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Your 2007 Report Card - A TIme Capsule

This seems to keep coming back:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as (one) can shield the people from the ... consequences of the lie."

"It thus becomes vitally important ... to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the TRUTH IS THE MORTAL ENEMY OF THE LIE, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy ....” -- Joseph Goebbels part of the Nazi High Command)

A lie told often enough becomes truth? Not really. If you lie to someone often enough that they believe the lie, you have misled them.

This is, unfortunately, the standard modus operandi of the current "Fascisti-like" (mis)leadership of the taxi workers’ rights movement.

His only claim to fame was to try to garner a meter increase. His infamy is his insults and innuendos which amount to destructive persecution of other organizations and interested parties who, like truly civilized ladies and gentlemen, stopped in mid-play momentarily, and stepped aside to let Foulks run with the ball. But, ooops, no score for Foulks.

Foulks’ vitriolic ranting:

One of his most bold-faced, spectacular lies (as reported by The Dispatcher) has been Foulks’ excuse (his rationale) for “stepping up” to the task of organizing of the taxi drivers because other organizations and organizers have been ineffective and not getting things done quickly enough.

This, after his task masters took great care in the now blatantly apparent program of maligning, demonizing and badmouthing others behind the thin veneer of journalism and editorial freedom of speech, neither of which applies to the scandlous license Luthfallah has taken in print and attempted to legitimized through this forum. Attempted, but failed.

One can compare this to a play in a football game in which an Offense Linebacker rushes and tackles his own Quarterback, then blames the Quarterback for failing to complete the play.

This is a lesson Foulks has learned well from the master puppeteer at the industry-oriented “trade” paper, who has been blaming TWOP or CPTDA or all those whom he thinks will stand in his way for his nefarious actions and outrageously false claims for several months now, and who has, in effect surrendered his soul to the devil in exchange for a brief and shining moment in the spotlight.

Foulks continues belching, almost daily, that wolves and trolls are nipping at his heals; snakes are plotting against him; and bad lawyers are out to twist his meaning; calling his imagined enemies names and bad mouthing their activities -- keeping the average reader from noticing the myriad of problems that suffocate the taxicab industry and the taxi workers’ rights movement.

at least teh City should recognize these efforts and put him on the payroll if he is not already.


Another observer remarked, “The trouble is that, while the average Joe on the street is waiting for some basic help in effectively facilitating his interests, he (Foulks) is busy trying to build an “in crowd” by presumably exposing snakes, enemy lawyers and outsiders out to get him and branding all others that have allegedly usurped his imagined stewardship of the movement – with nothing more than false accusations, sleazy, demonstrably false statements and allegations.”

To paraphrase other observers, who essentially repeat the same basic conclusion derived from the posts herein, “This is caveman mentality, politics of destruction and exclusion. What can he possibly hope to gain by such negativism other than to insure failure?”

Consequently, Foulks’ real purpose seems to be to hamper, mislead and misdirect real efforts, realistic methods, really effective and equitable solutions – the very crimes and misdemeanors he accuses everyone who isn’t in his organization.

He (Foulks) has accomplished nothing except to garner a rag-tag following of forty or fifty true believers, who, it is feared for good reason, offer little in the way of hope or success in the both near- and long-term.

In the final analysis Foulks and Company receives two grades: “E” for effort. “F” for total, indisputable and undeniable FAILURE.


Re: Your 2007 Report Card - A TIme Capsule

this is wolf again. are you scared to post under your own name? why be so silly? is this the pot calling the kettle black? what purpose does a rant like this serve, except to discourage people from taking public stands? and to hurt peoples feelings to no purpose. when you attack other drivers who are trying to do something, even if misguided, you detract not only from their efforts but from your own humanity.

Let me try this Machine-Gun Style...

Machine-Gun Style reply...

I haven't told any lies.

I am not a Nazi or a dictator.

I am the President of the Chicago Cabdriver Organization (CCO).

I was elected on an open ballot according to written Articles of Organization.

If the Registered-Members don't like my leadership, they can vote for somebody else on the third Wednesday of May, 2008. Or, they can start their own organization.

I have never insulted anybody who didn't insult me or another first.

I never asked anybody to 'step aside' so I 'could run with the ball'. Don't attribute their ineptitude or laziness to me.

I, instead of just complaining about the activities or inactivities of others, decided to take action.

This is nothing that needs an 'excuse' or 'rationale'.

I have no 'task masters'. I am independent from any other 'organization'.

I don't understand your football analogy because your foundation is faulty. This is not a 'game'. I am not competing with anybody.

I have never 'blamed' anyone for anything.

I do not wish to be 'in the spotlight' at all. It is sometimes required.

I only reply to the attacks and falsehoods. I don't originate them.

I have never claimed anyone is 'out to get me'.

I never claimed to have 'stewardship' of any 'movement'.

My purpose is to put in the necessary work to help cabdrivers organize, communicate, and co-operate when the time comes.

I have never hampered, misled, or misdirected 'real' efforts, 'realistic' methods, 'really' effective and 'equitable' solutions, except to once again reveal all this to be a bunch of bull**** non-speak.

Nobody is 'stopping' my organization in any way.

Some posters on this site are wasting my precious time by continually making false accusations against me which necessitate replies.

I've even maintained my sense of humor.



Nothing in this struggle is 'finished'. So much for your 'analytical skills'. Nice to see you 'give up'. We don't need you anyhow. This is all much bigger than one person.

-Mike Foulks

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

This seems to keep coming back:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as (one) can shield the people from the ... consequences of the lie."

"It thus becomes vitally important ... to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the TRUTH IS THE MORTAL ENEMY OF THE LIE, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy ....” -- Joseph Goebbels part of the Nazi High Command)

A lie told often enough becomes truth? Not really. If you lie to someone often enough that they believe the lie, you have misled them.

This is, unfortunately, the standard modus operandi of the current "Fascisti-like" (mis)leadership of the taxi workers’ rights movement.

His only claim to fame was to try to garner a meter increase. His infamy is his insults and innuendos which amount to destructive persecution of other organizations and interested parties who, like truly civilized ladies and gentlemen, stopped in mid-play momentarily, and stepped aside to let Foulks run with the ball. But, ooops, no score for Foulks.

Foulks’ vitriolic ranting:

One of his most bold-faced, spectacular lies (as reported by The Dispatcher) has been Foulks’ excuse (his rationale) for “stepping up” to the task of organizing of the taxi drivers because other organizations and organizers have been ineffective and not getting things done quickly enough.

This, after his task masters took great care in the now blatantly apparent program of maligning, demonizing and badmouthing others behind the thin veneer of journalism and editorial freedom of speech, neither of which applies to the scandlous license Luthfallah has taken in print and attempted to legitimized through this forum. Attempted, but failed.

One can compare this to a play in a football game in which an Offense Linebacker rushes and tackles his own Quarterback, then blames the Quarterback for failing to complete the play.

This is a lesson Foulks has learned well from the master puppeteer at the industry-oriented “trade” paper, who has been blaming TWOP or CPTDA or all those whom he thinks will stand in his way for his nefarious actions and outrageously false claims for several months now, and who has, in effect surrendered his soul to the devil in exchange for a brief and shining moment in the spotlight.

Foulks continues belching, almost daily, that wolves and trolls are nipping at his heals; snakes are plotting against him; and bad lawyers are out to twist his meaning; calling his imagined enemies names and bad mouthing their activities -- keeping the average reader from noticing the myriad of problems that suffocate the taxicab industry and the taxi workers’ rights movement.

at least teh City should recognize these efforts and put him on the payroll if he is not already.


Another observer remarked, “The trouble is that, while the average Joe on the street is waiting for some basic help in effectively facilitating his interests, he (Foulks) is busy trying to build an “in crowd” by presumably exposing snakes, enemy lawyers and outsiders out to get him and branding all others that have allegedly usurped his imagined stewardship of the movement – with nothing more than false accusations, sleazy, demonstrably false statements and allegations.”

To paraphrase other observers, who essentially repeat the same basic conclusion derived from the posts herein, “This is caveman mentality, politics of destruction and exclusion. What can he possibly hope to gain by such negativism other than to insure failure?”

Consequently, Foulks’ real purpose seems to be to hamper, mislead and misdirect real efforts, realistic methods, really effective and equitable solutions – the very crimes and misdemeanors he accuses everyone who isn’t in his organization.

He (Foulks) has accomplished nothing except to garner a rag-tag following of forty or fifty true believers, who, it is feared for good reason, offer little in the way of hope or success in the both near- and long-term.

In the final analysis Foulks and Company receives two grades: “E” for effort. “F” for total, indisputable and undeniable FAILURE.


Re: Let me try this Machine-Gun Style...

now mike is posting as me. just don't get me in trouble, ok?

again, the previous 'jb' is not me

mr. weiss,

i have asked you kindly to cease and desist posting as me. you have not responded, but you continue to do so. this is very bothersome. with your vast knowledge of chat room ettiquette, i'm sure you know that this problem has occured before in internet history, and that it is condidered in extremely bad form, if not punishable by banning. would you like to be banned from this site? i'm sure i could build a case among our small little community here to ban people who post as other posters on this site.

please admit your error and promise not to do this again. i'm serious.

mr. lutfallah, i hope you are taking notice of this egregious practice. as the owner and monitor of this site, it is up to you to make sure people here do not engage in such unethical behavior. please let mr. weiss know that if he continues this behavior, that there can and should be consequences.

thank you, Joseph bellow (jb) (not john barry, i never post as john barry, here or anywhere else)

Re: Let me try this Machine-Gun Style...

I this. I that. Me this. Me that. Myself. I. I.

I, yi yi yi yi.


Hence, 'Machine-Gun Style'

Mr. Nathan,

Hence the phrase, 'Machine-Gun Style'...

The best and most direct way to reply from charges of 'You, you, you' or 'He, he, he' IS 'I, I, I'.

Thank you for illuminating my point a bit further so simply.

-Mike Foulks

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

I this. I that. Me this. Me that. Myself. I. I.

I, yi yi yi yi.
