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too many cabs. we need to stop new drivers

too many cabs. we need to stop new drivers .
less riderships but still we have too many cabs in this city, drivers doing road rage to steal fares is a daily thing you see on streets.

I just lastnight saw one yellow driver getting bumped in behind by a carrige cab when the carrige cab tried to steal the fare that was to be picked up by a yelloe cab. drivers are now risking to lose $500 accident damage just to get a 5$ fares. drivers getting ticketed by cops for excessive speedings.

there is always 10 cabs infront of you and 10 behind you when you are on streets and almost all empty.

this city seems to have more cabs than private cars.
drivers can barely make $50 a day.
i have been doing this job for 12 years and soon i am working at walmart.
It sucks to be a cab driver these days!

you get beaten up by public on job. you are being challenged by many new unprofessional cab drivers on streets. you cant make $50 a day and many unfair city ordinances.