bar, a sports towel, and a personal card thanking them for being
a great partner!
I could go on and on but I'm a bit late as it is so, I'll sign
off. See you closer to the regularly scheduled time of
publication next week (Monday or Tuesday).
Dan Messenger
Dan Messenger publishes a free weekly newsletter: Dance Trends -
a weekly eZine dedicated to the DanceSport Community. To
subscribe please visit:
This months' riddle:
** What gets bigger the more you take away from it? **
Take a guess, then scroll down for the answer link!
Ballroom dancing is as romantic as it is enjoyable. For years
the world's greatest romantics have known the best way to a
lady's heart is to sweep her across the dance floor. Holding,
touching and moving to the music is the most romantic skill any
couple can add to their lives. Think of all the countless number
of relationships that would have never started without the
world's best ice breaker -- "may I have this dance".
The romantic properties of dance are a secret that all good
dancers enjoy. For men, being able to recognize which dance the
band is playing and having the confidence in your ability to walk
across the floor and ask a lady to dance is a social
prerequisite. For ladies, they will always be in demand as a
partner once they master the grace and poise, the styling and the
all important following skills.
People will go to all extremes to make themselves attractive to
the opposite sex. Hours are spent in the gym and millions are
spent on cosmetics and stylish clothing just to gain a slight
advantage in the dating game. Unfortunately for these people,
they will always have to take a back seat to a good dancer. The
best way to be noticed, in a favorable light, is on the dance
floor. A couple of lessons at the Arthur Murray Dance Studio is
all you will need to turn your dancing and romantic life around.
Much of the recent excitement surrounding the romance of ballroom
dancing started when Michael Douglas told Annette Bening that he
danced so well because of six lessons at Arthur Murray in "An
American President." Ballroom dance has captured Hollywood's
imagination yet again in "Beautician and the Beast" with Fran
Drescher. These dance scenes do the same thing for actors and
their characters that dance does in real life. It provides a
chance for you to express your emotions towards your partner,
propelling your relationship into a more sensual mood, without
moving into an R rating!
Plus, dancing can help keep two people together. After years of
marriage, new excitement can be found together on the dance
floor. It's a "shot in the arm". It encourages the spark of
romance for stressed out, tension plagued people. It's great for
keeping a marriage interesting and long lasting. When surveyed,
more women said they would prefer a night of dancing to flowers
or chocolates for St. Valentine's Day!
(Courtesy of Arthur Murray Studios)
Hello. My name is Rhonda. This was my first issue of On A Whim
Ezine. I found out a lot of helpful information, but I really
enjoyed the links to those hilarious sites. You started my day
off on the right foot....Thank you and God Bless You.
Hi Rhonda,
Thanks for the "kudos"! I'm very pleased you enjoyed your first
issue - I love writing my ezines! and researching on the 'net and
all. If you have any suggestions or additions you'd like for
upcoming ezines please let me know.
Meantime, have a sunny day
Hi Heather!
Just wanted to let you know that you business was picked as our
Business of the month for March and will be on our home page
for the entire month of April! I wanted to pick one that I really
liked, and you were it!!
Very Best Wishes,
Bill Montgomery
To everyone reading my ezine(s): how about e-mailing me with your
comments, hints, suggestions, jokes, etc. - I'll publish your
e-mail in this column ...Heather
"You don't stop dancing from growing old, you grow old from
stopping to dance." --Unknown
This is a new section - we will be adding hints here each month -
remember, any hints from any of you would be very much
appreciated! - Heather
Don't dance for the onlookers' benefit. Concentrate on your
If you are tall, don't try to appear smaller by bending your
knees or slouching. This only spoils your posture.
If you are short, don't try to appear taller by dancing on your
toes. This only shortens your steps and makes it more difficult
to follow.
Do you want a smart, affordable way to learn more Hustle, Mambo,
West Coast Swing & Cha Cha Steps? Visit & start
dancing by your own design.
Exciting gifts for ballroom and Latin dancers!
Mugs, T-shirts, wall clocks, tote bags and more!
New gifts just for Valentine's Day too!
Save on select items!
Are you "In The Mood?" (for dancing of course!) Click on this
link for some fun and music!
There's a beautiful dance photo here with a really unique water
More Articles for your Information...Amusement...Enjoyment!
Articles added on a regular basis.
Definitions that should exist:
Arachnoleptic fit (n.) The frantic dance performed just after
you've accidentally walked through a spider web!
Get more from:
***************************************************************** - listen to the hottest Latin sounds!
Just click on the Jukebox link at the left navigation bar on the
latinjam site and then on the song title you'd like to hear!
The EzineXchange - Your Source For Fr*ee Newsletters
"Women Are Always Right... on the Dance Floor!"
Ballroom dancing has scored new points with modern feminists
because women are always right...on the dance floor.
The first foot that a woman always steps with will be her right.
Keep this in mind when you are facing your dance partner. Women,
you will always start back with your right foot, while men, you
will lead forward with your left.
Looking for an unusual gift?
Whimsies! Designs are available in a
number of dance styles with more on the way.
Don't forget, they can be personalized!
Submit an idea for a cartoon design - YOU COULD WIN!
A discussion board for dance lovers!
A dance forum:
Looking for an unusual gift for your favorite computer buff?
Come visit with us at
We are a proud member of the Ezine Publishers Association! Join
Fr*ee at:
Think you've figured it out?
Click on this link to see if you're right!
Dancing On Air is published monthly by Heather Diodati
(c) Copyright 2003 All rights reserved worldwide.
Any articles are the property of the original author and can be
used only with the author's permission.
Disclaimer: The ads for products other than Whimsies Wear,
Whimsies Personalized Cartoons, and The Pet Computer Virus in the
Sponsor Ad Section are a service to subscribers and we do not
specifically endorse these products or services.
Visit our site: Whimsies! Personalized Cartoons and the adorable
Pet Computer Virus at
Shop on-line with us anytime! (clothes optional)
To recommend this Ezine, or subscribe: How's about spreading this
issue around. Encourage your friends to subscribe! If you're
reading someone else's copy, why don't you subscribe right now
for fr*ee? Please subscribe to Dancing On Air on our site:
Don't forget to send in your suggestions so we can include you in
Dancing On Air! (see "Welcome from Heather")
To unsubscribe: To unsubscribe from Dancing On Air please
e-mail us at If you're e-mailing us
from another address other than the one you use to receive our
ezine, please make sure you indicate the correct e-mail address.
We'll be sorry to see you go!
----------<<>>---------<<>>----------<<>>----------<<>>---------- publish an Ezine too? Would you like to swap ads? Just
give me a shout at and tell me the name
of your Ezine; whether it's weekly, biweekly or monthly, or ???;
how many subscribers you have and the ad you'd like to have
published in Dancing On Air.
(thanks to
1. To rest between Salsa's.
2. To practice your Salsa moves.
3. To remind you that the Saxophone is ALIVE and WELL!
4. To make you appreciate how much you Truly Love Salsa...
5. To give the DJ time to find more Salsa.
6. To go for a, am I thirsty!
7. Because you are not good enough for Salsa.
8. Because sometimes you must walk before you can run...
9. To let Gringos try something safe and easy for them (hey!)
10. Its closing time and the bar wants the customers to leave.
11. DJ threatened to turn back on the smoke machine/strobe
12. The DJ usually does techno raves and can't tell the
13. The DJ knows you hate Merengue and expects a bribe to play