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Mr.Tang ! This is for you from Steve

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回应专员雷耶斯的证词,在运输委员会的听证会10月。 25 , 2007


最近,出租车司机,在芝加哥提交了一份请愿书,为25 % ,加价向运输局的芝加哥市。这个请愿书包括2000年的签名,汇集了水表收据,以证明我们的平均收入,并付出了艰辛的工作,组织和收集由一个带专用芝加哥cabdrivers 。听证会举行10月25日听到的论点,赞成及反对这项请愿。继承10-12司机作出了他们的请求,然后专员雷耶斯,他们甚至没有得到在房间内,为我们大部分的证词,使她的情况,我们的司机并不需要加价。她根据她的建议,对分析数据的,她提到,向董事会人员,但没有提供硬拷贝给任何人。这封信是为了回应她的证词。


专员雷耶斯的证词说: "天然气价格波动… 。是脚踏实地,把… …它见顶在今年早些时候[它]逐年下降… 。一天,它可能高达某一个百分比,第二天就可以了某一个百分比" 。她还声称,从过去两年的价值数据,我们是" ,但事实上缴纳9.5 %多的"气体比2005年结束。

回应:虽然它可能是事实,如果其中一个被分析天然气价格超过几个星期或几个月内将价格波动略有上升和下降,其硬数据,在过去五年中(由于我们的参与在伊拉克)将呈现稳步增长的大幅% 。一些这种硬数据如下。自从我们上次计程车加价,在2005年5月,天然气价格,在芝加哥地区有增加,从平均217.8美元( 2005年5月) ,以目前的平均285.9美元为10月份。更目前,在11月中旬创下新高317.9美元。一些简单的代数,将进一步证明,这是一个69 %的增长,在过去两年内完成。 (根据美国政府的统计资料显示,在 ,并提供进一步的信息 ) 。加价,我们在五月接获的, 2005年是11.8 % ,增幅来到整整4年之后,先前的票价增加了,这本身并没有跟上,无论是与消费物价指数的升幅,也没有天然气价格上涨4年。

专员雷耶斯的证词说: "我们不会有多少18 [在全国的出租车票价]

回应:警务处处长,免去了一张海报所带来的组织者之一,显示出比较的士票价在美国城市作为"老统计" ,而不是最新的。与此相反,这个图表是最新的统计分析资料,并可以到网站上自己看到它在 。经过进一步的分析和反思,然而,处长的推理是有缺陷的,在一个主要途径。出租车票价在美国城市不能仅仅是作为比较的是,一刀切,没有计算在其他非常重要的数据。比如,什么是人均收入,这数字到一般市民的支付能力,为计程车车费?此外,生活费用在芝加哥不仅为自己的公民,但也为cabdrivers自己,他们毕竟要能独立生活,提高家庭在同一经济体系。
我们有一个问题,为廉政专员,所以要大家:什么意思,为美国芝加哥"号第10次" ,甚至"号第4次" ,在全国的出租车收费?根据我们自己的分析,加25 % ,我们就不会在第4号,但5号。此外,如果我们看一下图表比较的城市,大部分的城市提到,是因为加价,在不远的将来实现。我们预计,即使我们得到增加,芝加哥,将在短期内降到低于10名的排名为出租车票价在美国数个主要城市。我们觉得这个排名是不相称的地位,正如芝加哥人数两个经济的火车头,据大都会地区去,在整个美国,仅次于纽约市。我们觉得cabdrivers在芝加哥,他们不仅生活在其中的价格较高的城市,在该国,而且还采取了重要作用,在运行的美国经济本身,应当有一个更公平,更公平地分享经济。

专员雷耶斯的证词: "平均每班11个小时"

回应:专员提到这顺带,因为如果这不是统计学。我在此呼吁所有的,你要考虑到底是什么,这一统计数字意味着,在人类而言。最cabdrivers是租赁司机中,这意味着他们租用计程车为每周班制,每天工作12小时。这意味着,以求最大限度地提升收入,我们必须推动大多数时间,我们正在为。这个原来要充分每周七天,如果专员是正确的话,这原来是一个77小时工作制。还应考虑,这一统计数字决算无显着突破,在我们的纪念日(我们不能够负担得起-每小时都有失去的是金钱,失去了,我们不能恢复,因为我们没有选择工作更长的时间,我们现在已经在我国最大) 。我们也没有收到任何医疗福利,休假工资或病假天。而业主经营者和24小时的司机不要有不少相同constrictions ,经济压力,都是一样的,在他们的个案。当正处于艰难时期,因为他们是现在,我们不也可以选择不工作,并参加任何其他类型的人所关注,如家庭生活,业余爱好,社交,文化活动等。

专员雷耶斯的证词中说: "司机,平均每22个票价每移" , " [我们]票价分析收集到的资料,从司机的收益… 6000人的票价从100驾驶室… 775票价由5驾驶室超过11轮班…电台派出票价由50驾驶室以上为期一周的期"

回应:我们想挑战专员提供给alderman的芝加哥市,运输局,新闻媒体和我们自己, cabdrivers芝加哥,确凿的数据,这份声明是基于。其原因在于以下几点。如果这是众所周知的平均数目,票价每更是22 ,那么它应该很容易,足以告诉我们什么,平均票价是也。这个数字,很容易不够核减煤气费,租赁费,税金,医疗保险(我们买我们自己的) ,以及维修费用,并告诉我们是否真正有足够遗留下来的,为提高家庭。这是一个非常重要的一点,我们希望所有有关各方都能加入我们要求释放这一数据来自处长。

专员雷耶斯的证词说: "租赁费率上限,没有了,在14年"
"目前的上限是493美元但也确有很多不同的附加…说,车主可向主管…补充保险,碰撞损害豁免后,新型号的车辆,电话或手机的使用情况,工伤事故赔偿,租赁协议税,不同的事可以说, " "一些契约,将是一个有点超过600元"

回应:直到2002年,芝加哥市的法规不更遑论契约上限。我们第一次听到一提的上限,租赁利率,在2004年的版本。不幸的是,我们没有能够得到我们的手就任何先前版本的规则和规例,检查的真实性专员的声明是否上限没有了,在14年中,虽然我们真诚表示怀疑。在1994年,每周批约300元。是什么原因可能有可能已订立契约的上限473美元那个时候吗?专员雷耶斯被错认为这笔数额还:目前上限为473 ,不是$ 493 。在我们阅读的规则和规例,我们发现并没有提到所有这些"额外"该专员提到业主可以收费。这是我们的立场,即专员,以及规则本身,应明确界定什么是"两回事" ,可被控告。例如:从我们了解,碰撞损害豁免后,租赁协议税和工人补偿费是应该被包括在基本利率,或者在补充保险。我们挑战专员再次解释如何'基准利率上限'的498美元可以或多或少增加超过20 % ,超过了600美元,与所有这些'额外服务' ,这使得一个讽刺,甚至长远的'租赁费率上限' 。如果商务部的消费者事务部没有后续或监督,甚至建立有意义的规则和术语有关租赁帽,他们自己的规则和规章,它怎么能要求和期望,司机这样做呢?这可以被认为是正确的,公正?

专员雷耶斯的证词说: "三年前,纪念章等平均42000美元…今天,平均一间纪念章71000美元,而不是130000美元"

回应:虽然可以说,真正的平均报价为每纪念章,目前在公开市场上未必130000美元,它只不过是不到虚伪(至少可以说是)声称平均,目前71000美元。快看看对调度员的网页, ,将线索,我们以怎么回事。统计数字最后一个月,将进一步证明,有纪念章的售价为105k ,为130k ,为15万和也的售价为1元, 100元,甚至合理的价格一样, 47000美元。如果你平均每场都出,为调度员那样,你将获得目前的平均81000美元还是如此。但为什么这'平均'意思有多少?因为如果你追踪到这些纪念章卖方和买方,你会发现, 1元和100元,纪念章等正在销售的家庭成员之间或商业伙伴的一种或另一种。同样的情况也适用两名被出售给其合作伙伴为47000美元。我们可以很容易地找到这些人,并问他们。
我们的问题是,为什么是专员的部门采用这种毫无意义的数据?如果我们做严格的科学和统计分析的纪念章出售,抛出价格不会出售在公开市场上(你学会做介绍了统计阶级) ,我们会找到一个更高的平均水平。目前它正在接近前期的高底$ 130k ,作为一个快捷查询上述网站将显示,元不等, 105k至15万为纪念章挂在公开市场上。当我们做到这一点,我们可以看到实际的现实生活中实数的成本进入出租车行业在芝加哥却急剧上升,并极,在过去一年中,多达300 % !


1 。天然气价格的上扬,并会继续增加。我们认为,这是一个考虑,而任何人士一直关注石油价格将不得不同意。正如以上所述,我们认为,实际的统计比例是69 % ,由于去更高随着近期价格上升的每一桶原油。

2 。根据劳工局的统计,生活费用上升了4.6 % ,自从我们上次加价2005 。由于还上文所述,去年增长11.8 %本身并未与时并进增加的生活费用往年。

3 。租赁价格已大大提高,在过去的几年里,尽管租赁帽合法授权的,由城市。由于该专员的上述"不同的附加"这个小城市,让业主收取以上,并超越了"租赁帽" ,非常任期变为相当意义的。因其他经济因素影响计程车的业主(增加的价格,减少了的士车生活) ,我们期望我们的业主将到期增加租赁价格,将要求对他们来说,我们承认他们可能是由于租赁,帽增加。我们cabdrivers将需要大幅增加,在我们的票价,以弥补这些经济条件。我们也期待并要求该市强制执行其自己的规则和规章,租赁费率收取计程车的业主。

4 。价格进入计程车业作为一个企业家已经经历了大幅度,在过去两年内完成。增加的价格也是一个纪念章,从每年平均为45k至上千美元, 12万人,严重影响了展望新的业主,以恢复其投资在一个合理的时间,因此,要求他们游说的城市,以增加他们的租赁价格。这反过来也将意味着这些费用被转嫁到平均租赁cabdriver ,他们反过来将别无选择,只能要么呈请市政府为越来越多的加价幅度,或延长工作时间超过75-80小时,我们的工作已。

5 。最后但非最不重要,是近期减少,在法律生活中的一辆的士车由五年至四日,日后还可能延长1年,如果保养良好。这会影响出租车车主,在一个相当严峻。考虑:鉴于这一新的规则,而买家的一个崭新的的士车,将有退休的一车不值钱,没有价值,为转售四年的时间,而由于仍有数千美元。再次,只有求助于她或他将将通过沿着这条增加费用,以唯一的顾客,他们时,司机。另一个原因,司机会要求加价,以支付预期的未来成本。



彼得阿里enger ,发言人表示, aupd (协会统一的职业司机)


梅丽莎称作主席, aupd (协会统一的职业司机)

Re: Steve, can you trust the Goole translation?

The translation back to English:

Reyes response to the Commissioner's testimony, in the transport Committee hearing in October. 25, 2007

All interested countries to the taxi industry in the Chicago Bulls team:

Recently, the taxi driver, in Chicago submitted a petition for 25 percent, transport fare increases to the Chicago City Council. This petition, including 2000's signature collection of meter receipts to prove that our average income, and put in a lot of work, organization and collected by a dedicated band Chicago cabdrivers. Hearings will be held on October 25 to hear the arguments for and against the petition. Inheritance 10-12 drivers made their requests, then Commissioner for Reyes, they did not even have been in the room for most of our testimony, that her situation, we do not need to increase the drivers. She Under her proposal, the analysis of the data, she mentioned to the board, but did not provide hard copies to any person. This letter is in response to her testimony.

We are worried that taxi drivers in the industry feel that the Commissioner of Chicago's testimony was false, unscientific, in its application in the analysis of this data, she proposed. The numbers on a website can be analyzed in many different ways, we are talking about people and their lives here, we can not overlook the human factor, in the study data. The following illustrations should show we mean clear and simple.

The testimony of Commissioner Reyes said: "The gas price volatility .... Is down-to-earth, ... It peaked earlier this year [it] went down .... Day, it may be up to a certain percentage, the second day will be a certain percentage. " She also claimed that, from the value of the data over the past two years, we are, "actually pay 9.5 percent more" than the 2005 end of gas.

Response: Although it may be true, if one were analyzed natural gas prices more than a few weeks or months will be slightly increased price volatility and decline in its hard data, in the past five years (because of our involvement in Iraq) the steady growth has substantially%. Some of these hard data are as follows. Since our last taxi fare increase, in May 2005, natural gas prices in the Chicago area have increased from an average of 217.8 US dollars (May 2005) to the current average 285.9 US dollars for October. More Currently, in the November mid-record high 317.9 US dollars. Some simple algebraic will further attest that this is a 69 percent growth in the past two years to complete. (According to United States government statistics, in and provide further information Fare increases, we received in May, 2005 was 11.8 percent, an increase to a full four years after the previous fare increases, this in itself does not keep up with, whether it is with the Consumer Price Index increases, nor natural gas prices rose four years.
In addition, the rapid glance at news we will find that the soaring oil prices to 94 US dollars a barrel, heading for 100 yuan threshold. The news also reported that these prices will not be reflected in the gas station a few months time.
But all this does not matter. We will give natural gas prices alone do not even make up an important part, so we need to raise fares.

The testimony of Commissioner Reyes said: "We will not have the number 18 [in the country's taxi fares]
We are 10th in the nation. This proposal will enable us in section 4 "

Response: The Commissioner of Police, replacing a poster brought by one of the organizers, the show compare taxi fares in the United States cities as "old statistics" and not the latest. On the contrary, this chart is the latest statistical analysis information and can go to their Web site to see it in After further analysis and reflection, however, the Director's reasoning is flawed in a major way. City taxi fares in the United States not only as a comparison, across the board, not been included in the other very important data. For example, what is the per capita income, the figure the general public's capacity to pay for taxi fare? In addition, the cost of living in Chicago, not only for its own citizens, but also for cabdrivers themselves, they must be able to live independently, after all, raise families in the same economic system.
We have a problem, for the Commissioner, so we have to: What does that mean for Chicago "10th" or even "of the 4 th" in the country's taxi fares? According to our own analysis, plus 25 percent, we would not be in the No. 4, but on the 5th. Moreover, if we look at the chart comparison cities, most of the cities mentioned, is because increases in the very near future. We expect that even if we get an increase, Chicago, will shortly be reduced to less than ten rankings for taxi fares in the United States a number of major cities. We feel that this ranking is not commensurate with the position, as the number of two Chicago economic engine, according to the metropolitan area, throughout the United States, second only to New York City. We feel that cabdrivers in Chicago, which they not only live in the city higher prices in the country, but also has taken important role in the running of the economy itself, there should be a fairer and more equitable sharing of the economy.

Commissioner Reyes's testimony: "The average class size of 11 hours"

Response: Commissioner mentioned this in passing, because if this is not statistically. I urge all of you to consider what is in the end, the statistics mean that, in human terms. Most cabdrivers is leasing drivers, which means that they hire a taxi for the weekly classes, work 12 hours a day. This means that the order to maximize our revenue, we must encourage the majority of the time, we are for. This original to the full seven days a week, if the Commissioner is correct, it used to be a 77 hour work system. Consideration should also be given, this accounts for no significant breakthrough in our Day (we can not afford - every hour lost is money lost, we can not resume because we have no choice work longer time, we now have our greatest). We did not receive any medical benefits, vacation pay or sick leave days. The owner-operators and 24-hour drivers not to have many similar constrictions, economic pressure, are the same, and in their cases. When is in a difficult period, because they are now, we do not also can choose not to work, and to participate in any other type of human concern, such as family life, hobbies, social, and cultural activities.

Commissioner Reyes's testimony, he said: "drivers, averaged 22 fares per shift," "[We] fares analysis of the information collected, the proceeds from the drivers ... 6000 people from 100 cab fare ... 775

Response: We would like to challenge provided to the Commissioner of the city of Chicago alderman, Transport Bureau, the media and our own, cabdrivers Chicago, conclusive data that this statement is based on. The reason is the following. If this is well known, the average number of fares per shift is 22, then it should be very easy enough to tell us what the average fare is also. This figure, it is easy enough to check and subtract the gas, leasing fees, taxes, and medical insurance (we bought our own), as well as maintenance costs, and tell whether we really have enough left over from that in order to enhance family. This is a very important point, we hope that all interested parties can join us for the release of this data is obtained from the Commissioner.

The testimony of Commissioner Reyes said: "The lease rate ceiling, no, in 14"
"The current limit is 493 US dollars but does have some many different surcharge ... that owners can add to the competent ... insurance, collision damage waiver, the new vehicle model, telephone or cell phone use, workmen's compensation, tax lease agreement , different things can be said, "" Some leases will be a somewhat more than 600 yuan "

Response: Until 2002, the Chicago City rules and regulations do not let alone contract ceiling. We first heard mention of the ceiling, leasing rates, in the 2004 version. Unfortunately, we failed to get our hands on any previous version of the rules and regulations to check the authenticity of the statement has not whether the ceiling in the 14, although we sincerely doubt it. In 1994, weekly lease 300 yuan. What is the reason may have may have to contract ceiling 473 US dollars at that time? Commissioner Reyes was also wrong that this amount: the current ceiling of 473, not $ 493. As we read the Rules and Regulations, we find that there is no mention of all those "extra" that the commissioner mentioned the owners can charge. This is our position that the Commissioner, as well as the rules themselves, should clearly define what is "different" can be charged with. For example: we know, collision damage waiver, the rental agreement tax and workers compensation costs should be included in the basic interest rates, or in the supplementary insurance. We challenge Commissioner explain once again how 'benchmark interest rate cap' 498 US dollars can be more or less increased by over 20 percent, exceeding the 600 US dollars, and all of these 'additional services', which makes a mockery of, or even long-term' lease rate ceiling '. If the Consumer Affairs Department of the Ministry of Commerce did not follow-up or supervision, or even the establishment of meaningful rules and terminology related to lease caps, their own rules and regulations, how can the needs and aspirations of the driver to do so? This can be considered correct, fair?

Commissioner Reyes's testimony, said: "Three years ago, medals and other average 42,000 US dollars ... Today, the average one medallions 71,000 US dollars, instead of 130,000 US dollars"

Response: Although it can be said that, the real average Price per medals, in the open market may not be 130,000 US dollars, it is nothing but less than hypocritical (at least can be said to be) that the average, 71,000 US dollars. Quick look at the dispatcher's website, will clues to how we matter. Statistics last month will further attest that the price of a souvenir badge for 105 k, 13 k, to 150,000 and the price also for one yuan, 100 yuan, or even a reasonable price, the 47,000 US dollars. If you have a per game for the dispatcher, you will get the current average 81,000 US dollars or so. But why is this' average 'means how many? Because if you track these medals to the seller and the buyer, you will find that, one yuan and 100 yuan, medals, and so are sales between family members or business partners of one or another kind. The same situation also applies to the sale of two of its partners for 47,000 US dollars. We can easily find these people and ask them.
Our question is, why is the Commissioner's departments adopt this meaningless data? If we do our scientific and statistical analysis of the medals sold, the sale price will not be thrown out on the open market (you learn how to do introduced statistics class), we will find a higher average. Now it is close to previous high end $ 130k, as a Quick Check the website will show that per month, 105k to 150,000 for the medallion is on the open market. When we do this, we can see that the actual real life into the real cost in Chicago taxi industry has increased dramatically and very, in the past year, up 300 percent!

All this being said, we now want to go back to our original argument, at the outset of the hearing on October 25, the commissioner is not in the room to hear. Our new organization is to representatives of the Chicago cabdrivers interests, and not just in their efforts to catch up with the economic crisis, we personally in, and during this recent period, but also looking ahead to the imminent economic problems in the near future which will secure affect our future economic status is not proportionate. We believe that this is in the interests of not only our drivers expected future social concern, but it is also in the interests of this city's future forward-looking, because it involves the transport industry here and Chicago.

1. Natural gas prices rose and will continue to increase. We believe that this is a consideration, and anyone who has been concerned about oil prices would have to agree. As stated above, we believe that the actual statistical ratio is 69%, due to higher prices as the recent increase in a barrel of oil.

2. According to Labor Bureau statistics, the cost of living rose by 4.6%, since our last fare increase in 2005. As also mentioned above, last year 11.8 percent did not itself with the times increase in the cost of living last year.

3. Leasing prices have greatly improved in the past few years, despite the legal authority of the lease cap from the city. As the Commissioner for the "different plus" this small city, the owners collect more and gone beyond the "rent-cap" very term becomes rather meaningless. For other economic factors affecting taxi owners (increase prices, reduce the taxi life), we expect that the owners will lease expires price increase will be requested to them, we recognize that they may be due to leasing, cap increase . We cabdrivers will require a substantial increase in our fares to make up for these economic conditions. We also look forward and asked the city to enforce its own rules and regulations, rental rates charged taxi owners.

4. Price entered the taxi business as an entrepreneur has seen a substantial, in the past two years to complete. The price increase is also a souvenir badge, from an annual average of 45 k to a thousand dollars, 120,000 people, seriously affecting looking to the new owners to restore its investment in a reasonable period of time, therefore, asking them to lobby the city to increase their leasing prices. This, in turn, means that these costs will be passed on to the average leasing cabdriver, and they in turn would have no choice but to either petition the city government for more and more fare increases or longer working hours over 75-80 hours, we work has been.

5. Last but not least is the recent reduction in the legal life of a taxi from five to four, with a possible one-year extension, if well maintained. This would affect the taxi owners, in a rather grim. Consider: In view of the new rules, the buyers of a new taxi, there will be a retirement inexpensive car, has no value for resale four years time, and because there are still thousands of dollars. Again, only she or he will turn to be passed along this additional cost to customers only they, the driver. Another reason, the driver will ask the fare increase to cover the expected future costs.

Our aupd think we have made a lot of cases here is conducive to raising fares for the Chicago cabdrivers taxi industry. We also feel that we have sufficient Commissioner Reyes refuted arguments, we do not deserve or need to increase, raising questions and challenges, her statement and position on this issue. We hope that you agree. We also respectfully ask you to consider our intention not to any arguments, we claim here, but have to ask Commissioner Reyes produced her hard data and statistics, made available to the public, and do their own independent study to determine authenticity, our arguments.


Bideali enger, the spokesman said aupd (Association reunification of the professional drivers)


梅丽莎called Madam President, aupd (Association reunification of the professional drivers)

Re: Re: Steve, can you trust the Goole translation?

i almost like this version better than the first!

Re: Re: Re: Steve, can you trust the Goole translation?

OH oh.

My translator thinks you declared war on Irkutsk!

A classic game of Risk...

A classic game of Risk...

Yakutsk invades Irkutsk. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Let the funs begin!


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

OH oh.

My translator thinks you declared war on Irkutsk!