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That's Incredible

If enough people break the law it ceases to be a crime. Daley sees a lot of voters illegally crossing the streets, which explains his cautioning them to not get killed or ruin it for everybody else by suing the City. The French have parkour; we have the running of the bull-headed on the Adams Street Bridge every day at 4PM!


P.S. Does anyone remember the 'That's Incredible' TV show featuring the guy who jumped straight up into the air while a Trans Am zoomed underneath him at like 90mph? ...that was awesome.

Re: That's Incredible - If enough people break the law it ceases to be a crime

That sounds like something straight out of "Mein Kampf" brother.

Be careful whom you quote lest you quote the devil himself.

He (It?) won't like it and you will have to pay big time without hope of change.

Re: Re: Illinois Crosswalk Laws - llinois Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/1-113

Mr. White,

It is dangerous to hold up traffic in an intersection by J-walkers.

It doesn't take alot for someone to let a car go by, does it?

A car is a dangerous weapon that can kill someone, just like a gun. Walking in front of a oncoming car, is like walking in front of a loaded gun. Think about this.

What would happen if the brakes on a oncoming car goes out? or, the driver of the oncoming car can't stop quick enough? Who's fault is that? So, why take a chance and blame the driver, when that's the j-walkers own ignorance.

Better for the car to go by and be safe than sorry.


Re: Re: Re: Illinois Ted Laws - llinois Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/1-113

Feelin' lucky punk?

Go ahead, make some pedestrain's day....

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Nexy time you touch Holy Water, it may BURN, baby burn.

Ben Pope