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Important info: Tuesday, February 3, is the last day you can register to vote for Tom in the primary

Important info: Tuesday, February 3, is the last day you can register to vote for Tom in the primary!

The date of the Democratic primary in the IL-05 special election to replace Rahm Emanuel is coming fast upon us. The primary will occur on March 3, just a little over four weeks from now.

One thing you may not have realized is that, in order to vote in the primary, you have to register to vote by the Tuesday, February 3rd deadline. And in order to be eligible to vote for Tom, you must be a registered Democrat in the district. Visit:
for information about how to register.

Not sure if you live in the IL-05 district? You can type your address into this search engine, and it will tell you which district you’re in, and the address of your polling place as well.