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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on the 11/17 Disruption - shhhhhhhhhh it's the

What else is new?
I don't even need a hacker to do that.
My Nortron Internet Security Tracker Alert has been doing that for me since 2004- automatically.
Among many others, it has given me your server address.
I know who, what, and where you are.
Watch out for snakes.

Watch out for The Informant:

in·form·ant /ɪnˈfɔrmənt/ –noun
1. a person who informs or gives information; informer.
2. a person who supplies social or cultural data in answer to the questions of an investigator.
3. Linguistics. a native speaker of a language who supplies utterances and forms for one analyzing or learning the language.
[Origin: 1655–65; < L infōrmant- (s. of infōrmāns) prp. of infōrmāre. See inform1, -ant]

—Synonyms 1. source, adviser, tipster.

in·for·mant (ĭn-fôr'mənt) n.

1. One that gives information.
2. One who informs against others; an informer.
2. One who furnishes linguistic or cultural information to a researcher.


1. a person who supplies information
2. someone who sees an event and reports what happened [syn: witness]

inˈformant noun
someone who tells or informs
Example: He passed on the news to us, but would not say who his informant had been.
Arabic: مُخْبِر
Chinese (Simplified): 提供消息的人
Chinese (Traditional): 提供消息的人
Czech: informátor, -ka
Danish: meddeler
Dutch: zegsman
Estonian: informant
Finnish: tietolähde
French: informateur, *-trice
German: der Gewährsmann
Greek: πληροφοριοδότης
Hungarian: informátor; adatközlő
Icelandic: heimildamaður, uppljóstrari
Indonesian: informan
Italian: informatore, informatrice

Japanese: 情報提供者
Korean: 통보자, 밀고자
Latvian: informators; informētājs
Lithuanian: informatorius
Norwegian: hjemmelsmann, kilde, informant
Polish: informator
Portuguese (Brazil): informante
Portuguese (Portugal): informador
Romanian: sursă (de infor­mare)
Russian: информатор
Slovak: informátor, -ka
Slovenian: obveščevalec
Spanish: informante
Swedish: sagesman, källa
Turkish: bilgi veren kimse, ihbarcı

See also: information, information superhighway, informative, informer, information technology, inform

Main Entry: in·for·mant
Pronunciation: in-'for-m&nt
Function: noun
: one who informs against another; specifically : one who makes a practice esp. for money of informing police of others' criminal activities.


Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on the 11/17 Disruption - Demons & Scapegoats

So i suppose that you would have no cause to be offended if i used a metaphor and said that you acted LIKE an idiot with fuzzy logic. after all i'm not calling you a name, n'est pas?
mr. weiss, you have shown so much immaturity in your provocative emails in the past, i'm afraid you've exposed yourself as being someone not to take too seriously. that's too bad. some of your actions seem to show a serious concern for our driver's serious issues concerning our rights. i just wish your rhetoric would match your actions and rise up to that level of principle.

righteously and rightfully means just what it says. you could look it up in the dictionary. to taint a man's character by bringing in a reference to 'brownshirts' and 'nazi's' in this day and age is overblown hyperbole, and any man would challenge that, and should. after all, the nazis are notoriously known for murdering millions of people, and are commonly thought of (by europeans at least, and european-americans) as the benchmark for pure evil in the last 100 years. to characterize some inividual who publishes a monthly industry newspaper in a provincial American city like Chicago as sharing traits with an inhumane and murderous philosophy and political organization like nazi germany, no matter what kind of issues you may have with his personality, seems a bit much.

if you want to be taken more seriously, you may consider addressing the issues you have with political stands people might take with a bit more principle and losing the flowery, provocative language, taking care not to make your attacks on the personalities but concetrating more on the issues.

i was not defending anyone's behavior, but only trying to address the issues. i have met mr. lutfallah on several occasions. i don't know that i would characterize him as my 'buddy'.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Thoughts for the Thoughtless

I D I O T !

How dare you demean, debase, humiliate and degrade idiots by even suggesting I act LIKE one?!

I am depressed that you would bring people who suffer such grave and challenging afflictions into this little pig pen of a forum.

You should be reported to the Mental Health Society for this detestation crime against idiots everywhere.

And sneaking in a simile for a metaphor! Outlandish! Preposterous! Hyperbolic. Metabolic!

I have fuzzy slippers. I don’t wear them often because they look like ducks and my cat attacks them when they’re on my feet.

Last time I wore them he almost tripped me and and I came within an inch of busting my fool head open on the coffee table.

But I still love my kitty cat! He's just acting naturally.

In as much as I am a reformed nudist, exposing myself (in appropriate company, of course) is quite natural and normal to me.

Advice is just that. You can take it or leave it. Seriously.

Some people recognize value when they see it. Some can't tell the difference between their anal orifice and a hole in the ground. Go figure.

Principle? Victoria Principal from the old “Dallas” TV show? She's still a babe.

Principle? In a formal logical system, a set of propositions that are consistent with one another, it is probable that some of the statements can be deduced from one another.

For example, in the syllogism, "All men are mortal; Socrates is a man; Socrates is mortal" the last claim can be deduced from the former two.

Current instance example:

Proposition 1: George storms into the Kabaob Corner.
Proposition 2: Screaming fighting words and what not. Proposition 3: Spittle flying up and out, drool dripping down.
Proposition 4: Madness in his rolling eyes.
Conclusion: ___________________________. (Fill in the blank.)

A first principle is one that cannot be deduced from any other. The classic example is that of Euclid's geometry.

Its hundreds of propositions can be deduced from a set of definitions, postulates, and common notions: all three of which constitute "first principles."

George acted LIKE a Storm Trooper. Bad behavior, bad boy.

I also looked up ""righteously and rightfully" and when you put it into context of George's STORM TROOPER-LIKE antics, these terms become mutually exclusive terms - out of place, in the wrong era of history, meaningless and tedious.

There you go again. ACTING LIKE a storm trooper is NOT a CHARACTERIZATION (the process of conveying information about characters in fiction) Note the word F I C T I O N. See the difference?

NO ONE is characterizing your non-friend, just describing his behavior, which is SAD TO SAY, SIMILAR TO or LIKE the tactics the storm troopers used to squelch opposition during their raise to power.

I have no issues with your non-buddy's personality or his charitable works, or his real and valuable contributions.

But all his good works do not match up to the mountain of garbage he brings into this world when he acts LIKE a storm trooper, for example.

Maybe he's just acting naturally. Maybe you are just acting naturally.

I LIKE flowers. I LIKE provocation. It's an "Aging Hippy" thing. Seriously.

LIKE I always say, fur ball, fuzzy, furry logic deserves the responses it might elicit. (My cat's behavior taught me that.)

To translate into concrete logic for you Einteins out there: If you wear fuzzy slippers shaped LIKE a duck, a cat might bite your foot.

Your foot is and remains your foot, But your cat will act on the shape of the duck, even though the cat may "know" it is your foot. Wow, deep, man. Groovy.

Get naked, smell the flowers, revolt against storm trooper-LIKE mentality and especially storm trooper-LIKE behavior!

Respectfully Submitted by,
(The likes of)
Wolfgang J. Weiss

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thoughts for the Thoughtless

Fuzzy slippers? Slippery logic?

Do you mean a "pair of ducks" or a paradox?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thoughts for the Thoughtless

heya! wolf is shanna!

Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on the 11/17 Disruption - Demons & Scapegoats

I, for the life of me, cannot understand why all of the annimosity from George Lutfallah! Why would he object to being told how his actions reminded someone of actions from persons of another era? Has freedom of speech been abolished, or is freedom of speech only for those in power?

Wasn't it he who printed an article "Snakes in the Morning"? Wasn't it he who was the first to call another person a "Snake", just because that person was organizing cab drivers and owners? Is everyone to bow to whatever George says and does and no one allowed to give a response to his surely comments?

Is there another agenda for cab drivers and owners that hasn't been made public? Is the agenda: DON'T ORGANIZE!!!

No one from the City of Chicago has disrupted meetings, therefore, it has to be presumed that there are others who have a hidden agenda. Possibly those who have money to lose if drivers organize?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on the 11/17 Disruption - Demons & Scapegoats

Who knows what lurks in the hearts of trade journal publishers who think they are the Don Quixote(s) of the taxi industry?

Did you get that allusion?

He was a (fictional) gentleman who has read so many stories of chivalry that he descends into fantasy and becomes convinced he is a knight errant.

George Quixote is so mixed up that he tried to chase imaginary enemies out of the Kabob Corner because he suffers from the delusion that everyone thinks he is a Nazi Brown Shirt Storm Trooper.

And his sidekick, Joe (“Sancho Panza”) Bellow provides comments throughout this comedy-drama novel, known as "sanchismos," or more appropriately in this real-life case, "bellowisimos."

Watch out for windmills real or imagined. Watch out for snakes, real or delusioned.

Re: Re: Re: Questions on the 11/17 Disruption - Demons & Scapegoats

How did this get here?
The Informant?
An Amateur Hacker?
The Insider?
A Fascisti?
An Outsider?
A Strom Trooper?
A Brown Shirt?
A Nazi?
A guy in a brown shirt who likes to bust into meetings and impose his will on others and gets gratification out of it?
Oh No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Coalition of the Volitional
Someone is trying to democratize us?
Is there life after democratization?
Will there be bologna?

Re: Re: Thoughts on the 11/17 Disruption - The Luftwaffe

You wanna know how that got started?

Well, a long time ago in a far-away email, I spelled the venerable Mr. George Futfallah's name, like this: L U F T A L L A H.

Note the first syllable was spelled L U F T - the F and the T were transposed.

So my spell checker goes off and one of the choices was LUFTWAFFE. (I'm German so I have a lot of German words in my spell checker!)

The error went unnoticed and "crept" into other emails.

Perfectly innocent so far, by any standards.

Then, given Mr. High-and-Mighty's penchant for stormy actions and verbiage, the "acting like a storm trooper" phrase was used.

No one knows the first instance of the storm trooper usage, it goes back long before Geo's recent Kabobstag Putch (literally, a "thrust").

(If you didn't know, it may be because you're just not in the same email circles!)

Now, given Geo's behavior -- a violation of accepted, although unwritten, social rules -- and the LUFTWAFFE spelling faux pa (literaly, a "false step") one can begin to see above the silliness.

Basic Background of Terms and Usage:
"Bundestag" translates to "Federal Diet" the current democratic-style parliamentary government -- a.k.a. the "Lower house of German parliament."

They became a "Federal Diet" the same year that this Marshal Plan Baby was born - 1949.

During "der Fuhrer's time" it was das "Reichstag" - after he purged out all the real leaders, re-populated by his own special and above-the-law villains, scoundrels, serial killers. mass murderers, torturers, and ruled by himself by strutting and posturing and acting all ruler-like.

The (German Empire) "Reichstag" as a parliament dates back to the (un)Holy Roman Empire and ceased to act as a true parliament in the years of the National Socialist (Nazi) regime (1933-1945).

Today, the term "Reichstag" refers to the building, while the term "Bundestag" refers to the institution and the National Socialist regime is referred to as the "NAZIS."


Govern yourselves accordingly!


PS: So have some yummy turkey. If you're a vegetarian eat (or smoke some turkey grass (Ixophorus unisetus).

Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on the 11/17 Disruption - SPelling Error

It is supposed to be the venerable Mr. George Lutfallah, not Futfallah.

I am e m b a r r a s s e d.


Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on the 11/17 Disruption - The Luftwaffe

such a long winded convoluted explanation. it seems beneath a man's dignity to go thru such contortions to absolve themselves of such a minor error.

i don't believe a word of it. tsk tsk tsk.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on the 11/17 Disruption - The Luftwaffe

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Try using either just the left or the right side of the brain when reading blogs.

It does wonders to follow the convulsions....

Re: Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on the 11/17 Disruption - The Luftwaffe

That's the facts Jack.
No absolving oneself, no excuses, just laying it on the line.
That's right -- a minor error. A mole hill.
Someone has fianally gotten to the heart of the matter. Bravo Joseph!
And the Master Mountain Builder went mentally AWOL over it.

(I suppose if you met Santa Claus and he introduced himself, you'd probably call him a liar, even if the Easter Bunny signed a sworn affidavit attesting to the fact that the guy was Santa.)

-The Master Convoluter-

Joseph Bellow's demonization

After being threatened by the tool of all the various business interests in the taxi industry, I am being villified by a churl who has evident difficulty recognizing facts for what they are. Mr. Bellow, you are certainly not from Saul's family - if you are, your anti-intellectual analyses reflect aberrent mutation from some sort of unfortunate inbreeding.

You have no right to criticize anyone for having served in the armed forces of the United States of America, not even the ones who, like me, were able to avoid combat. I have no reason to be ashamed to have translated French and Vietnamese into English during the mid '60's. My mission contributed only tangentially to the war effort. Forty years later, there are ingrates who still find that was inappropriate. But that's your problem, bud.

You might well not have been born but for the courage of a few brave men - and women - who fought in other wars. Having been born 12 days after Hiroshima, I know good and well my every breath is the result of more than half a million American men having paid the ultimate price over the few years before. For the Jewish blood that courses through my veins, I would have been disposed of in a heartbeat. And were it not for the bravery of my grandfather and his generation 90 years ago, you might have been forced to wear a spiked helmet. I hope my son doesn't need to be a Marine, but I'd be proud if he stepped up to the plate to defend your right to say what you do.

The use of the *******ized name was buried IN A PRIVATE E-MAIL. The recipient of that e-mail chose to make my thoughts public. In retrospect, that was unfortunate because of the foofaraw that followed. And it is made even the worse by those like you who defend the conduct of fascisti over that of truth and justice. Your posting reflects a series of preconceived notions and prejudices. You know nothing of me save for my name and what you have heard said about me.

As I always say: children should be obscene and not absurd. So with that watchword in mind, I can accept your criticism of me as a "...despicable ex-Marine...". I'm proud of that training in spite of people like you. Without us "war criminals" ready to face fire, you'd never have been born, sonny. No doubt you'd say the same to my dad and his generation too for poking millions of nazis in the collective eye. You'd say it to my grandfather who with two million doughboys kicked the Kaiser in the ass and crumpled the Turks who slaughtered close to two million Armenians.

Bellow, I don't like you - instinctively.

Your hero, Lutfallah, is a tool of the capitalists of the taxi industry in Chicago. The people who pay for full page ads in the Chicago Dispatcher don't want to have drivers organize. The lawyers who tout for themselves in his trade rag have no reason to see drivers organize. Mr. Bellow, you must be a tool of one or more of those groups. I don't know where you fit, but it's obvious enough you don't want to see a cohesive organization of cab drivers. THAT'S WHAT THE MEETING LUTFALLAH CAME TO DISRUPT WAS ALL ABOUT. That man is not united with drivers. He is not allied with drivers. He is a tool of the fleet owners and the *****s who hang on the backs of the drivers for their living.

What integrity? It's the almighty buck that drove the man to burst in like one of Mussolini's fascisti to disrupt a peaceful meeting of concerned drivers. What you try to do is to paint the scapegoat as the one scapegoating. It's like calling Israelis nazis. Not even the so-called "Palestinians" do that. It doesn't ring.

Finally, Mr. Bellow, I will always sign my postings under my own name. My style is consistent - would that I had posted the diatribe that elicited your venom. But, alas, it was not me.

I do hope we have the chance to meet some day. My suspicion, however, is that you are just a certain trade rag publisher going under a pseudonym for the sake of taking a poke at me. I kind of think we've already met, and you are mine if that is the case.

Donald Nathan, Esq.

Re: Joseph Bellow's demonization


a 'churl'? i kind of like that.
mr. nathan, you and mr. weiss should get together and decide which of you is telling the truth about the spurious 'luftwaffe' reference. you're both telling different stories so one of you must be lying. was it the spell check of mr. weiss explanation we're supposed to pretend to believe? or is it your contention that in 'private' emails any thing goes, including referring to a human being who may have some immature anger issues, and have a tendency towards impulsive, impatient, and hasty behavior as somehow akin to nazis who actually beat, murdered, and tortured people in their rampages. it seems a bit much. i would normally ask you to agree here, but i don't have much respect for your intellect or integrity right now, so i won't bother.

frankly, this being the USA, i do have the right to critcize just about anyone i want, for any reason of my choosing. at least until the laws or government changes, and then i would just have to choose to break the law to let my views be known.
(blood can't be 'Jewish'--it's just blood like any other)
(Lutfallah is not my 'hero'--i don't have heroes, respect for other human beings is about as far as i'll go)

your charge that someone is a 'tool' of the capitalist of the taxi industry is a rather serious one, which you really shouldn't make so lightly. as a lawyer, you should know that this is approaching actionable slanderous speech. where is your evidence? if you feel that someone who has any ties at all to the affiliations, or owners, or lawyers, or the City of Chicago is somehow tainted and can't think and act independently, you should just say that. but that is an extremely weak argument, i'll have you know. there are plenty of examples in history of people taking stands and losing their job, work, economic standing, social standing and all that. i think i f you just thought for a moment, you could come up with examples yourself.

i don't know why you have an axe to grind with mr. lutfallah, but it seems pointless to keep feuding with the man, slandering him, and wasting your energies on that. the main thing i know about him is that he provides a public service to us cabdrivers in the publishing of the dispatcher. it would be much harder to connect with my many fellow drivers or find out some of what's going on, if it didn't exist. so i thank him for that.

i would love to take more pokes at you, cause there are so many issues you raise in your post here that are pokeable, but i'll just stop here. maybe in future, when i need to amuse myself more.

but one last thing: calling the Israelis nazis would be closer to the truth, as their practices in murdering, bombing, beating, harassing and discriminating palestinians (the native people of the region) with force of arms more closely recall german behavior against jews, gypsy's, homosexuals and the like in the 1930's than any regrettable behavior by some 'trade rag publisher' as you call him.

it's funny, you wouldn't even have this soapbox to spread your hyperbolic venom if it wasn't for him. i wonder if that doesn't stick in your craw.

Re: Re: Joseph Bellow's demonization

Mr. "Bellow":

More likely than not, you are one of the Lutfallah staff writers using a pseudonym. It hardly matters. Whether you work for Lutfallah or are just one of his running dogs, the slobber is the same.

You might go to the books in respect to the question of whether any actionable slander has ever been uttered or published by you, Lutfallah or me. Nothing approaching that legal standard has reached anyone's eyes or ears. Lutfallah might have been guilty of bellowing out fighting words in the "Kabobputsch", but no fight followed in spite of his efforts to provoke one.

As I reflected on his reprehensible and puerile conduct for the past week, I concluded that it was much more akin to what was done by Mussolini's fascisti when they marched into peaceful meetings to bust them up in the late '20's in Northern Italy - or by Franco's Nationalists in Segovia a few years later. Someday read some Hemingway, son.

That you would liken the courage of those in the Middle East who would be marched to a man into the sea by the so-called Palestinian extremists conduct to be likened to the nazis bespeaks your mindset. No man of good will and common decency would buy into tripe like that, not even someone like your hero.

You can betcha, however, that you have the right to criticize anyone you want to criticize in the USA - just the same way I do. You wouldn't have that right without the U.S. war machine, and you can bet your booties on it, son. It's because I fought for my country that I figure I have some right - it's not just the one guaranteed me by the 1st Amendment - to voice my two cents about taxi industry lackeys. You can hose me if you like in this forum or any other. You have. I am ready to defend your every right to do so.

I have no axe to grind with Lutfallah or anyone else for that matter, not even you. I am not feuding with the man, slandering him or wasting my energies on that. The public service he provides to cabdrivers (I was one for seven years - C/L #11473) is both admirable and certainly profitable for him or he would certainly stop doing it. His forum serves a valuable function, and the availability of it is one that I rarely use but do appreciate.

If there is a problem with the man's personality, it is that he acts the role of a bully. Wolfgang Weiss has characterized it much more directly and eloquently. Having said it, I see no reason to perpetuate or compound animosity by fanning flames. It was for that reason that I made the effort at contrition, one that he rejected out of hand.

The characterization of my critique of the fellow as "hyperbolic venom" is misplaced - in fact it's stupid. The only assessment I came up with - you weren't there to hear it, "Bellow" - was that he was and remains an unrepentent bully who waters at the hole of the princes of the taxi industry.

I'll take the side of the drivers any day. That's who I've represented over the decades. I'd like to think I've done a pretty good job of that over those years. That's why I don't have to give much of a hoot what bullies and their running dogs think or say. Try that on for size.

Donald Nathan, Esq.

Re: Re: Re: Joseph Bellow's demonization

naaaahhh. if you didn't give a hoot you wouldn't bother posting OR reposting.

The truth that we cannont appreciate and expalin!!!

First of all, there is undoubtedly a Truth one and eternal which we are seeking, from which all other truth derives, by the light of which all other truth finds its right place, explanation and relation to the scheme of knowledge. But precisely for that reason it cannot be shut up in a single trenchant formula, it is not likely to be found in its entirety or in all its bearings in any single philosophy or scripture or uttered altogether and for ever by any one teacher, thinker, prophet or Avatar. Nor has it been wholly found by us if our view of it necessitates the intolerant exclusion of the truth underlying other systems; for when we reject passionately, we mean simply that we cannot appreciate and EXPLAIN.

Secondly, this Truth, through it is one and eternal, expresses itself in Time and through the mind of man; therefore every Scripture must necessarily contain two elements, one temporary, perishable, belonging to the ideas of the period and country in which it was produced, the other eternal and imperishable and applicable in all ages and countries. Moreover, in the statement of the Truth the actual form given to it, the system and arrangement, the metaphysical and intellectual mold, the precise expression used must be largely subject to the mutations of Time and cease to have the as e force; for the human intellect modifies itself always, continually dividing and putting together it is obliged to shift its divisions continually and to rearrange its syntheses; it is always leaving old expression and symbol of new or, if it uses the old, it so changes its connotation or at least in its exact content and associations that we can never be quite sure of understanding an ancient book of this kind precisely in the sense and spirit it bore to its contemporaries. What is of entirely permanent value is that which besides being universal has been experienced, lived and seen with a higher than the intellectual vision.

Hindu Meditations & Non-Hindu Meditations

Sri Aurobindo

Essays on The Gita, pp. 4-5

Re: Re: Joseph Bellow's demonization

A careful review of these posts strongly indicates that a reasonable and plausible explanation was made as to the facts behind the "LUTFALLAH/LUFTWAFFE" misspelling incident.

There is no information that tends to contradict Mr. Weiss' or Mr. Nathan's statements regarding the incident.

Neither do their statements contradict each other. Bellow's contention that only one is or could be telling the truth is nonsense and irrelevant.

Further, there is no reason or evidence to assume that Mr. Weiss or Mr. Nathan is lying. There is also no reason to believe that they would not tell the truth.

An honest person, free of personal interest and subjective delusions would tend to trust that the information provided by Weiss and Nathan is quite probably true.

Perhaps Mr. Bellows should get together with a Reading & Comprehension teacher.

The Insider

Re: Re: Re: Joseph Bellow's demonization

mr. weiss contends that it was his inadvertant use of spellchecker on mr. lutfallah's name which resulted in an unfortunate error. mr nathan on the contrary contends he referred to mr lutfallah as mr luftwaffe deliberately on purpose likening him to all those 'brownshirts' and 'fascisti' of bygone days he likes to go on about and that as his use of the term in a private email somehow excuses it. i can't make head nor tail of either of these persons posts, except to end up thinking of them as incredibly immature for grown men, and to think of them and any meeting they may attend as a council of idiots. (at least in my head) hahahahaahahaha. you have no idea how that characterization amuses me! hahahahahahahahahaha...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Joseph Bellow is The Informant

That’s all nonsense and foolishness. What a pile of malarkey!

The CENTRAL ISSUE, in case you forgot, is GEORGE’S BHAVIOR, not how it came to be described by association with the German Air Force, "Nazi storm troopers" a.k.a. "brown shirts" -- particularly their tactic of kicking the yahoo out of anyone or anything they considered their enemy – DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR tactics.

The MAIN POINT herein is you are COVERING for George's behavior by switching the focus of the discussion away from George's fascisti-like behavior and attacking his critics' veracity, intelligence, maturity, choice of words, use of language and a barrage of irrelevant minutia.

How is spell checking and subsequent use of the allegedly offensive phrases contrary?

Aren’t you getting tired of this made up, delusional “enemy within and meddlers outside” hogwash?

I am surprised you haven’t pulled the “secret agenda” conspiracy out of your rear end yet.

Those three NON ISSUES is all you have in your paltry anti-progress, anti improvement, anti-taxi workers; rights movement war chest: (1) enemies within, (2) outsider meddling and (3) secret agenda.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Joseph Bellow is The Informant

And speaking offensive, what is more offensive to you, busting up a meeting or associating such behavior as tactics of Nazi stormtroopers?

What would the Informant have done?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Joseph Bellow's demonization

I don't "contend" anything.

I state without reservation that the spell checker accident happened.

Hook me up to a lie-detector. Put me on sodium penathol. Hypnotize me. Water board me.

But put a few grand on your assertion (with special emphasis on the first syllable.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Joseph Bellow - They've given you a number and taken away your name

Track This Mr. Tracker Man If You Can, Mr. Tracker Hacker Man:

Who is tracking the man.
Who is tracking the man,
Who is tracking you?
Who is hacking the man.
Who is hacking the man,
Who is hacking you?


There's a man who leads a life of danger
To everyone he meets he stays a stranger
With every move he makes another chance he takes
Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow

Secret agent man, secret agent man
They've given you a number and taken away your name

Beware of pretty faces that you find
A pretty face can hide an evil mind
Ah, be careful what you say
Or you'll give yourself away
Odds are you won't live to see tomorrow

Secret agent man, secret agent man
They've given you a number and taken away your name

------ lead guitar ------

Secret agent man, secret agent man
They've given you a number and taken away your name

Swingin' on the Riviera one day
And then layin' in the Bombay alley next day
Oh no, you let the wrong word slip
While kissing persuasive lips
The odds are you won't live to see tomorrow

Secret agent man, secret agent man
They've given you a number and taken away your name

Secret agent man

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Joseph Bellow - They've given you a number and taken away your name

wolf again!! hi, wolfy! ur not foolin' meeeeeee

Re: Re: Re: Joseph Bellow's demonization

wolf 'insider' weiss

Re: Re: Joseph Bellow's Unlawful Tool

From "In the Defense of the Spineless, Lilly-livered and Lame-brained: A Scatological Study:"

"It is always the empty headed zealots, the overly pompous, the supremely arrogant with feigned air of authority and wisdom, who strike out at their critics, accusing them of the very crimes and misdemeanors they themselves or their bosses so openly and wantonly commit."

slan·der (a nounn).
1. Law - communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.
v. slan·dered, slan·der·ing, slan·ders
To utter a slander about. See Synonyms; malign.
To utter or spread slander.

Unlawful tool-calling?

Seriously. Being noted as a dupe for the those who support and defend the status quo power elite, is not slander.

Being described or identified as a "tool" of the powers that be, a supporter of the way things are is not slander.

You've already done a remarkably good job of identifying yourself as such Joey.

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RE: In the Defense of the Spineless, Lilly-livered and Lame-brained: A Scatological Study


1. the study of or preoccupation with excrement or obscenity.
2. obscenity, esp. words or humor referring to excrement.
3. the study of fossil excrement.

Also called coprology.

[Origin: 1875–80; scato- + -logy]

—Related forms


n. pl. sca·tol·o·gies

1. The study of fecal excrement, as in medicine, paleontology, or biology.
1. An obsession with excrement or excretory functions.
2. The psychiatric study of such an obsession.
3. Obscene language or literature, especially that dealing pruriently or humorously with excrement and excretory functions.

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scatological - adjective - dealing pruriently with excrement and excretory functions; "scatological literature"

1 : of or relating to the study of excrement
2 : marked by an interest in excrement or obscenity
3 : of or relating to excrement or excremental functions

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would that wolfmeister would even be slightly funny. oh well.

Re: Joseph Bellow's demonization

In JB's case,it is "Children should be seen and not had."

There are only 6 listings in the National White Pages for Joe/Joseph Bellow, none are in Illinois.

Maybe his is just a figment or a disfigurement of our imagination.

Maybe he's just a fig. Go figure.

Wolf ( just another informer )

Re: Re: Joseph Bellow's demonization

Nuts, Wolf. We all know that the guy who bellows is really just Geo with a lisp. That's spelled Lutht-F'Allah. Try it in your spell checker.

Re: Re: Re: Joseph Bellow's air force

You know what comes out, (with humble apology to any members of a major European nation's air force).