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Chicago dispatcher, Tell the city to stop registering new taxi drivers

If Chicago dispatcher can tell the commisioner to registering new cabbies and stop flooding the city with more new cabs, it will be good for us.


Re: Chicago dispatcher, Tell the city to stop registering new taxi drivers

I meant Chicago Dispatcher should be able to tell the Commisioner NOT TO RESGISTER ANY MORE NEW TAXI DRIVERS and STOP FLOODING THE CHICAGO STREET WITH MORE AND MORE NEW TAXIS, It will really be very helpful!

Thanks CP.

Best newspaper!

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Replying to:

If Chicago dispatcher can tell the commisioner to registering new cabbies and stop flooding the city with more new cabs, it will be good for us.


Re: Re: Chicago dispatcher, Tell the city to stop registering new taxi drivers

Thanks Danny.

Your point is well taken. We have long lobbied against flooding the streets with cabs. That only dilutes how much drivers can make and it dilutes an owner's investment.

Thanks for your concern and keep posting!

George Lutfallah
Chicago Dispatcher